Any Recommendations What to Put in Canvas Utility Belt with Carabiner 8 pockets for Urban Use Only

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Your on the right track Ed, that's a good start. I look at it this way, what ever you put in something like that, make sure you can live out of it for a few days sans every thing else you might have along.
    Survival training taught us to segregate every thing and to have two of every thing small. this way, if you get wet, or you loose all your other gear, what you have in that belt pack should get you by for several days!

    Now it's time to think Small, and build a Pocket Kit! I use two Pelican 1010 water proof box's to build kits for my self and the Wife, those kits have every basic need covered should the worse happen and you loose all your other gear!
    Remember, every system should be layered and have multiple backups!
  2. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Yeah you guys are so right about testing things out which I'll try to make a point of on just living with/on this stuff for 2 days at least. Just have to wait for the heat and humidity to go down. I realize I won't have that option in SHTF reality. The good thing is I regularly eat Campfire Meals Freeze Dried Barbecue Beef & Rice and Chile & Rice, at least once a week cause I love the taste believe it or not. One thing I need to eventually buy is a Mountain Bike (one can ride over rocks/gravel/railroad tracks) which is something I've never ridden and practice on that
    Ura-Ki and Motomom34 like this.
  3. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Also consider what they call a hybrid bike - part mountain bike, part city bike/cruiser. More comfortable and stable for the long haul, but can still handle the trails - just not quite as quickly. Invest in tires that will give you the best resistance to flats.

    Many thoughts and ideas here:
    Bicycles for Bugging Out | Survival Monkey Forums
    ED GEiN and Ura-Ki like this.
  4. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Wow Never heard of that either. Thanks! Where do you guys come up with these things! Gonna look up hybrid bikes now. Any particular Hybrid bikes you like? Wonder of they have electric hybrid ones also. Good thing about City life, lol, is there is a bike store about 3 blocks past where I live and gonna ask them about hybrid bikes.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Tell him you are looking for a bike you can take on the trail but still comfortable for the city. Also any bicycle can have a motor attached to it. Tell him you want to be able to attach fenders and panniers, and possibly tow a small grandchild. That will keep him away from something that has too "twitchy" a geometry.

    Look at the bikes in the link I gave and what was mentioned about them. BTW, yes I can lock the shocks on my Navigator. Make that frame slightly longer for towing and it would be close to perfect for bugging out.
    ED GEiN likes this.
  6. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Looks like an ALICE belt setup sort of.
    I'd start with: Military Scout Pocket Survival Tin Kit

    Then: Makeshift versions of: "
    • Case, Field First Aid Dressing - Enlarged version of the M-1967 design capable of holding two field first aid dressings. Also with metal snap closures (instead of plastic).
    • Case, Small Arms Ammunition - M-1967 30-round cartridge magazine design but with support strap replaced with eyelet (to attach to individual equipment belt suspenders). Also internal divider flaps to keep cartridge magazines separated and different method of attaching hand grenades to the sides.
    • Cover, Water Canteen - M-1967 design but utilizing metal snap closures (instead of plastic). Also without pile lining and openings at the bottom to allow for drainage. "
    • All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment - Wikipedia
    ED GEiN likes this.
  7. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Lots of great content lists. But with all that valuable and essential.gear in the pockets of your belt you need to test your ability to conceal it. It's all useless to you if it looks inviting and somebody decides they want to take it away from you.

    You can do some testing now. Wear the belt concealed, and carry a worn out old kids book bag and a well worn paper sack full of some useless stuffing. See which one gets the most curious looks.
    ED GEiN likes this.
  8. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    Thanks I admit I hadn't clicked the link but will do so tonight. I actually ride an older electric bike that I've had for about 10 years (EZIP HG-1000) that they no longer make and an IZIP 1000 Electric Scooter that I use for local errands (supermarket, picking up packages etc. and putting things in the basket I had made for it). Good idea about turning a hybrid into an electric bike.

    That's the majority Achilles Heel in all my Survival Preps at this time- Lack of Firepower! Hopefully in the next 2 years I'll have training, ammo, Weapons etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2017
  9. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    .22, .25.32 or some other small pistol and ammo. Even if you have a larger one its a guarantee you have one. two is one, one is none.
    oldawg and BTPost like this.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Looks to be up around 40 lbs if you load it up with all the stuff named above. Time to rethink it eddie, and get a day pack.
    3M-TA3 likes this.
  11. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I'm in full agreement. Perhaps there is a reason our troops don't wear utility belts? A day pack would at least blend in a bit and not attract attention.
  12. Bullhorn

    Bullhorn Monkey+

    All good recommendations given. I would add a mini-soldiers pump water filter. they're compact and you wont have to carry add'l water. Can use a ziplock baggy to carry and drink from. Large plastic bags (raincoat. bedding support, water collection, gathering, etc.) cordage, some rubber bands, BIC style lighter (wrapped with some duct tape, bandanna, pencil sharpener (wood shavings fire starter).... I think you can see the possibilities can grow from there. MOST of ALL your thinking "CAP".
    Dunerunner and M118LR like this.
  13. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    Really a rather personal question, but how's your build?

    I was thinking again about urban stealth, and remembered seeing video of a woman walking out of a liquor store with almost 30 bottles of liquor in her clothes and handbag. If you are a slim person a load bearing vest under an outer garment could be used to carry essentials, and look like you had just put some weight on. No, no, no on the photographers vest. If you look like you're on safari in an urban area you will certainly get jumped. Maybe a big mans work shirt from a common retail outlet, or air conditioning repair shop. Something that won't get you in a bind, where you won't be expected to know Jimmy. "You must know Jimmy, he's worked there for years."

    Being armed isn't always going to mean you will be safe. Having a confident attitude and being observant will keep you from looking like a target. A diversion might also work sometimes if you have your running shoes on. A $20 bill wrapped around a pack of matches with a rubber band weighs little, and is always useful. Tossing it ...almost... to a thug who has made it clear he means you harm, creates a diversion. With a line like "Look pal, I'm just trying to get home, I don't need any trouble, here, take it." Gives you moment, while he bends down to pick it up, to decide to run or clobber him with whatever is at hand.

    One more observation on city movement. Have you ever seen a guy in a shirt and tie with a hard hat and a metal clipboard wandering around looking at stuff? That guy can go pretty much anywhere and nobody will question him. Just an observation.
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