I agree MM, the TV interviews of the shooter's brother gave me the impression that he was hiding something. He was overly animated whether it was being sad, talking about his estranged normal, non-political, non-religious brother, and his total shock that anyone in his family could be so far beyond legal and sane behavior. I think he knows more; and is fearful for his own safety, as well as the need to turn state's evidence if a deal can be made for himself. He is not going to spill his guts, or reveal his suspicions about his brother quite yet. JMHO.
i take issue with the “ Aimed Firepower” part of the above,..... at that distace, he was using “ The Spray & Hit what ever is Down Range” technique...
I read an article earlier, which discussed how many more targets he could have hit with a good scope and semi auto fire from a .308 or equal platform. He threw a hell of a lot of rounds down range with little impact. Thank God that most of our community type have no interest nor drive to shoot folks up.....we could cause much worse. It will be interesting to hear the FBI report on how many shots were fired, vs folks hit. I suspect it was a small percentage in general. Most of the 500+ injured were most likely due to the crowd panicking and trampling folks. Time will tell....... God bless to those fallen and injured from this wacko... not sure how you stop these anomalies from popping up from time to time....there is no easy cure nor rule of law that will prevent these actions.
Exactly my point, Accuracy in Full Auto Fire, at that range, is an illusion, by anyone who hasn’t beem thoughly Trained for that type of fire... So far the hasn’t been one bit of information about where this Yahoo learned to shoot, or practiced with his weapons... Not one Gun RangeMaster has come forward to say this Yahoo regularly practiced at his range, or that he spent any time learning to shoot.. WHY IS THAT? If he had been at a Range, i was RangeMaster on, i would have contacted the FBI, the first day, and his picture was published very early on... We know so little about this fellow, other than he bought a pile of Guns, most if not all legal to own, and passed all the Background Checks... He had the means and cash, to even buy any NFA Weapon he chose as he has NO CRIMINAL RECORD, Period... There is a lot that we do not know.. Still waiting for more FACTs... Then there is the “Explosives” that the FEDs have been talking about, but never actually naming the Energetics involved, untill today... It is Tannerite... he had 50# of in in his car, and an unspecified amount in his Hotel Room, as well as more at his residence... Again, Totally legal to possess, in ANY AMOUNT... So as soon as this really hits the MSM, expect the Liberals to DEMAND, that the ATF REGULATE it as well...
I'll buy that he executed alone. I don't buy that he planned and operated alone. From his high overwatch position he had adequate casualties for spray and pray amateur firing, probably around 10 rounds per hit. His positioning, caliber choice, and timing suggest someone was coaching him. I also feel he planned on making it out alive and think maybe the girlfriends story is a little skewed. My opinion is that he gave her $100,000 to buy a house because he planned to flee to the Philippines after the deed. All we can do is speculate, but I think if the truth ever does surface we'll find it was another plot to enact more gun control and we all know who in this Country is behind that.
Ever wonder why machine gunners are taught a simple mnemonic to time the bursts from their weapon? It is more than just trying to control barrel heating. While machine guns do have sights - some can even be equipped with scopes - the ammo is laced with tracer rounds for a reason. I hate to think how much worse this could have turned out if this pouge had used tracers instead of just ball ammo. I'm waiting to hear something definitive on the real damage done at the airport. Given the situation, those 'facts' may be months to years away....
My son just showed me the same meme. Since we were at Mandalay Bay this Spring somethings do not add up. How could he have disabled the smoke detector? Cut through the window? Makes no sense. When we were there, the room fridge was packed full of expensive stuff. I took it all out, set it aside then when we left, I put it all back in. The refrigerator had a sensor. As soon as one thing was taken out it sent a message to the front desk and it added onto my bill. Those rooms are wired to let the hotel room know what to charge for. The smoke detector would have alerted if he had touched it. Some have been questioning getting all the guns and ammo into the hotel. There is no security checking backs, no metal detectors etc. Here is a picture of the boys entering the hotel. Notice the guy in front of them has a rolling cooler. How much ammo can you fit into a cooler? People were wheeling in large suitcases. How many guns could you fit into a suitcase? IMO getting all that stuff into the hotel was easy. As for the window breaking, that is the question because that should have triggered an alarm and before he got it broke open, security should have been at the door.
