Scenario - Instant Family

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TailorMadeHell, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    And Ill say it again, no one is guaranteed safety. But we are safer here than out on the road. Our group likes our chances here better than out trying to forage. Some people are batter off as lone wolves roaming the wasteland . Not my cup of tea. W e are safer here than out wandering around. You know? our plan was put together by guys like you. Marines, Air force even a navy guy. They all agree that to have a base to operate out of with supplies, Logistics is far better than wandering the wasteland looking for them. Now if you think we are just going to sit here and wait for trouble to come to us you are mistaken. We have three fire teams AND a defensive perimeter. Combination attack forces and dug in defenses. Not to mention force multipliers which have been devised from many different wars. from Vietnam to today. So say what you want. I am safer here than on the road. You might not be comfortable with situation like this. I AM . I see no romantic visions of conquest out on the road in a P.A.W. . I see misery death, famine, people cutting each others throats for a can of soup. I see that out on the road, in the cities, in the suburbs, In the woods I see a few lone wolves, red necks with guns, Militias, guys like you and guys like me. People who band together have strength in numbers.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
    Motomom34, M118LR and arleigh like this.
  2. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    You just wouldn't believe the carnage that a five man Commando Team can unleash all by itself.

    I'm sure the LRRP concept isn't foreign to any of the ex-military folks, so resupplying via conquest isn't foreign either.

    Just because you have the live comfortable and die atop a stack of spent casings mentality, it doesn't mean that those trained and practiced in other forms of Warfare are not going to thrive.

    Once you take away the Armour, Air-power, and Naval Support fire, a simple sniper or sniper team becomes an even greater force multiplier. A Motivated, Trained & Experienced five man Commando TEAM just might change your toiletry regiment. On an actual Battlefield you don't get to pick and chose what adversary you shall be pitted against! (Thus the suggestion that you & yours pick up a few "Get Out Of Jail Free" glow in the dark patches.) Those folks that have shared the same "Battlefields" understand the importance of "Friend or Foe" identification when "Biblical Death" knocks on the door. I think Airborne has a slogan like "Death from Above", but the Gunny that took the time to educate a lowly Squid like me was exceptionally anal about that "Death from afar" stuff. So I highly recommend you live the "High Life" of a fat supply chain as long as you can, but it may not be in your best interest to be on my evacuation route if fecal matter actually hits the fan. JMHO.
  3. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Can you even contemplate that all my "WE's" are much safer on a "Road Trip Out of Dodge" with their skills and my tutelage?

    What happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force?

    So we both have a chance provided that we don't cross paths on the road to survival. JMHO.

    Should we cross paths, it may not be your choice. (Ask those ex-military folks about that Motto.)
  4. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    we , my wife and I are safer here than on any road to nowhere. You may be fine on the road , she is crippled and cant walk to the end of the drive much less out of dodge. Again we are safer here. Our Honda quad could get us out of dodge but to where? and again why leave food shelter , safety etc. That is a fools errand. Unless you relish combat, enjoy the excitement of eating bugs and other crap. My best chance is here. Every step I taKE AWAY FROM THIS PLACE MY CHANCES OF SURVIVAL GO DOWN. not up.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  5. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    And it goes the other way around , what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. Its kind of like a car hitting a tree. . depends on the size of the tree doesn't it? A small tree gets sheared off or knocked down and the oforce takes damage. If its a big tree the object is stopped and the tree takes damage. Either way both sides get hurt.
    Tully Mars and Motomom34 like this.
  6. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    I would say, that, by definition, if the force is unstoppable, the only option the immovable object had was to dodge...
    M118LR likes this.
  7. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    To whom it may concern, your tail of grief and sorrow is epic, but it pails in comparison to the children that I've just planted beside their loved ones. Until I'm not the one writing History, it's so sad, too- bad-love dad, perhaps Y'all need to come up with a better answer? Sticking your head in the sand minding your own business wouldn't protect the best case orphans, that I'm about to release from their mortal bondage. So you can toss sticks and stones at me, but that don't do much good when I let lead fly, so just what are you going to due to stop me & mine from running roughshod and away from your location in utopia? And how might the best case scenario orphans come to join your land of plenty , SHOULD I DECIDE TO LET IT BE?
  8. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Here in paradise there is no sorrow , Here mama is a queen. She works her garden while I build stuff. She is an excellent shot and even uses the quad to deer hunt. She is a 28 year nurse but retired now due to her disability. She heads up our medical unit. We just have limitations. One of those is walking. Hence my reluctance to vacate perfectly good ground. We dont however let disabilities get us down. We once had visions of running off to the Upper peninsula and hacking out an existence in the wilderness. W e have lived in these types of situations. Today with her, our grand children, son, daughter inlaw? there is No hitting the road with Heavy metal Thunder looking for adventure. We looked a long time for this place. 4 years pouring over maps, looking at real estate listings and playing out scenarios. We ended up here. On a small private lake on a road that goes nowhere unless you have been there. A place thousands will walk right by and never see it. My biggest concern are the locals. 30/30 totin wannabe deer slayers who think they will just take what they want. here hold my beer Roy. I am a firm believer in good ground.

    During the battle of Gettysburg Longstreet did not like the ground. He wanted lee to do a tactical withdraw and move around behind the union positions. Lee saw the enemy and attacked. Pickets charge was one of the dumbest moves by an otherwise brilliant General. Today's tactics are quite different however much is still the same. We may not be able to choose our adversaries but we do and have chosen the ground. In fact any Army moving through this area would go around it because of all the natural barriers. However had Lee had air power? that ground would have been worthless. I am counting on NO ONE having air power in a shtf scenario. Im counting on very few having gas to drive anywhere. Im counting on Michigans weather , Snow to be exact to also be my friend.
    M118LR likes this.
  9. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    I'll place my wagers with you my friend, but those that live under my umbrella................

