Katrina What was Law Enforcement & Personal Safety Like? Apologies I Didn't Follow it Intensely

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ED GEiN, May 20, 2017.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Definitely, man. I agree it's versatile and effective out to about 500 or 600 meters. I would definitely use one on the move or in a total SHTF situation. But, here's where the rubber meets the road...fighting against a modern military in urban environments requires much more than this. Nobody wants to be a martyr, and taking a last stand is a choice everybody can make, but they certainly don't have to --this is why a long range skill set can prove to be more beneficial. Take the fight to the enemy at distance, never up close. The further, the better. Shoot, move, communicate with group members, reorganize, rinse and repeat. No military, modern or not, can keep up with a strong sniper presence. They do have tactics to employ, such as counter sniper teams, and the Marines are probably the best at this, but even a well trained Army sniper team could get the job done since they also have had extensive training in urban engagements. But, if the civilian sniper in question knows their 'P's' and 'Q's' and can utilize the terrain to his advantage and take enough precaution like planning an exfil strategy, keeping drones in mind and thermal vision...it can be done. Best to coordinate with others to make a diversion, for example. Strike fast, move, and regroup.

    The AR-15 isn't suited for long range, the 5.56mm is too light of a round and can be tossed around by even the slightest wind. Within 300 meters in an urban environment, sure. But, what's the exit plan looking like? You're in it to win it, and stuck facing a highly trained hostile force.

    You want to be deadly, silent, unseen, feared.
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    And unless you have thousands of dollars to invest in night equipment...choose to fight in the day.
    The military owns the night. (no matter what weapon system you choose)
    RightHand, Motomom34 and Tully Mars like this.
  3. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    Careful there Bokor, or Techsar will jump on you too!

    Was I there? No. Was Techsar there? Doesn't seem so. Was my buddy there? Yes, and he saw it all. PLUS if you followed the (so-called) news and watched WHAT THEY DID ON CAMERA every night while it was going on, what they ADMITTED they did when there were no cameras around, what was found out they did LATER, that they lied about, well we are talking about 99%+ of the cops doing what they wanted, stealing, looting, raping and so on. Sorry Techsar, if you want to bring forth proof that that is wrong, feel free, but read all the CONgressional investigations, state investigations, other po-lice reports and THEN tell me I'm wrong. No, not all cops are bad, but why are the thugs, bullies, stupid and demented not fired or forced out? Because the powers that be want them there. What's that saying about one bad apple.... Hell I've seen it here myself.

    There are STILL cases going on to get the stolen guns back that the cops stole and still have. Of course what wasn't found warehoused around town (ie- stolen by cops and kept or sold to criminals) were listed as "thrown in the canals". All this is easy enough to find if you bother to look.

    I can think of only TWO local cops where fired (OK, maybe one resigned or quit the force). One was caught selling cocaine out of his po-lice car, repeated, and then then fired, no charges. The other walked in to a guy's business and gunned him down (murdered him) with out saying a word in front of another cop. No charges filed. No info released. This one went to another city to become a cop there.

    Let;s not forget Ruby Ridge, Waco, Bundy, etc. either.
  4. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I can speak to the weps grab in Katrina and some other things that were censored by the MSM. My two Squads were deployed as part of the Air Resq, response and we set up a tier 1 trauma center. We had the U.S.C.G. as op's command because of the law enforcement side ( and because they were there first) any way, We were still doing flight ops when the order came through from the State Politzi and Mayor, and Gov'ner demanding the guns in the 9th ward and surrounding areas as well as two neighborhoods in the upper 11th that were in no danger. My boss ( a two star) got on the phone to the Gov'ner and told him Not Gonna happen, and no Mil personal would be conducting any such operations! The shooting at helos was Politzi trying to force folks from their homes using the helos and no military air craft were ever fired on. The Politzi who did finally go in and take peoples guns were out of state POPO and they were quickly sent packin, and the General that came down and finally took over the whole mess strictly forbid any further arms grabbing or forcing any one to do any thing. The U.S.C.G. turned over enforcement to the National guard under temporary Martial law, and every thing went fine after that! And something else I saw, 11 Politzi were shot during confiscation with 2 or 3 killed, this was never reported, and we were not to talk about it!!!
    To the post about the AR vs the long guns! Here is my take. The AR is, and always was a secondary arm, sort of a close in security or counter sniper weapon, and for me, never relied on as the primary weapon. it's just not that good a fighting rifle due to it's lack of stopping power (even with really good ammo) I much prefer it for security work in a defensive position, or a shoot and scoot weapon where volume vs precision is whats called for. A good full power battle rifle, or a really good bolt long gun will really influence the battle space, and as long as you have good OPSEC and fighting security, you can take and hold a large amount of space with just a few people.
    arleigh, Trouble, M118LR and 3 others like this.
  5. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Well, until your buddy gets here, I'd say both you and Techstar each had your turn and that's a day.
    But, when it comes to talking police state, it's obvious which side I am on. Of course there are good cops, always will be. We shouldn't ignore who they work for (the corporate government unless they are Sheriffs) nor should we ignore the role the military will play. We should also pay attention to the corruption of government and realize we're not doing any good arguing if cops are good or bad when they will kill you for defending your property and family in time of emergency. The idea that they are good or bad is moot when they will follow orders, Constitutional or not. Their orders come from an illegitimate form of government which is criminal and not working for the people, but against them. Simply placating the situation and blindly supporting tyranny by saying there are enough good cops to outweigh the bad is not logical when the people are held back every time they protest or stand against the government. We know who the police really work for, and that's that.

