Foot ball sucks it really really sucks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bishop, Sep 25, 2017.

  1. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

  2. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Very seldom I've watched or listened to Pro Footie ball.
    I consider it time wasted for the most part.
    Motomom34 and Ura-Ki like this.
  3. Capt. Tyree

    Capt. Tyree Hawkeye

    Without wanting to raise the name-calling ire of any politically correct moderators or monkeys, I will stick to basic fact. The NFL is comprised of about 70% black (or African-American if one prefers the hyphenation) athletes. Those few professionals (about 1,600) are the best in the world at what they do---play football. Much as those Hollywood actors who also have a high degree of self-importance, they should stick to what they do best. Still, they have the individual right to speak out, as stated in our US Bill of Rights.

    However, by taking a knee, some with fists raised in the black power salute, in protest against the traditional US Flag presentation of the colors, and the national anthem pre-game ceremonies, they are slowly killing the NFL "goose" that lays their golden eggs in the form of those millionaire salaries. They just don't realize yet that they are burning down their own "neighborhoods" in an economic way, much as the rioters from the LA Watts riots, the LA Rodney King riots, and the Ferguson, Missouri riots did in a material way. As Forrest Gump might have said, "Stupid is as stupid does." (Please ladies and gentlemen, there are less destructive, and less contentious ways to voice one's opinion----outside of the workplace environment.)

    A ghetto thug culture has permeated our society due to lack of parenting that teaches respect for law and order, a solid work ethic, respect for women, a value for education, and a civil tongue (no loud abusive expletives) in public places. NFL players have always reflected our society, only now today's players are lacking in the social civilities that their grandparents had.

    It is an ironic reflection upon today's team owners, administrative management, and current NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell, that they have allowed the players to "run the league" by detracting from the image and "brand" that made American football so popular and so very lucrative for all parties involved. Instead of being the much needed adult parent stepping in to steady the course of the wobbly NFL ship, they are contributing to running it aground. It's their loss.
    Dont, Tully Mars, GrayGhost and 5 others like this.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Anhausier Bush got a nice little email from yours truly, and they actually responded! They say they stand for American ideals and do not support the protests and will be speaking with the NFL in a harsh manor!
    Dont, Tully Mars, sec_monkey and 7 others like this.
  5. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Good article @Don't ! But, he does have a portion of it wrong, sort of...
    "Yes, I know, it’s their 1st Amendment right to behave in such a despicable manner." No, no that is not quite true. It is their right to protest but not while they are on the job and certainly not in a "despicable manner."
    This is the same thing as if anyone here was acting out in an inappropriate manner while on the job, nothin more and nothing less.

    After reading the article below, I hold the NFL teams accountable as much as these pampered, ill-manner athletes who think because they can throw a ball that their poop doesn't stink. The NFL, in my eyes, by not acting is condoning this type of conduct, as such, I hold them responsible also - maybe even more so. The same I would a parent whose child is misbehaving. The same I would a company or supervisor whose employee's conduct is inappropriate.

    Gregg Jarrett: Trump is correct, NFL teams can legally fire players for their conduct

    Well done! Ura-Ki! Frankly, I hate their beer but they don't have to know that... I will see if I can find their email address also. Did you find a list of sponsors?

    EDIT: I just found a list of sponsors... Dammit! I just had a McDonalds also...but I won't be having more.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    Tully Mars and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    That is the issue that I have. They are on the job. These people that have cameras on them while they are working should leave politics at home. I think this is also why Hollywood is having another bad year. People are tired of the preaching and politics when we only tune into these people for entertainment.

    In other news:

    Ben Roethlisberger seems to be having regrets. Sounds like he is feeling the backlash and not liking what he is hearing and seeing.
    Ben Roethlisberger Regrets Steelers Boycotting Anthem; Trump Supports Fan Boos
    Tully Mars and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Bishop

    Bishop Monkey+++

    Would much rather see a pop waner or high school game I went to a school that did not have a foot ball team but I was the best dam line backer on the basketball team and got a trophy because of of it if we had it I would have played it and one of the best parts of the game is the anthem before the game hell you can't even spear the quarter back any more if you don't like America get out people do that ever day
    SB21 likes this.
  8. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Bandit99, there are lists of sponsors online with e mail addresses and point of contact for those emails! I simply wrote a shotgun email and fired it off to all those sponsors on that list! Kept it short and to the point, and explained why I would not be patronizing any business that would support the NFL and the players who use the national anthem and flag ceromoney to protest! I also told them as a Vet with 11 combat tours over a 17 year period, I take great offence to any one who would disrespect my flag, my national anthem, or my pledge of aleagence, or the oath I swore to protect and defend this nation and what it stands for!
  9. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    My letters to Roger Goodell and the Seattle Seahawks:


    Subj: Protests and the Consequences of Alienating Your Fans

    Dear Mr. Goodell,
    The well intentioned protests of NFL players during the National Anthem is disrespectful to the men and women who gave life and limb to first gain our Independence and then retain out Liberty and Freedom. The very nature of these protests also paints good cops the same as the small minority of bad cops and is disrespectful to the men and women who put their lives on the line for us in our own communities on a daily basis.

    Certainly the players are protected by the First Amendment to protest however they want even though they disrespect the soldiers who guarantee the right by doing so. Though they are free to do so they are not free of the consequences.

