Is North Korea the Bait in the Trap?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Yard Dart, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Don't forget short range, wide band on the 24 inch/2 meter spectrum! And then we have FLIR with enhanced broad spectrum coverage! You can't hide a single rivot with those two installed! Suposadly, the Comanche can detect and track very small targets from a long ways out, and with phased array doppler, you cannot hide!
  2. SB21

    SB21 Monkey+++

    All good replies, and assumptions, I can agree with most , if not all replies. I do not want to see us in another war , but if we go, let's go all out, and finish it fast.
    And as a side note here , let's initiate the draft again, let's identify , locate, draft, arm, and send our 1st wave in fully staffed with all these snowflake , BLM, and other peace loving advocates we have here protesting every damned weekend, let them go in first and see how their negotiations work out. BBC's , sandbags. Then we can send in the real Americans , and have less distractions for our real Flag loving Americans .
    This may or may not be a good idea. But I'm all for it.
    Sorry , it's just been 1 of those days. And I'm just getting tired of reading about all of these un- American low life's complaining about every little thing wrong with my country , while these pissants walk around reaping the benefits this country has to offer, while not caring or respecting the sacrifices made by the Hero's that have given them those rights. These flakes are about to piss me off.
    Oddcaliber, oldawg, Ura-Ki and 2 others like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @SB21 "...send our 1st wave in fully staffed with all these snowflake , BLM, and other..."
    This is certainly a 'final solution' to the problem...Did I really say that?!?! LOL!!!! :ROFLMAO:

    @duane "Most of the people in the USA seem to think that the goal of China and Russia is to conquer the USA and occupy it. I believe that Russia wishes to remove us from our dominant economic, political and military position, restore the vassal states that created a defense in depth around mother Russia, and restore their former glory. China wishes to expand its political, economic, and military thru out Asia and into the rich resources of Africa."
    You and I are in total agreement.

    First, there is absolutely no way for either country to invade the US and support that invasion, that is totally ridiculous. I suppose it sells movies and books but it is pure fiction.

    Secondly, Russia wants a free hand in world affairs and the US continues to stick its nose into everything and everywhere. And, believe me, most Russians would love a return to their Super Power status to include all the nice vassals state toeing the line. While they might get some or parts of the states, like Ukraine, and even bully others into submission (like Belarus) they will never get all of them and certainly not the Baltics where the Russians are truly hated and despised.

    I honestly don't see Russia as a problem. The will never be a world class power until they get a real navy so basically they are stuck in their own country (or attack West into the arms of NATO which they cannot defeat). Yes, they are a nuclear power but these are weapons that cannot be used and they know it. So, conventional forces, but they are not the Soviets that can even follow the old Soviet doctrine because they have neither the manpower or material. They're a second-rate military just like their second-rate economy which BTW took a huge dump when oil fell - that hurt them big time. Hell, I think Italy has a bigger GDP than Russia.

    China is my worry as I keep thinking that someday for lack of resources they will be force down the path of that Japan took but again, without an Navy it would be impossible unless they attack Russia in the East for those rich oil fields there and on Sakhalin island. But, that would leave the US as truly the Super-Duper Power and they would have handed the world to us on a silver plate so they won't do anything foolish.
  4. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Anyone want to describe what constitutes a WINNER if North Korea evokes a Nuclear War with China, Russia, or America?
  5. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    Last Man Standing... ?
    oldawg and M118LR like this.
  6. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Think that's a WINNER????????
  7. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    With Japan being called the end of all fish in the pacific over the reactor leaks into the ocean?? How can there be a winner at all in a nuclear war??? I mean one reactor goes to Hell and people are saying the fish in the Pacific are not edible any longer. I dont see any winners in a nuclear war. W e all lose.
    M118LR likes this.
  1. Baba
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  5. Bandit99
  6. Ganado
  7. The_Prepared
  8. Motomom34
  9. Yard Dart
  10. Bandit99
  11. UncleMorgan
  12. Yard Dart
  13. john316
  14. Yard Dart
  15. DarkLight
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