B.S. Come to a freer part of the the the U.S. and blast away with a Ma Deuce! Even you will have a smile one your face. Try that Down under!
We place so much stock in morality without examining what it is and what it is based on. We were all programed by a base set of ideas someone else set up and we went from there. To see the truth of this remember cannibals believed they were morally and religiously correct.
All morality is forgotten when there is incoming.... Chell, I've been to Queensland and did some motoring around. Nice enough, but few free Americans would want to live there. On the other hand, my good friend Shaun couldn't wait to get back to Newcastle because "You yanks are a crazy lot". To each his own....
If I might share something, A scene in the series of "friends', Joey get's upset because his little sister got pregnant and did not want to get married,. but the same character Joey, has a lifestyle of having sex with the daughters of other men. The hypocrisy of twisted values and elevating one's self over others is not due to religion . I don't know any one that's ok being lied to, but they don't mind lying them selves .= hypocrisy, this has nothing to do with religion. By the way, Allah, the Mohammedan god approves of lies, Jesus however said Satan is a liar and the father of it. 600 years before Mohammed was born. According to Revelation all liars end in hell . God absolutely disapproves of lies . Even handing out Misinformation, inadvertently or deliberately . There are some that are eager to point out fault as though they are blameless, secretly artful at their own deceptions . Fact of the matter is these hidden things fester in time, and lead to illnesses their brain can't balance, some times ,even phsyical illnesses are a result, doctors are unable to properly diagnose.
while I see what seems to be the goal of your statement I have to say... many things that are considered morally correct have a sound bases... murder is bad... rape is bad... stealing is bad... etc... programmed or not this seems a sound approach IMHO... if we look at history and study how things were when morals were formed we often see common sense was involved... it used to be said that being too active sexually was a bad thing... the reasons often given stemmed from unwanted pregnancy and disease... we still have these... I could go on... my point to this is there were and often still are good reasons for having a set of standard morals...
For all the rhubarb proclaimed by Bill White in his opinion piece, and the comments by monkeys following it.... the reality is that right...and left....all exist in the same dung heap....just that the tribes occupying what they believe to be the higher ground on the twin peaked dung heap, believe that their tribe and peak smell better than the smellier lower life people who clearly occupy the lower moral ground. Flinging manure at those whom one believes to be clearly inferior to oneself, can seem very self satisfying, but at the end of the day...getting off the muck heap might be the more productive enterprise... Indeed....the parallels are strikingly applicable to the occupants of both of the muck heap's twin peaks....though not in the ways that may be suggested in Bill White's article.
Morality as a concept can be replaced by the statement rules necessary for people to live together, however it often goes beyond that, to cover thing one person does not like. There are, allegedly, societies that did not acknowledge owner ship of property so they had no theft.