While some may see the title n think this is gonna be about porn... nope... in fact way more the opposite... Should we actually have a SHTF or a TEOTWAWKI... some things to think on BEFORE such... Birth control pills? birth control devices... stocked up with... ? so can you deliver a baby? and do ya got youngins about? puberty hit yet? they in the throws of... Then there is this... How long has humanity been able to cure STI's? what... maybe a 100 years? Oh and the latest reports are that at least 2 of those we could cure are becoming extremely resistant to antibiotics. Seems some dippy taking the cure probably decided... because they FELT better they were cured and did not finish the treatment... and the infection... like all other creatures ... wanted to live so it went to work creating a super/resistant infection for the next attack? From the descriptions I have read most of the nastier ones kill ya.. and does so fairly slowly with a lot of misery... Anyways... can you cure an STI? can you recognize an STI? Does anyone have the needed antibiotics for such... let's get real... can you even cure a yeast infection? Might want to stock up on that yeast infection cream... stuff? Thinkin we may have to go back the our ancestors approach? This could be a good topic for discussion... anyone wanna chip in?
Having a High Risk Labor & Delivery RN, local, makes a lot of that, not near as scary... and a newbie Labor & Delivery RN just beginning her Practice, also in the family helps as well... We have a very experienced ParaMedic, with his Stork Pin, also in the family gives us some backup and Comfort...
Refraining from sex is a voluntary act ,as well as succumbing to the temptation . The tiger you feed wins . Of my own choice I remained a virgin, and only with my wife did we have relations. Now that she is passed on I live alone and have never horsed around, nor do I want to, though the opportunity has presented it's self often. People that have a living commitment to one another have their own obligation to one another to see to their needs ,especially if they mutually care about raising their own offspring, and bringing a bit of thrill to one another's life . However , if a person is selfish , seeking his own satisfaction , is a blatant disregard for their value as a person . Consensual sex out side a marriage is still an abuse of something that has significance , The attempt to simulate something one has no intention of fallowing up on ,no matter which side of the participation is, constitutes abuse . Continued abuse devalues both the act an the persons involved. no longer is it special ,and if their is product ,becomes a burden some one will have to bear, as will the child as a result.
Nope. I thought this was going to be about a new singles Survivalist dating site or something. Most likely I could recognize a symptom. And hopefully if you meet a partner in post-shtf, they would be honest about symptoms if condoms were not available. Candida can be dealt with naturally. Post-shtf just the elimination of processed foods and low sugar intake will help greatly. Garlic is your friend when battling candida so is apple cider vinegar. Yogurt, kefir and sauerkraut help kill the bad bacteria. As for raging teenage hormones, hopefully there is a parent that will really stress that one act can change your whole life and really make them think before acting. Unwanted pregnancies have always happened, just have to hope that the children (adults also) choose wisely. What was our ancestors approach?
Very interesting subject. I came of age post '60's and just as AIDS hit. Talk about scary. As far as un-expected pregnancies the R.C. church says the rhythm method works. But when I was in school you knew which families were Catholic, they had a child in every grade k thru12. As far as STD's, didn't Mao use draconian methods to get rid of them in red china after Chang fled to Formosa? Isolating patients in what were contagion colonies away from others. Abstinence is the only sure method to reduce both.
Thanks for that input, I for one have caught more yeast infections that I ever want to have. Speaking of raging hormones, what do you think will be the agreed upon age of consent... say 2 generations into a TEOTWAWKI event? Rancher
Also cutting out sugar & prossesed foods . & treating with Oregano oil of you do get it (oral treatment.. Dont rub it on or if you do make sure to video for youtube.....)
If the SHTF situation is anything like the movies I've seen , hygiene is going to be a problem , so this could compound the STD's problems. I did read somewhere , maybe on here , that a woman's yeast infections came in handy for biscuit making . Now , I did read that article , and it was kind of hard to stomach , pun intended , not that I want to try them biscuits. But maybe there is uses for some infections, bacteria , but knowing the use and application will be essential. But the original post brings up some serious concerns to think about. If any of yall try that biscuit recipe , I think it could actually be one of those special locked away family secrets that we really don't need to hear about.
was Biblical I guess... abstain until... and then only drink from your own well... they didn't have antibiotics so avoiding was a matter of choosing with care and after only doin stuff with your mate... at least that was the preferred method... than as now ya had some that didn't do either...
Sex is just a natural part of human interaction and I have no intentions of giving it up just because of a condom shortage. I have antibiotics on hand, if needed and had a vasectomy in 1978 so making babies ain't an issue. Never really gave it much thought, if I enjoy a person and we want to become intimate, no big deal.
I have a couple of NP's in my group so I think we can deliver a baby OK. However, I also have about 500 condoms stored. Not for me, but for younger members of the group and for barter. I read on Selco's blog (SHTF School) that antibiotics and condoms are two things to store if you can. Sex is gonna happen regardless of the risk. Might as well be realistic and get ready for it.
500 , Thats more than i'll ever get laid in 80 years , I did the math ,, Then again , you can wash them & reuse !! I Know yuck , but I have when in the 60's , So do you get a get deal if you order 500/time ? Were you asked if your a porn place ? I didn't know they came in different sizes DUH !! So many things are not in my world !! Sloth
Bulk from Amazon. Now go get lucky Sloth. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00XF3ZLO4/?tag=survivalmonke-20