File Download Charlies Requiem: Novella by Walt Browning Free for the next few days on Amazon

Discussion in 'Survival Reading Room' started by AD1, Sep 28, 2017.

  1. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    My good friend Walt Browning is coming out with book 3 in his series Charlies Requiem, which is the first part of the series written by Walt and my friend Angery American a.k.a. Chris Weatherman author of Going Home.

    It colocated in the "Mouse House" area of Florida when the EMP that hits in Going Home series.

    Charlies Requiem a Novella is free on Amazon Kindle until this 9/29/2017

    Down load the free book here

    The third in the Charlies series is coming out at the end of October

    Motomom34 likes this.
  2. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Thank you. I just sent it to my kindle. Have you read the first two?
    AD1 likes this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Thanks! I always like these type of stories if they are well written. I have downloaded the Novella and will see if I like it before purchasing book 2 - which BTW is very reasonably priced until 30 Sept (Saturday). I did purchase and read the first one in the 'Going Home' series but refused to pay $12 for a digital book (it's more than the paperback which makes no sense!) so sadly never got to finish the series.

    Currently, finishing up the 'The New World' series by Michael G. Hopf which is one of the best I ever read and can highly recommend it.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017
    AD1 likes this.
  4. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    The first two Charlie's books were great (if a little unsettling). I'm looking forward to book 3.
  5. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    Yes. I have read both. If you liked the Going Home series you will like this series. I paid for the Novella amd book two.

    Its a look at the collapse when In a major city and getting out of dodge.

    He has another book called The Book Of Frank:and the Archangel Platoon
    I love this book also but I hated (kidding) the ending. If you read it you will know why.

    “ISIS captured a town in Iraq, trapping Catholic children and their caregiving nuns. Western governments were unable or unwilling to help. The children’s enslavement or death was certain unless Frank and a band of ex-military warriors could bring them back.

    Frank Martel, an ex-Marine, had finished his first year as a Jesuit novitiate. His path to the church was littered with doubt, anger and a failed relationship. Maggie and Frank were inseparable at first, but his loss of passion caused her to leave. Now, Maggie and Frank are once again thrown together as they attempt to rescue the helpless children that had been left behind.

    Frank’s bloodline traced back 1300 years. Charles Martel had successfully stopped the Islamic Caliphate at the battle of Tours in 732. Would Frank be able to follow in Charles’ footsteps and stop the Caliphate once again?

    Hired by a private Catholic organization, Frank, Maggie and the Archangel Platoon take on the task of saving the innocent while struggling with their own past.

    The future isn’t always clear, even if the cause is just.
  6. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Thanks, @AD1 ! Got mine just under the wire after snooping through prepared ham earlier today! It's in holding pattern behind a pair of books by our own @DKR .
    AD1 likes this.
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