Question to all the military personel present and past.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mage2, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. mage2

    mage2 Monkey+++

    I have been searching the net with little success. I am looking for any tips or tricks that you would learn in the field. I am talking about tricks with the equipment and such. I know this is a somewhat vague question. Survival tips, tips in using gear, things that you would only learn after being out in it for awhile. When the day comes , I would rather avoid the learning curve.
  2. mage2

    mage2 Monkey+++

    As a example of what I mean, how to pack a parka and the liner in the butt pack. It won't fit!
  3. JBS

    JBS Monkey+++

    You talking about the old butt pack that attached to your pistol belt and LBE?
  4. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    If you roll the them together so that the parka (I assume you are talking rain poncho here?) is on the outside you can attach them with the strapes on the butt pack. Another thing is tape the clips on your alice grear they make less noise that way. But the best way to avoid the learning curve post SHTF is to use your stuff now. Myself and others could explain every trick we know, but you would learn way more by going out once a month even for a one night outing and using the gear that you have. What works for one person may not work for you. You can afford to make mistakes now, one day you may not beable to. [2c]

  5. jim

    jim Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Get two poncho's and at least one liner for them. You'll never make a better foul weather/comfort purchase of field equipment. Get some parachute cord (for tie-downs), and a net type hammock (500 lb rating). From this light weight material you can set up camp in the trees and be very comfortable and off the ground. No trees? Just use the poncho's and liner(s) for a bed roll.

    I used to carry a Gerber Mk2 on a cargo strap around my waist w. sheath in pants cargo pocket, a Kabar (7") on the LBE, a Buck 110 on pants belt, and a small pocket knife. But, I was in a recon unit and needed all these. You will only need a hunting knife, a small pocket knife, and a small utility tool like a Leatherman.

    Two one quart military canteens with the issue canteen cup. GI messkit nice ,but not required. Sun-still nice too.

    Buy the best boots and socks you can afford.

  6. TnAndy

    TnAndy Senior Member Founding Member

    Honestly, you'd be better off going to a good backpacking store, investigating the gear they have and then go backpacking if you want to learn to use good equipment.

    Most of the stuff they had when I was in (70-75) was junk designed and built by the minimum bid contractor. I'd be quite surprised if it was any different today.
  7. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    I'm with TnAndy - most of what was issued when I was in was basically crap. Think US Military shopsTaiwan via Wal-Mart.

    No, your cold weather parka (if that's what you meant) will not fit in your fanny pack, but it can be carried easily as OGM described. Bulky, but doable. The better solution really is as the others have said.

    As a woman (early 80s era military), I was not deemed 'tough' enough for battle but we still had preparedness training (always thought that ignorant, at best. Why train us if we weren't allowed to join in?) We weren't allowed to carry guns but were trained how to break them down, etc. in field conditions. I must say, for all the idiocy of the chauvinism, at least we learned (if we didn't know already) what was essential to have and what was nice but luxury.

    *If it can't fit in half a seabag, you don't need it.

    *If it can't fit on your belt and one pouch, you really don't need it.

    *If it won't play an active part of keeping you alive, you do not need it!
  8. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    What everybody has said already is exactly the truth, too. The key to readiness is simply separating the most essential items from the "fluff". You can do it your own way as long as it suits your own needs. As is in any survival situation, the terrain and climate dictate the standards of your basic functions. For example, I separate my kit as follows:

    -Most important to least important-

    *On my body, belt, in cargo pockets: first aid kit, pocket knife, folding fillet knife in sheath, combat knife, protective goggles, boot knife, flashlight, mini survival kit (size of an altoids tin, includes fishing line, 550 cord, magnesium stick, compass, wire snares.), 4 gold coins, 6 silver coins.
    *On my tactical vest: tomahawk, 3 ak mags, 3 pistol mags, .45 handgun, lensiatic compass, first aid kit with sutures, throwing knives, ecws parka rolled on back belt, flashlight, purification tabs, canteen, canteen cup, or I replace with a camelback. I also keep a buttpack with a spare set of underwear, pants, and socks, along with another mini survival kit that I made.
    *In my rucksack: pancho, liner, hammock, 550 cord, water bag, camp shower, mess kit, spare clothing and socks, water filtration pump, survival food tabs, halo 3 sleeping bag, compass, pocket knife, telescoping fishing rod and reel with kit.