    I am siding with our service men and women as well as law enforcement and will no longer watch NFL games including the Superbowl nor will I purchase any products that provide revenue. I have even cancelled my NFL package even though it is not refundable. This may be very small in the scheme of things and unimportant in and of itself, but after this weekend I think I am not alone in my contempt. Ask yourself when was the last time an offensive lineman was the top seller of NFL gear?

    Alienating your fans is not a recipe for profits.

    There are better ways for the players to protest as well as take action on behalf of the minorities who have become victimized. Keep in mind that most minorities are not victimized by law enforcement but by other members of their same race.

    You fix this with jobs and self respect earned by self reliance. Protesting fixes nothing. If the players are really concerned they should put their money where their mouths are are invest in businesses to provide that necessary employment. That will also indirectly fix the law enforcement problem if you think about it.

    Pointing out a problem without a solution (i.e. protesting) is nothing more than whining. Wanting someone else to fix the problem you are concerned about while you don't take action and help is called bitching. I have zero respect for the Players who whine and bitch without pitching in to take action, especially when the people they disrespect with their protest are the true heroes.



    Dear Seattle Seahawks,
    I fell in love with you during your very first game in August of 1976. I have stuck with you during the bad times, and good times. I supported you all those rocky years and endured the ridicule of others who would later proudly be with you during the good seasons. I have literally been laughed at and ridiculed by others for being a fan during the dark times. I'm the guy who remembers players like "Deep Heat" Daryl Turner and Dr. Dan Doornink. I stuck by your side even when I lived as far away as Florida and when I was deep in Packer or Broncos country. I have never been happier than the great years that Pete Carroll has brought.

    Unfortunately the well intentioned but misdirected protests of many of the NFL players has forced me to make a tough decision. Do I support a protest by players that disrespects the national anthem or do I stand by the people who have lost life and limb to first gain our independence and then protect our liberties and freedom. I stand with the true heroes who have shed their blood on my behalf.

    I'm also quite concerned that the protests are directed at law enforcement and lump the good police in with the minority that are bad.

    I have elected to not watch any NFL football, including my beloved Seahawks, until these protests can take place without dishonoring our country and the people who defend it.

  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Yup. The question is whether or not those long lost standards of behavior can be recovered in time to stave off anarchy.
    Tully Mars and 3M-TA3 like this.
  11. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Ha, were we're having an effect! I just got a response from Ford Motor Company, sponsor I had specifically singled out! I included the addition of our canselation of a planned purchase of my wife's for a 2017 Mustang GT! We will not be supporting a company that sides with the disrespect shown by the players, coaches, team owners, and governing body that collectively calls it's self the NFL!!!

    Can you tell, I'm pissed off, and on a rampage! Nothing gets me hotter under the collar then an attack on those men and women that protect and defend this nation!
  12. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Funny how protesting with dollars gets attention :)
  13. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    TB perfectly H, I suspect that some of the sponsors and other organizations related to the NFL got caught off base. I'd like to see some of those operations disavow the asinine "protesters" and withdraw sponsorship.
  14. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    Something I saw online a lot of people are saying something like "yeah, but I bet you were either sitting on the couch or took the time to take a leak".

    This justification BS pisses me off. For the record, I stand, and have stood during the National Anthem for literally every game I can remember watching! There in person or on the TV. My kids, when they were old enough to understand even a little, gave me the side eye at first but now all three of them do as well.

    It's not situational, and damn it, it's not negotiable either.

    I don't feel like it's blind obedience or anything like that and yes, I do feel like I'm one of the last of a dying breed...many of us are, but I can't just cave. I just can't.

    *Side note, I started to stand up during a movie once... can't remember which one it was, until I realized it really wasn't necessary or appropriate.

    **edited for spelling and the wrong damned words because autocorrect thinks it's smarter than I am.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
  15. Oltymer

    Oltymer Monkey++

    I can remember standing for the National Anthem in movie theaters when I was a kid - What happened to that?
  16. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    They don't play it at the beginning anymore. When I almost did it, it was during the movie, as in a part of the movie.
    Tully Mars, sec_monkey and Ura-Ki like this.
  17. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++


    Good on you guys for letting the sponsors know how we all feel. I hope it continues until the players really start taking a hit to their overpaid paycheck. That might make the wake up.
    If your not already, I don't follow it like I used to , but NASCAR put the word out that anyone in their organization that does kind of crap will be taking the bus home for good. I don't really care much for NASCAR anymore , but I applaud their stance.
  18. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I have been doing this since I was little. We would spend Sunday's at Grandpa's house. We all stopped, stood and covered our heart. That was the rule and it has carried on throughout my life. My children have been taught to do the same. It is a simple thing to do, no excuse for not.
    Gator 45/70, Ura-Ki and Tully Mars like this.
  19. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Well, I don't stand if the National Anthem is on television but certainly whenever I hear it live no matter where it might be, same for parades when our flag passes. I think the military bases' movie theater still plays the anthem prior to the film and of course all do stand. I might be extremely fed up with our government but the flag represents our people and our country and, I still say, this has nothing to do with First Amendment rights as these NFL players were at work. Should they want to protest then do it on their own time and dime.

    As a side note, I truly doubt these big name sponsors will pull their sponsorship. They will sit tight and hope it blows over in 2 weeks. I figure the most they will do is tell the NFL to sort it out as it's bad press. But, I do hope I am wrong...
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    Gator 45/70 and Ura-Ki like this.
  20. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

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