    The best we can do is inspire the good cops to stand with us, and at the very least swear to never obey an unconstitutional order. That's all we can ask for right now given the current situation.
  6. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Lessons learned! Katrina was a series of huge bungles by many parties, not least the U.S. Mil. The after action debriefing and reports that came pointed to many solutions that the Military would further investigate and adopt for later! Locking down the air space to all non mil rescue and supply aircraft was the biggest to come out first. Keeping civil and politzi aircraft out, or severely limiting access would make flight ops less dangerous. A centralized command with designated officers in charge as well as establishment of Lead Agency ( for the Mil response) who would take charge ( normally the Army National Guard) Removal of the State(s) Gov'ner and mayors from control of the State Nat, Guard call out. And to automatically give the POTUS the opportunity to roll fed assets without waiting for the State to request them. Automatically making an event a national emergency to clear all assets to move, and thanks to the scotus ruling, no removing arms of the people or forcing them to leave! For me personally, putting FEMA on a leash under the direct control of the lead mil agency, and with a defined plan of actions overseen by the commanding officer on site is one of the biggest things that needed to come out of this! SO much waste, and such a useless waste of food, water, fuel, equipment, and misapplication of personal and resources!!!
    The Mil also learned to have a re supply network set up so that if and when people are shelterd up in numbers like the super dome, that they need to have assets on seen to assist, and to maintain order and security as well as to administrate the care and feeding of. Road blocks are to be manned by Mil personal and are to be as quick and trouble free as possible. In short, the Military needs to be put in charge and all LEO, local, State, and Fed are to report and take orders from that Mil Agency!
    Motomom34 and Bandit99 like this.
  7. ED GEiN

    ED GEiN Monkey+++

    I admire you for being open and not being politically correct. For some reason when one presents facts that are not politically correct one is called racist. I have to admit I used similar wording in my original thread but edited it down myself because I didn't think it would be permitted here.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Ura-Ki "The U.S.C.G. turned over enforcement to the National guard under temporary Martial law, and every thing went fine after that! And something else I saw, 11 Politzi were shot during confiscation with 2 or 3 killed, this was never reported, and we were not to talk about it!!!" Whoa! But, I am not surprised. I do wonder about the legal side of things that were not reported such as the people who defended themselves from illegal search and seizure and in doing so shot the 11 police?

    'My boss ( a two star) got on the phone to the Gov'ner and told him Not Gonna happen, and no Mil personal would be conducting any such operations!" Hooray for the good guys! That never came out either...

    "A good full power battle rifle..." I think given what I have heard from some of the guys here (you, Brokor, BTPost, others...that certainly know more than I ever will) that perhaps I need to rethink what my next rifle will be...probably something 7.62/.308, probably that SCAR 17 I have been thinking about but pushing away due to cost but it indeed might be worth it and it is tried and true... I think you are very fond of the FAL if I remember correctly...
    Tully Mars and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I was there as a first respond group to marine casualties. We were armed or provided armed escorts or both. The one thing that I will never clear from my memory are the smells.
    Gator 45/70, Motomom34 and Ura-Ki like this.
  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    DS Arms is selling a very good FAL for A GRAND right now, the Voyager series, which is every thing good about the FAL with out the premium stuff ( you really don't need any way) and represents a great point of entry into the FAL world with one assembled properly and tested and tuned correctly. Seriously, THAT'S the one I would grab, and grab it fast while you still can!
    Tully Mars and 3M-TA3 like this.
  11. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    So many folks sitting up on the roof,
    so many LEO's carting them to safety via watercraft, those in the worst of the worst airlifted to safety, and yet all Y'all want to converse about are the failures? Just why did all those folks end up in dire straights in the first place? To quote Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."
    Tully Mars, Tempstar and Ura-Ki like this.
  12. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    That and IEDs seems to have been the most effective tactics against US and Russian military forces in foreign theaters, also the Fins against the Soviets
    Now up to $1,200 at DS Arms, but can get it for $1,041 through Bud's: DS ARMS FAL 7.62X51 21 TB 20RD BLK

    The lower price may be due to the general AR glut. If you want 'em get 'em now...
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
    Tully Mars, Ura-Ki and Brokor like this.
  13. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Barrel contour is relatively important to achieving the accuracy at longer ranges offered by the 7.62 x 51 mm. The FAL is a fine rifle, but it isn't the MK 20 SCAR H. Just because a rifle is chambered in a cartridge that remains supersonic to 1000 yards, doesn't mean that it will be able to deliver repetitive projectiles within a usable tolerance. The M14 wasn't a M14NM, which wasn't the M25. Each upgrade attempted to improve barrel tolerance performance. It would be unwise to expect Precision Rifle performance in thin or pencil like barrels.