Moto, apparently you missed the established FACT that the InRoom WIRED Smoke Detector was triggered by the Smoke from all the Ammunition being expended, which caused the Hotel Security Guy, to be dispatched to check it out, who was shot in the Leg, as he advanced down the Hallway toward the Room... They knew that there was SMOKE in HIS ROOM because the Fire Detection System informed the Hotel Security of that fact.... What he disabled was the Stand Alone Smoke Detector which is ALSO Required by the Fire Regulations & Building Codes... We have both of these Systems in ALL our Employee Bunkhouses, and if the WIRED Detector is tampered with, it triggers the Security Alarm, but NOT the Fire Alarm... and Security would have gone direct up and checked out the Alarm... as soon as he messed with it...
I don't think the windows on the 32nd floor are wired to show breakage. Normally, the resident would call that in - if it had ever happened - which it hadn't. The guy did have a hammer (can be sen in crime scene pics) to bust out the glass to get a clear LOS to the concert venue and the airport. Still wondering if he hit any aircraft. The JANET (Groom lake contract flight provider) terminal is on that side of the terminal... I'm no loger plugged into that world, but it would be interesting to find out what that side of the world (Spooksville) is doing...
Saw this elsewhere... just some questions mind you... #1 Photos of Stephen Paddock’s hotel room have been leaked, and one of those photos appears to show a suicide note. Why hasn’t the public been told what is in that note? #2 Were there additional shooters? A taxi driver reportedly captured video of an automatic weapon being fired out of a lower level window. A video from another angle and brief footage captured by Dan Bilzerian also seem to confirm that automatic gunfire was coming from a floor much lower than the 32nd floor room that Stephen Paddock was located on. And if you weren’t convinced by the first three videos, this fourth video should definitely do it. #3 Why were law enforcement authorities discussing “another suspect on the fourth floor”, and why isn’t the mainstream media talking about this? #4 As Jon Rappoport has pointed out, it would have been impossible for Stephen Paddock to kill and wound 573 people in less than five minutes of shooting with the kinds of weapons that he is alleged to have used. So why won’t law enforcement authorities acknowledge this fact? #5 How in the world did Paddock get 42 guns and “several thousand rounds of ammo” into his hotel room without anyone noticing? #6 How did someone with “no military background” and that wasn’t a “gun guy at all” operate such advanced weapons? Because what we are being told by the mainstream media just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. I really like how Natural News made this point… Far from what the firearms-illiterate media claims, these are not systems that any Joe off the street can just pick up and use to effortlessly mow down 500 people. Running these systems requires extensive training, experience and stamina. It is physically impossible for a guy like Stephen Paddock to operate such a system in the sustained, effective manner that we witnessed, especially when shooting from an elevated position which throws off all the ranging of the weapon system. Far from being a Navy Seal, Stephen Paddock is a retired accountant senior citizen with a gambling problem and a flabby physique. The only way he could have carried out this shooting is if he were transformed into a human superweapon through a magic wand. I’m calling this “Mission IMPOSSIBLE” because of the physical impossibility of a retired, untrained senior citizen pulling this off. #7 Why was one woman telling people in the crowd that they were all going to die 45 minutes before the attack? #8 Why did it take law enforcement authorities 72 minutes to get into Stephen Paddock’s hotel room? #9 Why did Paddock wire $100,000 to the Philippines last week? #10 Why was Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley, in the Philippines when the attack took place? Did she know what was about to happen? #11 Was Paddock on antidepressants like so many other mass killers in the past have been? #12 Why was ISIS so eager to take responsibility for this attack, and why was the FBI so quick to dismiss that connection? #13 Apparently Paddock had earned millions of dollars “through real estate deals”. If he was so wealthy, why would he all of a sudden snap like that? #14 Why did he move so frequently? It is being reported that Paddock had 27 different residences during his adult life. #15 Why were nearly all of the exits out of the concert venue completely blocked?… In essence, the concert trapped the people, preventing them from escaping, and denying them the ability to seek cover. From there, sustained, full-auto gunfire is almost impossible to survive. From Fox News, a caller named Russell Bleck, who survived the shooting, said live on air, “There were ten-foot walls blocking us in. We couldn’t escape. It was just a massacre. We had nowhere to go.” #16 Why was a country music festival chosen as the target? Was the goal to kill as many Trump supporters and other conservatives as possible? And is there evidence that Stephen Paddock was connected to Antifa in any way? At first I thought that this was a fairly straightforward story too, but the more I have dug into it the more complex things have become. 16 Unanswered Questions About the Vegas Massacre » Politichicks.com