    That's just from memory. I like to stack essential items like knives and compasses. If you find yourself having to leave kit behind, you will always have what you need to survive. Losing a rucksack shouldn't compromise your mission. Be willing to tackle the outdoors with what you have on you. Everybody has their own way, but that's basically mine. I may have left out a few minor things, but just try to adapt to your environment and see what works best.
  9. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    One more thing if your going to be on the move alot get rid of everything you can. A few more pounds can kill you. Also get rid of your underware!!! They will tear you up if your on the move, plus it's just unneeded weight. Light weight foot wear is a must if your on the move, but train with the heavest boots you have, then when you put on your light weight ones ( that have been broke in ) you can fly.

  10. ricdoug

    ricdoug Monkey+++

  11. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I am positive that I can't go without underwear, Ozark. I spent 20 bucks on a nice pair of underarmour briefs, and went on several 10k and 15k ruck marches...I must tell you that I was pleased. I can't have those babies swinging around, but some guys have no issues going Scottish. Some people don't like the underarmour, however.

    On another note, I am still looking for a small, lightweight crank shortwave radio. I have seen some before, but never bought one. I will have to search Ebay. If anybody here has one, please let me know how the fair.
  12. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    [LMAO] OGM. If you're female, better have that bra with you, though. It acts like a flippin' tourniquet as it is and can certainly be used as such if need!
  13. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Ozark, I'm with Broker, I can't go commando when I'm a commando. I also wear the UnderArmor boxer-briefs underwear, the only way I keep from chaffing. I went commando once on a road march, once. I was in pain and will never do that again, I'll bear that extra weight.
  14. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    The name is ozarkgoatMAN so no I'm not a female. Spend some time in a hot humid jungle and see how fast you lose the underware. As far as the bra goes they have a good use. If you get a wide enough Y stick you can always make a good double barrel sling shot. [winkthumb]

  15. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch


    Didn't think you were female. I was speaking in the generic vernacular ;). Personally, I dislike undies, but in the cold at least they help keep a little more heat in. :oops:
  16. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Been to Panama and am here in Iraq, Great thing about Under Armor and Gold Bond. Haven't had a single case of the J.I. yet.
  17. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    I've never heard of Under Armor, but I've been out since 94.

  18. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

  19. sniper-66

    sniper-66 Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    It is a polyester based cloth, much like spandex. They fit like a glove and wick moisture really well. I would send a picture, but that would probably get the site shut down!
  20. duanet

    duanet Monkey+++

    Was in Airforce in 1950's an been around the military since. I don't think that the military is the way to go for survival tips in any SHTF situation. It has a lot of high tech guns and gear, but is based on a long logistic tail. I know of very few situations other that long range patrol in Nam where anyone was expected to go over 2 or 3 days without resupply. Even the airforce bases in the 50's which were planning on fighting
    WW III were supplied for only a couple weeks and made no real preparations for the families and other dependents. Usually have enough batteries for all of the high tech gear and ammo for at most 2 or 3 days. Would like to hear from the current crop if there has been any changes but doubt it. Watching the news and talking to the guys back from Iraq, one good firefight will about take care of the ammo load and the new armored humvees drink gas and the Abhrams are even worse.

    Would seem that the Mormans going west or any other immigrant group, the mountian men, would be a better long term example. That said, I will not give up my 30-06 or my poncho or the alice load bearing system, or the airforce survival knife, or paracord. I guess the military has some of the best ideas on survival and have designed some great equipment, but a lot of the modrern stuff requires a vehicile to carry it in and a supply sergant to keep it going over 3 days.
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