    MK 20 Mod 0 Sniper Support Rifle | US Special Operations | Weapons

    Here is the WIKI on the M14,M14NM, & M25. Take it with a grain of salt. M14 rifle - Wikipedia
    Last edited: May 21, 2017
    Tully Mars and Ura-Ki like this.
  14. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    AIm Surplus has um for $999.95 still.
    DSA, Inc. Voyager 21 FAL SA58 .308/7.62x51 Rifle

    This is where you transition from a Battle Rifle to a Dedicated Rifle System specifically for that job. A Fighting Rifle in 7.62X51 can remain effective beyond the capabilities of most shooters and the rifles limited sights. Trick out an FAL or M-1A NM and you bridge that gap effectively with out loosing the advantages of that fighting rifle. Is it for every one? Not with out the skill set to go along with it, but it offers solutions!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2017
    Tully Mars, 3M-TA3 and M118LR like this.
  15. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It isn't just Barrel Geometry, that is critical for High Accuracy Long Range Precision Shooting... Designing a Cartridge Loading for the Individual Barrel, and Projectile, goes a LONG WAY, in narrowing the Spread of Groupings, at 800+ Meters....
    Every Barrel has a "SWEET SPOT" where it groups better than with any other Loading, for each different Projectile.... Different Projectiles will cause slight variations in where that "SWEET SPOT" resides.... Once you find the Basic One for the Barrel, small adjustments for differing Projectiles, is fairly easy to come up with... It took me about 300 /rounds to find that Loading on my AR10 w/26" Stainless Bull Barrel, and another 50 rounds to do each of the different Projectiles, that I choose to use... I now have three loadings finalized, for my Rifle, with a couple of more coming this Fall, when I can shoot again from the front of the Cabin.... To many Summer Folks running around to do it now...
  16. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    I was in Katerina for what it matters, I've already posted in a previous thread my little 3 day adventure.
    UncleMorgan, Ura-Ki and Motomom34 like this.
  17. UncleMorgan

    UncleMorgan I like peeling bananas and (occasionally) people.

    I found this interesting:

    The Right to Forcefully Resist Unlawful Arrest (using deadly force, if necessary) | Cop Block

    I also quite agree that in the event of war, a citizen sniper is greatly to be feared by the enemy. One person, or even a small group, cannot hold ground against a force equipped with aircraft, armor, and all the other accoutrements of modern warfare.

    On the other hand, no force can hold an occupied territory in the face of attritive sniping, especially when concentrated on officers.

    I prefer the .308 Winchester for my ordinary attritive sniping because I'd rather be a long way off when the party starts. But one should never underestimate the lethal effectiveness of a .22LR, especially from a scoped and silenced weapon.

    Nobody, and I do mean nobody, can casually shrug off a .22 caliber hole in their forehead and carry on with unabated enthusiasm.

    It doesn't take a bullet that will penetrate armor and kill someone instantly from 900 yards away.

    It just takes a bullet that will penetrate flesh, directed to a vital point from any practical distance.

    A suppressed .22 is almost impossible to locate. It is a veritable "ghost gun". If the enemy cannot bring their force to bear on a target, their force, however great, is nullified.

    A person that can carry 1,000 rounds of .22LR ammunition can kill 1,000 of the enemy and terrify 10,000 more.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    This is very interesting article and really worth reading for many different reasons. It is truly worthy of your time and I hope all will read it; it's well researched, well documented and well written. Read it and weep...to cut to the chase:
    "...this ancient right to forcefully resist state-licensed criminal violence during unlawful arrest by government agents – as determined by the man being arrested and his neighbors witnessing the arrest – is ignored and suppressed by prosecutors and the lower courts does not extinguish that right." (note: basically, we're talking about illegal arrest or action by police, it does not have to be violent)

    What this means in short, is exactly what it says in that courts have chose to not recognize the right to resist illegal actions of the police (note: which goes back to the 1600s!) yet they do recognize the right still exists...er, what? Yes, that is correct. So, I would then suppose that in order to find justice one would be forced to go completely through the legal system to the higher courts where one could force them to recognize one's right... Extremely interesting article and one I intend to keep and read whenever the wool starts to fall over my eyes. Thank you! @UncleMorgan
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Well, all that tells me is that it is a right to be dead right. Sometimes, exercising a right has consequences that are more severe than holding off and taking the battle to a less risky place.
  20. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

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