Nearest target is 90 miles South, prevailing winds would carry it out to sea. More worried about Yellowstone and demonrats. And liberals. And gas prices.
If I've got enough time after the flash, stay out of my way as I grab a couple dozen doughnut's, a pack of Camels, Biscuits and Country Gravey, on the way to the candy store........... Diabetes and Cancer be Damned!!!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse Me, JMHO at Worlds End.
What do you think of your Senator Sullivan's comments? Alaska, Hawaii prepare to upgrade missile defences against North Korea
Hell Ya!!! Might as well enjoy the end, damn the doctors ban on all the goodness! Bring it on, deep fried, chocolate covered, with whipped cream and sprinkles on top! Smoke um if in ya got um!!!
Sounds just like a Self-Serving Politico, and it does NOT depend on Party, or Left/Right leanings... " You elected me, so I am going to save you...".
If the PDRK could hit anything in Alaska,. it would be on the coast - like Nome. IF. Right now they do have (some, how many is UNK) a nuke to two, and no way to deliver them much past Japan. (Yawn) No sweat. Now, local Dem politicals, now that is a worry...
NK does now have a couple boomer boats. Far less capable than hours, but if they get off our coast, they could cause a bit of mischief. Of course, soon after Pyongyang will be obliterated, and hopefully the fat boy with bad hair too. Will he take that chance?
Only real target in Michigan is Detroit. Im a long way from there. prevailing winds are southwest so fallout would go into Canada. But if one went off close we have no defense against that. Maybe in a couple years we get that underground shelter built but at this time we have zero chance of surviving a nuke .
Even if you survive the initial attack the fall out is a whole nuther challenge similar to a cloud raining from a volcano. Enough plastic and duct tape to cover all the windows and door ways vents and fire places chimneys and vents on the roof . Provision for filtering air and cleaning those filters as well . Also having to remove the ash/fallout (it ain't snow , it won't melt ) but any rain water will give it the weight of snow and sustain it indefinitely. Like living in a space shuttle, till the wind/air clears and it's safe to go out side .could take a year or more depending on other weather changes during and as a result of the event. If you don't own a Geiger counter you'll have no idea when it is safe. If you have no protected land for growing food, you won't be able to sustain life on your stores alone. If you have no means of scraping the land clean you have and providing uncontaminated water ,your SOL .
@Kingfish I am curious why you think Detroit is a Strategic Target for a Nuke? Is it Manufacturing, or something else?
Just a large city. Chicago scares me more as we are north east of there. Prevailing south west winds.
The rust belt states ought be a fairly low priority in the PRK scheme of things....more likely targets are in California, (simply because they are within range) which, according to much of the rhetoric at SM, wouldn't mean much loss, other than some loss of Hollywood entertainment output. The PRK doesn't have the inventory for an effective massive nuclear first strike capability against the USA (yet). Fat Boy's nuclear arsenal is more of a F*ck You threat, to be used if the PRK is invaded, or his regime is threatened with extinction...The risk is that some rogue terrorists might get hold of one or more nukes, and use them to further their own unhinged agenda.
Wouldn't it be terrible if the PRK had an unexplained accident in the Homeland with thier most devastating weapon of mass destruction. (perhaps a Commando Raid?)
I can see the attractive aspects of such a project....of course the PRC, South Korea, Russia, and Japan will have to live with the fallout from that operation....there may be some unwelcome retaliation from the PRC / Russia.....
Yes, but wouldn't it all be directed at the PRK seeing as how it was their incompetence with a weapon of such mass destruction that created the unwanted incident? God I love the alphabet companies....................
I don't think geo-politics may quite follow that logic. Peaceable decommissioning might be a safer option all round if that could be managed.
Plausible deniability, it's an ABC Company Specialty. Refresh your Guns & Butter Reaganomics.................... geo-politics aren't logically based, geo-politics are driven by those with the strongest hand, and knuckled under while being whined about by (Freedom fighters, terrorists, or martyrs) . JMHO.
Wasn't the best mike check performed by Mr. Reagan? Wasn't it something like "Drop the Bomb"? Flashback: Reagan jokes about bombing Soviet Union, 30 years ago
The same quip may not be so funny if uttered by the present's not so easy telling when he is joking, and when he is being serious...some of his bad jokes have become White Palace policy.