Batteries for the next 25 years or so?

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Blackjack, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. kactusbri

    kactusbri Monkey+++

    Not to burst the bubbles of all you solar power fans out there,but in the event of shtf where volcanoes spit ash high up into the atmoshere all around the world and sunlight is diminished consideably for years,even decades,how good is solar power going to be? Just a thought not being malicious[dunno]
  2. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    I'm just not lookin for that to happen.
  3. ripsnort

    ripsnort Monkey+++

    I'm not looking for that to happen either. You can come up with scenarios that would take out any source of power. Hydropower - drought or floods. Wind mills - no wind or too much. Generators - EMP or running out of fuel.
    PV is expensive, but very reliable, very long lasting and no moving parts.
  4. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Hardcore Armchair,answer from my comfortably warm and well lit livingroom, Smartass hardcore answer? phase out of needing power...agreed like the y2k folks who stored gensets and fuel once that goes and it will you are clinging to a nonsutainable I personnaly prepared to go cold turkey off the 20th and 21stcentury lifestyle???? in a word: No.Buuuut its worth discussing...
  5. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    I hope we all realize not every situation is survivable.You ARE going to die, we would like it to be of old age, but pumice cement in the lungs from volcanic ash has the same end result.As do:

    Nuetron overdose
    massive internal injury,
    loss of blood...
    gun shot wound( see internal injury)
    pick your favorite
    ( What a happy guy...)
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