Foot ball sucks it really really sucks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bishop, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. azrancher

    azrancher Monkey +++

    Partial list of sponsors and numbers -

    Anheuser-Busch – 800-DIAL BUD (342-5283)
    Barclaycard US – 888-232-0780
    Bose – 800-379-2073
    Bridgestone – 866-775-6480
    Campbell's Soup Company – 800-257-8443 -- @CampbellSoupCo
    Castrol – 800-462-0835 – @Castrol –
    Courtyard Marriott – 800-721-7033 or 800-535-4028
    Dairy Management, Inc. – 847-803-2000
    Dannon – 877- 326-6668
    Extreme Networks – 888-257-3000
    FedEx – 800-463-3339
    Frito-Lay (PepsiCo) 800-352-4477
    Gatorade (PepsiCo) 800-884-2867
    Hyundai Motor America – 714-965-3000 or 800-633-5151 --
    Mars Snackfood – 908-850-1753
    Microsoft – 425-882-8080
    Nationwide – 614-249-7111
    News America – 800-462-0852 – 212-782-8000
    Papa John's – 877-547-7272 – (502) 261-7272
    Pepsi – 972-334-7000 or 800-433-2652
    Procter & Gamble – 800-332-7787 or 513-983-1100
    Quaker (PepsiCo) – 800-367-6287
    Verizon – 212-395-1000 – 800 760 4658
    Visa – 650-432-3200
    USAA – 210-456-1800

    Here's a letter copied to Anheuser-Busch, others to follow:
    Due to the anti-American actions of the NFL, and due to your support of the NFL, I will no longer be purchasing your products. I am an avid Bud Lite drinker. No longer, I will switch brands starting tomorrow, until such times you withdrawn support of the NFL. Also, I will attempt to influence other who use your products to follow suit.
    Thank you

    I think this is a great start... is Miller (or whomever owns them now) an NFL advertiser? If not be sure to mention you are switching to Miller Lite, and name the other competitors to Pepsi... Coke?
    Make sure you state that this is not a Conservative vs Liberal, or a Republican vs Democrat issue, it is an American issue, if the NFL players want to sit, let them play Soccer for Argentina, or Brazil.

    This forum is not big enough to make a difference, so pass this on to all the other forums that you are members in, also Facebook has local chit chat forums for just about every City, and County in the United States. Also on Twitter, which I have and probably never use.

    Cut and paste what I have stated above and see if we can make a difference!

  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have watched exactly two football games in my life, bot were superball games, the New Orleans Saints won one of them, the New England Patriots won the other, I cannot recall who lost either game. These idiots pay a game to amuse us for a living. I respect their right to protest and the more we bitch about it, the more effective their protest is. You want it to stop? Then just ignore it and they'll go back to holding their crotches during the National Anthem. Keep pouring pepper on it and it will keep burning the roof of your mouth. It is only a problem because we allow it to be a problem. I respect the trade of being a soldier and I love my country, the one I was born in. I do not love our government, our politics, and I cannot even stretch my logic to where I can how any war we have fought since the war of northern aggression, has anything at all to do with defending freedom. I don't wave flags. I volunteered to do my part to feed the machine but that is all it was, I wanted to be a soldier and it had nothing at all to do with freedom, it had to do with being a career choice in an honorable and needed profession.Let the cheap beggars make an ass of themselves, it only works it we empower it.
  3. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Ran across a story referencing the first black to have receive the CMH.. Someone called into question the timing of the article in light of the protest that are currently under discussion as possible distraction. Being the good Monkey I am, I looked at the source article :

