Squint at the edge. If it's real, the striations will go all the way to the sharp part. If you look at it under really high magnification, you might be able to see the slightly different grain structure.
An update about my Friend Adam DesRosiers, and his bride Haley.... Adam has been a MasterBladeSmith for a few years now, and Haley got her JourneyMan BladeSmith Cert, i believe, that next year... Just heard that they were at the Atlanta Knife Show last week, and Haley passed her Master BladeSmith Certification, and is one of only four, Female Masters in the World. Attaining that level of competence, as judged by their Peers, says a LOT about the quality of their Products, and those garner Very High Prices.... Pictures of their ART, can be seen, on their FaceBook Page... <DesRosiers Knives> Some really Pretty Stuff.....
Congratulations @BTPost to your friend's wife! Yup... MS is a very very special thing indeed... and much more so for a female... I know one of the four... Audra Draper, who was the first... Audra and her husband Mike are awesome knife makers as well... and their work is just amazing indeed! Yup... a MS stamped knife has a lot behind it.... Thanks for posting... Bear
I have an old Damascus barreled shot gun (just the barrels). I wonder if it would be worth it, to take the metal and reform it into knives ?
Only if the barrels have no collector or other value to a shooter looking for parts. I have one, shoot it now and then with bp trap loads, but would not dare take it into the woods and abuse it with hunting loads. No, it ain't pretty nor particularly collectable (only 100 or so years old) but it is serviceable, therefore worth not turning into something it wasn't designed to be. The other thing might be that the barrels were wound on a mandrel, and it isn't obvious to me that mashing them and reworking would result in a particularly pleasing pattern. I have to admit that finding someone that just happens to need your barrels could be a lifetime chore unless you can make a pretty positive ID of the maker.