Hahaha.... I heard the message in the video. Practice your skills now. I guess I need to go find some bugs to eat. So worms are not that good, I will remember that. Thanks for the PSA on having an epi-pen ready.
Actually worms aren't that bad if you Purge them and then wash and dry them out. And practice now will pay off later if you need it meal worms are not that bad either.
That maybe so, but I prefer to eat worms after a chicken turned it into an egg or a fishing pole turned it into a trout. But joking aside, you are right, a person with a backyard could survive for months. I taught an outdoors skills class and passed a jar of worms around. I didn't make them eat it, but I said, "find the tension in your body that rejects this protein source and relax it. If the time came, would you eat worms or die. It's up to you." I
Don't eat fresh grasshoppers. A lot of them are intermediate hosts to tapeworms. When it comes to bugs, well-done is usually best.
1. Find the ant hill of your choice. 2. Lay a tarp on the ground nearby. Every self respecting survivalist has a tarp. 3. Dig your hands into the ant hill, tossing the largest clumps of hoozeewhatzit off to the side. 4. When you hit the queen's happy boom boom room, start tossing all that white love onto the tarp. 5. Clean off your arms or fall down in shock from being stung so many times by ants and convulse while wetting your pants. 6. Walk away for a couple minutes, clear excess ant hill trash leaving only the eggs. 7. Fried in a pan, they taste really darn good if you can separate your mind from what they are. Pewpah. PeeeUpaaaaaaaah.
We have wasps builds nests out back periodically. The nasty big black ones don't hang around the nests, so when they fly off, I destroy the nests. I do find larvae. Thought about eating them for a split second before chucking them into the compost. The yellow jackets hang around, so gotta spray them. Not a good seasoning for the larvae. Good on you for trying them, @Bishop. I guess no venom in the larvae.