    Wear your glow in the dark patch, you shall make my conscience that much more humanitarian. Don't expect me to give quarter, earn it or forgo it. Me and Mine shall be the Whirlwind! It's hard to plead your case at distances that I must read lips at? Tales of woe ain't written into History! JMHO.

    There are many interesting parables of humanity that have been lost on the "Battlefield" just hope that yours and mine are not intertwined. But I'll raise a glass to me & mine. JMHO.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2017
  10. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    After reading this string and a few others I need to ask, Are you acting as Advocatus Diaboli or are you saying that it is your intent to survive by raiding? If so, this is where we part ways.
    GrayGhost and chelloveck like this.
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    What? I feel like I am reading Shakespeare or something. So are you going to take those orphans in under your umbrella?
    chelloveck likes this.
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    I think the 'hypothetical' was abandoned quite a few posts back....obscured mostly by the dust cloud surrounding Kingfish and M118LR, as they have at it with each other. :eek:

    I'm beginning to accept the custom title under M118LR at its face value. :cautious:

    I think Kingfish doesn't seem to have any intention of taking his umbrella outside the wire....and I think M118LR is so busy thumping Kingfish over the head with his umbrella, I'm wondering if he is conscious of the orphans' existence at all. :rolleyes:

    I think the orphans are 'imagining' that they are eating popcorn and drinking soda pop while observing the nearby dust cloud.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
    Motomom34 and Tully Mars like this.
  13. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    I think y'all should reread the posts...his thoughts on the orphans are quite clear.
    M118LR and Motomom34 like this.
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Ah yes...the orphans weren't ignored (post #67)....I guess it could have been could always be worse. :(
    Motomom34 likes this.
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I understood what @chelloveck said. IMO @M118LR likes to provoke thoughts. So Chell, what are you going to do about orphans of bad guys? Instant family?
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck **BANNED**

    Read Post #14. I have no great ambition to be a post apocalyptic pied piper, but nor would I be knocking orphaned children over the head with the shovel that I just buried their folks with.

    Assuming temporary responsibility for the orphaned children, is what I'd be inclined to do, if that were at all practicable. I would surrender that responsibility to an individual / group / organisation at the earliest possible opportunity that could assure the orphans with safe and secure care. What decisions to make would depend on the orphans' ages, and their capacity to care for themselves, which, in this scenario, may seem to be minimal.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  17. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Tully Mars, my survival plans are strictly evacuation if the family clan is involved. The best evacuations go unnoticed and without a single shot being fired. But as the Best Laid Plans of Men can't be Murphy Proofed, circumstances may arise and need to solved instantly. As the number one priority is safe evacuation of the clan, those that attempt to hinder thier progress along the evac route shall be dissuaded by the quickest means possible. If the family water craft is compromised, yes I Liberate the next suitable abandoned vessel. It is the lightest command that moves the quickest, hundreds of pounds of non-essentials ain't going to make for a rapid deployment. Stealth is always the first option. (Frogman=MK2 as primary combat weapon) If forging is required to complete the mission, then forging will be required.

    Now if my only charges are Grandma and I, we shall just hike up the road/rail road/water course to whichever nearby Military base is open for business and offer our services. But root-hog-or-die atop a pile of spent shells ain't in the never give up agenda! The only way I'd sacrifice my life was if it allowed the clan to escape unharmed while I provided the diversion, even then I'd have an evac plan. Hope this clears that up.

    I'm just explaining that in times of War/Combat Situations, raiding the enemy (via stealth or conquest) to resupply your TEAM is standard procedure. Every Branch of Service that has a non conventional element has trained those units to survive outside of Uncle Sams Supply Network. It started with some Raiders/Marauders and has evolved into Spec Ops today. So if you can't admit that you are not above raiding to survive, Never Give Give Up might not mean much. But when circumstances dictate that I won't survive unless I raid, yup I'll be a raider. Just a proven fact on the road "Home". If that makes US part ways, I'm Sorry that I've been honest and have offended you in any way. Combat Survival isn't something that should be Glorified in any way, but it may be required if you actually make it "HOME" to the Wife & Children. JMHO.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  18. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    So now people growing food and raising animals are the enemy? People defending their homes are the enemy? Raiding a guy like me is standard procedure? Right. got it.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
  19. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    No force is unstoppable. Takes the right tree.
  20. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    If we assume that you or anyone else of a survival mindset that is bugging out hasn't waited til after the event or if so, it's shortly after an event, how do you know the vessel is truly abandoned? What if that person's plan is similar to yours and they are running behind their time line and show up 15 minutes after you've taken their boat? I guess it's screw them eh? I don't go along with that. That's theft plain and simple.
    Months, perhaps in some cases weeks, depending on what the event was that started S hitting the fan I would see nothing wrong with checking out places that have been burnt out,abandoned, places/items that there is no doubt that they've been left up for grabs.

    There is a big difference between foraging and raiding. To me foraging is taking what you find from nature or what you find by chance. Raiding is taking what you want/need by force. If you are Evacing and are set upon by all means you are entitled to whatever the OPFOR had. But just because you're hungry or hurt and you see a lantern glowing in someone's window doesn't make them an enemy or fair game for raiding.

    I do not plan on giving up and I don't plan on resorting to the level of lawlessness of a roving band of raiders to survive.
    That's why we live in our BOL, and that's why we have spent time and money on its defenses.

    Never apologize for honesty-and you haven't offended me.
    Homer Simpson likes this.
  1. Motomom34
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  5. Motomom34
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  8. Motomom34
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  10. Tully Mars
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  12. chelloveck
  13. AxesAreBetter
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    Thread by: Ganado, Oct 20, 2016, 16 replies, in forum: Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions
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