"No sympathy for Vegas victims, 'probably Republicans'"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandit99, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Olympic mountain man

    Olympic mountain man just a lonely cook

    Manchurian candidate mk ultra ???????
  2. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    Moulton, an Iraq War veteran and potential contender for the 2020 Democratic
    presidential nomination, tweeted Monday that he would "NOT be joining my
    colleagues in a moment of silence on the House floor that just becomes an
    excuse for inaction."
  3. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    For a politician at any level to not engage in in a moment of silence for something like this is just plain disrespect to the fallen and the families of , and to the 1st responders who risk their lives in these and other situations.
    In my opinion, he's not fit for office with these actions. Maybe he thought they were all republicans as well. To me, that just shows disrespect for the people he is wanting to serve. " To Serve " , maybe that's the lost term these politicians have forgotten about their terms in office. They're in it for their own personal agendas, not the good of the country. They refuse to work together to find common ground , maybe we the citizens should somehow enact a law, that in their 1st 6 months after election they haven't made an effort to work together, they should be run out of there, and the next in line take his shot at it.
    I'm getting a little long winded here , and maybe off topic , so I'll just step off my soapbox , for now. This country is being divided into so many different factions, it cannot hold strong if this continues. There is other countries that have and is going thru this , they all want their own rules, laws, and beliefs followed. I hate to see this country torn apart by another civil war , but we may be on a collision course with it.
    Yard Dart and Itchba like this.
  4. Sgt Nambu

    Sgt Nambu RIP 4/19/2018

    I wonder if her wife is angry about her losing her job?
    Seawolf1090 likes this.
  5. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

  6. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    Yes more people who want to kill everyone who loves America. Gee, if we could only see things her way we could all get along and be happy. Of course we would all be dead and she would be dancing on our graves, but that is a small price to pay for peace and love.


    State Employee Issues Horrifying Statement About LV Shooting… Fire Her Now

    Any one listen to the tapes? It sounds like TWO guns firing at once, an AK and an AR/M16, and then one gun stops and it sounds like one being reloaded. Either of these guns on full auto at 600 rds/min that 30 rd mag doesn't last long, listen to the tape again and keep that ion mind. OBVIOUS FALSE FLAG here!
  7. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    This shows how out of touch the far left is with reality.
    They think few to no democrats listen to country music. But infact there is no shortage of American Democrat voters who listen to countey music and love America.
    All this extreme vile vitriolic liberal/Democrat hate is doing is forcing more normal democrats to the independent and Republican side.
  8. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    hmm... so I got this right... in her mind they and their families are less then human and deserve suffering pain and death?

    all because they have a different view and are in the way of her utopia?

    what is wrong here? How can people feel this way toward their countryman?
    M118LR likes this.
  9. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member


    Here. :)
    Gator 45/70 and Yard Dart like this.
  10. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    I believe the mass shooting originating authority had a meeting and guy in charge (killery klinton maybe) was like "hey we need that country music demographic shooting like a year ago, plans a, b, c, d, all fell through. Steve, you need to personally take care of this right now". Steve got up, smartly said the groups motto/greeting, gave what ever hand gesture or salute they use, something akin to a "heil hitler" and walked out.
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