I may have invented a new word - Excuseism but it has become an overwhelming problem in our society. Maybe if we classify it as a disease, it will gain national attention, celebrities can sign on for telethons, we can get some much needed excuseism rehab centers built so we can start the healing from this disaster. Kidding aside, why is it that people feel the need to offer excuses for their behavior or actions. Can we no longer stand up for our beliefs or, when we are wrong, admit that we are mistaken. I am sick of excuses. Personal responsibility has gone the way of the horse and buggy - still found in a small percentage of the population but an anomoly. Help stamp out excuseism today by admitting a mistake and graciously accepting the consequences. You'll be the better for it.
Amen! When something gets broken or lost or left in the wrong place, we've taught our children to raise their hand and confess "I did it." And we model that behavior ourselves. When our child freely admits to doing something wrong, there is no 'punishment' (no swat, no removal of an unrelated priviledge such as tv/computer). We do explain why what they did was wrong, offer alternative behaviors that are more correct, and if appropriate, we impose a relative consequence. For example, if I find an empty glass of milk in the living room: Me: Who left this here? Kid 1: Not me. Kid 2: I did it. Me: Thank you Kid 2 for being a big kid and admitting you did it. Where is this supposed to go? Kid 2: In the dishwasher. Me: Why? Kid 2: Because leaving it out is messy. Me: And because the cat will drink from it, and it'll make him throw up (we have one of those cats that's a puker). Kid 2: Sorry, Mama. Me: That's okay Sweetie, but, from now on, you need to keep your food and drinks in the kitchen until you can be more responsible. Kid 2: Okay Mama. Me: Now go put this in the dishwasher. Simple really. But we believe that it sets the stage for being responsible to the big things later in life. Our culture is so focused on building self-esteem and self-worth that we've forgotten how to be accountable for our actions. We certainly wouldn't want Johnny to feel bad about breaking the window with the baseball. Feeling bad might damage his self-esteem. Blech!
I would help stamp it out but I have always beleived a good excuse was the best defense against having to accept responsibility for something that you didn't want to do in the first place. Without excuses, I never would have dated a lot of ugly women. Without excuses, I couldn't accidentally drink too much and forget about dinner at the inlaws. I think excuses should be placed right back up there where they belong; any other way and some people might start thinking the government isn't doing a great job.
PRU you done good all the others have not a worthy excuse. Take responsability, for your actions, love GOD, eat sheets if you don't make your bed and lay in it. And I m close to perfect or close to it ,,,,,I guessssssssss
ahem.... More than 2 of us can use that one... I asked to be excused from the dinner table last night....
Sometimes you have to play the game to slide under their defenses..... A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do....