If you were hiring for Entry Level Jobs, in a Tech environment, How would like the applicants to answer this question? “ How do you spend your leasure time? “ How would you evaluate their answer, if they said, “ Video Games”....
I'd like to know they had other interests to go with the tech talent. Methinks playing 'puter games isn't going to win me over.
It takes a certain mindset for gaming that potentially works well in a tech environment. I wouldn't base my opinion of their abilities on that before I asked them if they were any good at them. My step-son spent a ridiculous amount of time playing video games when he was a kid. I taught him how to run a friction crane and in a record short time, he became one of the best operators I have ever worked with. His hand-eye coordination was unbelievable and he had an understanding of three dimensional direction, inertia, and gravity that made me rethink that all that gaming was a waste of time.
I think this is an age gap thing.... and maybe just an odd interview question. Most folks in Tech related jobs have or are currently involved in gaming to some degree. I am working on a new electrical/data project for a company right now, that's number one concern is how their virtual reality lab comes out. I like video games, my X-box gets used often when I want to disconnect from reality and relax for a bit. I am "almost" 50 and see nothing wrong with playing games as a hobby. I have been screwing around with console and PC games since Atari.. I kicked the shit out of Frogger. Asking about their off time hobbies is no interest to me, I never go that personal when I interview (I interview folks often). I am more concerned about how they tick (think), work experience, work habits, goals and aspirations. If a 20, 30 or whatever something said in casual conversation during the interview that they liked video games, I would not bat an eye.....I give a shit. I drive a pretty hard line with my personnel and rarely get into their personal stuff, unless they want to vent or talk about an issue. I am currently Level 28 on Survival mode with Fallout 4..... that is an interest of mine and if I hear someone talking about FF4, Civ or similar games, I listen.
It wouldn't impress me. I guess you could ask them what games they like.This could tell you something.
I'd prefer candidates that got their hands dirty on occasion. It makes for a better balance, and lets face it, these days people "code" mostly by dragging applets in a GUI as opposed to assembly. I'd take "I work on my car", "I go dirt biking", "fishing", etc, over video gaming any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Maturity, real world problem solving, and balance IMO make for a better, happier, and more productive employee.
The question was how do you spend your leisure time. Leisure is the key word. Gaming is fine especially for a tech job IMO. I never really understood why this was asked during job interviews.
"How do you spend your leisure time? “ How would you evaluate their answer, if they said, “ Video Games”...." The question does give one some insight to the character of the individual. Think about it then think about the thousand different answers... "I spent a lot of time this past year helping in the Republican convention." "I do volunteer work at the Plan Parenthood." "I chase skirt!" "I take university classes at night so I have very little leisure time." "I'm a musician in my off time, play some gigs." "Nothing. I sit around in my underwear eating chili with my fingers watching reruns of NFL games." How one spends one off time tells us much especially those in the younger and middle years...
I'm in the tech industry. My response is .. what free time. I've got a family, a farm and heat my house with wood.
I actually have a tech that is a lead guitarist in a hard rock band. He is one of my best guys and is a real pusher to his crew.
And are you judging my lifestyle... I must still be in my younger years, I still chase skirts, but in a skirt they run real fast! Rancher
Q: How do you spend your leisure time. A: Thinking up smart-@$$ answers to questions like this. A: Running a site of questionable repute on TOR. A: Number crunching previous winning PowerBall Lotto numbers to plan this weeks tickets. A: It's ALL leisure time baby! A: I'm sorry, I totally zoned out there, this is the first time I've sat down in almost a week...seriously. A: Building mannequins so I can drive in the HOV lane.
what RH/RG DR Sea YD said plus Moto Bandit VT plus all yall have made gud points BT plus GH yall are right to be apprehensive n some gamers have exceptional skills that sometimes help in the real world, others do not .. depends on the individual .. In Tech if yer not a gamer or former gamer there might be something seriously about ya, n that might be a warning sign certain types of games might be a warning sign n might need to be factored into hiring decisions .. if they answer that question in the affirmative there are dozens of follow up questions that ya should ask or ya should get a gamer to ask em a yuuuuuuuge number of questions .. ya should also polygraph em n tell em 'show me' .. in some states that might get ya sued .. .mil is usin games n simulators extensively plus they are sponsoring certain games, they have determined there is value in games n sims ..
I had someone ask what kind of car I drove and why. Prior to answering I asked why? Actually I said "That's an interesting question and before I answer I'd like to understand your reasoning behind it." He said it was just something that he'd found gave at least a little insight into personality. I told him what I drove and why, then I asked what he drove and why. His answer was much better than mine. He drove a Nissan Maxima, which he hated but it was paid off and he just couldn't come to terms with how much a BMW was going to cost.
I was once asked if I ever lost money on a project. I answered that I had..... he then wanted details, what I learned and so on. After the interview he asked if I had any questions. I went back to this one and asked how my response was. He said that if you had never lost money on a project, you were either lying or had not been in the trade long enough.
plus ya gotta test em for illegal drugs .. not once n not twice .. that applies to all applicants from zero to 120 years old