Original Work Christopher's Writing Thread

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by ChrisNuttall, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. jukk0u

    jukk0u Monkey+++

    Hi Mr. Nuttall. Did you take Cruel stars down?
  2. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    Yes. I can't leave copies around when I put it up for sale.

  3. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar likes this.
  4. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

  5. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    MerzdorfM and Dont like this.
  6. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    MerzdorfM likes this.
  7. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar and mysterymet like this.
  8. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar and mysterymet like this.
  9. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    techsar and mysterymet like this.
  10. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    I've never seen you take down a thread (the princess in the tower) until it was fully posted and allow a certain amount of time to read it before it disappeared... now. I'm sorry, but I seem to have missed the last three chapters of it despite constant screen refreshes....

    Is that what happened ? Or is the system glitching. Or, are you going to start allowing us to only read a certain number of chapters before you delete and move to amazon...

    Anybody else ?
  11. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    The Princess in the Tower finished up at least two weeks ago. I can't speak for Chris but it's been my experience that he does leave it up for a couple of weeks afterwards but once the cover shows up, publishing is imminent and the cover showed up...earlier this week I think?
  12. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    WELL F**K.
    I've been looking for updates, which I look for (on his writiings, every day...) can't understand whether things on this end just locked up.... Now I guess I will have to throw myself on his mercy... (I can't work anymore, stage 4 lung cancer) so his writing is one of my few entertainments I can handle.... Not sure what went wrong...
  13. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    PM me an address and I'll send you the first draft.

    Yard Dart, KrisP and DarkLight like this.
  14. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Because Chris is an awesome human being and a real stand up guy!
    MerzdorfM likes this.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

  16. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    I'm pretty sure I posted the whole thing last week, but I couldn't leave it up indefinitely.

  17. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    I sent you a PM 'conversation' email addy....
    I promise to put up a book report on Amazon after you have it up...
  18. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    MerzdorfM and Ganado like this.
  19. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    Ganado and ghrit like this.
  20. ChrisNuttall

    ChrisNuttall Monkey+++

    mysterymet likes this.
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