Got Fat? Rendering Fats at Home Primer, Lesson One Fat is Back! - The Real Food Dietitians Paleo Foods: Animal Fat | Paleo Leap
It is amazing how important fat (lard, tallow, schmaltz, etc..) was to generations past. Getting back to basics, cooking like grandma, crafting soap, making candles, etc... It may be noteworthy to mention that diets high in wild game lack fat. Salt, sugar, spices, and fat where Traditional staples. Peruse any Old Cookbook and it will become apparent how important rendered fat was. The Total Beginner’s Guide to Paleo and Fat | Paleo Leap I'm not advocating Paleo, but the fat info can be helpful. Fatworks is mentioned in the fat is back article, Fatworks Foods: Healthy Fats for Healthy People They are compiling recipes. Fatworks Recipe Page: Create your own healthy fat foods Got enough fat if all the stores closed today?
We store most of the fats we need as in crisco in the can. Also have canned Red Feather butter. It has no expiration date.
In this article the author said- I’ll cover rendering fats from fowl, cleaning drippings and broth skimmings, and making ghee. Did you see his recipe on making ghee? And have you ever made it?
I didn't see his recipe for making ghee. I've been using clarified butter in pass down French recipes since I was a kid, but never delved into ghee. Perhaps a link to clarified butter can source you to some ghee recipes. How to Make Clarified Butter or How to Make Ghee (Clarified Butter)
I make Ghee all the time. its easy, I have a grill plate that fits over the burner on my cooker so I just dump 4-5 blocks of butter into a pot & pop it on that on low heat ( having it on the grill plate means its cooler than cooking directly on the hob) Give it a couple hours & skim off the froth every so often, after 4-6 hours (varys with heat levels) it will start to get a toasty colour, I like to let it get to carmel colour then strain though a fine mesh (I have a very fine metal strainer that works good.. dont use plastic.. it will mellllllt. ) Into a heatproof container.. Done.
As a kid my grand mother always had a couple of cans with lids near the stove. One was for cooking fats, lard, bacon drippings, etc, the other was for soap making fats. Goose, turkey, duck, greases were always kept, some used to waterproof and keep leather soft, some to put on bread and eat, use it for soups, feed it to the dogs and cats, etc. At butchering time the fats were segregated before any rendering was done. Some was used to make sausage, some to make lard or tallow, some to make chittlerings or pork skins, some for soap making. The was very little that went to waste.