As to Point #1... Why do you think that the LE doesn't release MOST of the Pertinate Specific Info, to the Public... THINK... As to POINT #2 & #3.... If there was a shooter on ANY other Floor besides the Floors with the Knocked out Windows, How did they shoot out thru a Imbedded Window, at those other locations??? This windows are NOT designed to be REMOVED and REPLACED easily... and in an hour or two.... As it takes Specific Tools, to do so.... There are MANY UnKnowledgeable Folks talking about SO-CALLED FACTs that they have little of NO actual Knowledge about.... As to Point #4... Certainly is NOT Impossible, or even improbable... When one fires in a "Spray & Pray" fashion on a LARGE Crowd, you get the kind of distribution of Hits similar to what actually happened,in this incident... He didn't have to AIM, or be Accurate in his Direction of fire except to hit a 20 Degree X 20 Degree Arc... Even a MORON can do that with the Weapons of choice... and LAW Enforcement KNOWS this, and anyone with any Training with fireArms certainly should acknowledge this.... As to Points #5.... The guy was a RICH, High Roller Gambler who dumped 20KUS the night before... He was a "Whale" that casinos make the MONEY OFF OF.... They do NOT check Luggage of such Whales, and he had DAYS, to move the stuff up to the Room... As to Point #6... He didn't hit 500 People... Most of the Injured were Injured by getting Crowd Stomped, and NOT by Gun Fire.... Notice that NONE of the MSM News Folks have tallied up exactly HOW MANY were hit by GunFire.... Do you NOT think the LE Knows by now, what that number is.... Just how hard do you think it is to fire a BumpFire in a "Spray & Prey" Senerio.. This isn't Rocket Science, and I bet ANY Monkey could do it in a HeartBeat.... As to Point #8... When he saw the Hotel Security Guy heading up the Hall, toward his Room, he fired off a bunch off rounds at him and hit him ONCE in the leg... Then retreated to his Room, and blew his Brains OUT... end of Shooting... Now the SWAT Guys KNEW that the Shooting had Stopped, and the Security Guy was HIT, near the Room, on the 37th Floor, that the WIRED Smoke Detector had gone OFF in, so they knew where he was, and waited until they figured he had Bled Out... Just prudent "Everyone Goes HOME in One Piece" Policing.... as to Point #9, & #10 They Guy was generous to a Fault with his MONEY, to the People who MATTERED to him, like his Mother, Brother and GirlFriend... Duh... What does that have to do with the Price of Tea in China? As to Points #13 & #14 The Guy made a TON of money in Real Estate Dealings,,, HOW Do you do that? You BUY and SELL lots of places, and you ALSO Have to LIVE in that AREA to KNOW Where the DEALS ARE... So you move around a LOT.... Duh... As to Point #15 Some one is OVER-THINKING this BS.... "Impossible to Survive" This is HORSE Crap, On it's FACE... Out of the 10's of THOUSANDS attending the Concert 500 or so were Injured, and MOST of those by Crowd Stomping.... Come ON Get REAL... Now Since this type of Venue in out in the OPEN, and MOST of the recent Mass Casualty Incidents, recently, were caused by Heavy 'Vehicles Running OVER People, just how would YOU try and deter that Senerio... 10Ft High Concrete Walls make a TON of Sense, if you are a Security Dude... USE YOUR Brain a bit, more... PLEASE... As to Point #16... When you get to HELL, maybe you can ASK him Directly.... Some folks and the complete MSM News Outfits, just do not use their THINKING CAPS, when covering Stories and Incidents like this... But BLATHER ON, about things that they have little or NO REAL Knowledge about... Making themselves look like REAL Dufus'es.... Wait for the FACTS to be revealed, and that will take Weeks or Months... All that is happening NOW is a Few FACTS, and a Double TON of Speculation, being blather about as FACTs.. Good thing Emote's do not work Today... I would have used a BUNCH of them in this Reply... I think I need a DUFUS one just for this....
I think some need to simmer down so we can carry on a polite conversation. Forums are a place to throw around ideas and speculations then civilly discuss them.
Simple fact is, neither side has enough evidence to backup or prove their contention. Until FedGov releases real info, we just don't know. Too much frufru floating around.
Here's the rub. With all the attention on this issue. What else is going on elsewhere. Yep the ENTIRE country is talking about this, watching this .. one could figuratively walk into a store .. load a cart .. and walk out .. without a single person noticing. Bread and circuses.
In case you wanted to know how a bump fire stock works, CNN provided a nifty graphic. It somehow makes me think of something I can't quite put my finger on like trains going into a tunnel or a snappy tune that goes "bow wow wow chicka bow wow":