    First Black Medal Of Honor Recipient's Act of 'Defiance': He Never Let The Flag Touch The Ground,

    and then looked it up here: - Sergeant CARNEY, WILLIAM H., U.S. Army

    Compared to this Gentleman those protesting athletes are , umh ,,,, Well. Vet's know what I mean.
    Gator 45/70, Tully Mars and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Total waste of brain & the ones who play will get there also to match
    Motomom34 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Ura-Ki and Motomom34 like this.
  6. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    If the NFL wants to protest our Armed Forces and Police, I will boycott their games, products, and their sponsor's products as well. No money for those giving aid or comfort to our enemies!
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  7. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Freedom of speech is and always will be a two way street. Boycotts will not work not enough to make them stop unfortunately my 2 cents not that it means much
    Ura-Ki and Motomom34 like this.
  8. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    It might not stop it but if it hurts profits and players salaries have to be lowered I will be happy.
    3M-TA3 and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    We Americans are weak when it comes to Boycotts a few will hold on to it but most go yeah yeah Boycott where's my beer for Thursday night football
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  10. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    As a stock holder of most of the Companies/Corporations displayed on Yard Darts excellent post, I have emailed the appropriate brokerages etc. with my Notice of concern. I simply stated that I was concerned about guilt by association, enclosed the attachment, Requested that they do not condone acts by NFL employees "On the Clock" that cast OUR company in a dis-favorable light. Suspending all advertisements until the NFL solves thier Managerial Problem. 20+ year USN Vet and Stock holder.
  11. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    It seems that Mr. Villanueva is backtracking now. Since I don't watch overpaid sports I can't boycott.
    Motomom34 and Ura-Ki like this.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Now, the Dallas Cowboys are doing it! Could have knock me over with a feather...I bet Tom Landry is rolling over in his grave.

    The list of sponsors is is better to say who isn't a sponsor than who is... Well, I can certainly stop purchasing their products. I am canceling my Verizon today and will tell them their sponsorship is the reason. No more Big Macs or Gatorade or any Pepsi product. I can't cancel my Visa card as it's the only one I got!
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  13. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Looks like most sponsors are riding the fence, with a few notable exceptions, one being Nike! They didn't quite say it, but they sure aluded to anti Trump double speek!!!
  14. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    What else would you expect from Nike? Look where they are based. Funny how they can be so sanctimonious when their products are made in Asian sweat shops, yet they still charge like they were manufactured in the first world.
  15. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Nike is one company I refuse to support, they are nothing but over priced krap that dosnt last a week! Used to live right behind the main campus, I know all about the santimonious attitude of that company's employees!!!
    Cruisin Sloth, 3M-TA3 and Motomom34 like this.
  16. snake6264

    snake6264 Combat flip flop douchebag

    Villanueva is in a terrible spot as an Army Ranger he lives by No man left Behind. Then on Sunday he stand for the Anthem and leaves his Teammates behind, The duality of man at its best you can't live by a code on both sides of the fence
    3M-TA3, Witch Doctor 01 and Ura-Ki like this.
  17. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    I must disagree with part of your summation. Villanueva the Army Ranger stood for the Anthem and everything it stands for, served Honorably with Honorable Teammates that left no man behind. Currently He is being employed to entertain the Americans he served and protected in a Team Sport. The pampered millionaires of the Pittsburgh Football Team left an Honorable Man to stand alone and DO THE RIGHT THING. It is the other members of the Pittsburgh Football Organization that left an Honorable Teammate behind. JMHO.
    oldawg, Capt. Tyree, Ura-Ki and 6 others like this.
  18. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    As a veteran I support the freedom of speech and understand the players desire to affect change . Even millionaires have that right regardless of how they earned their millions. If they wish to kneel that is up to them, If they want to hide from the fact that they refuse to take a stand that is also up to them. However it is also my right to refuse to support them in any way, or act upon their desires. my issue is that when they start affecting children's sports I draw the line... when coaches or anyone in control or a managerial position over minors or someone who is in a subordinate position to them and chastises/threatens/ etc. another for standing up to him needs to be removed.
  19. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    This is a quote that Y'all won't have many chances to copy.
    "I'd be Proud to stand beside Villanueva before "Old Glory" and I'd consider it a privilege! USN FROGMAN Ret.

    All chose children that need role models, if they are looking to experience the American Way, emulate Villanueva. I'm not the one the should emulate. JMHO.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017
    Ura-Ki and 3M-TA3 like this.
  20. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I read that also. Mr Villanueva never intended to be out there by himself. He regrets and is embarrassed that he stood alone (or so this article says) Please read-
    Steelers' Alejandro Villanueva: "I threw my teammates under the bus unintentionally"
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