How you know when you win an argument with a liberal?

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by oil pan 4, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I know this is supposed to be a joke thread but the responses have turned serious (semi) so here goes my rant.......

    When did your political party affiliation become a definition of who you are? Liberal and conservative have become as defining as male/ female. I know liberals that are more successful homesteaders then half the people on here. I think one thing we have lost sight of is that the parties are broken. We are being defined by the extremist of both parties. I personally do not want to be associated with either. I am conservative in nature but I have many liberal views. Liberals want to help the poor, the environment etc. so do I but I have a different idea of how to do it vs. how they see the problem getting solved. We are no better then them. I do not want to miss out on a good conversation or learning something because of a political party affiliation.
    Trouble likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    It seems that those definitions are not so firm as in the past, more's the pity. There's a rant hiding in there that will come out if someone pokes that bear.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Generally, party affiliation could be considered a binary, at least as far as major parties are concerned....though there may be movement and commitment from one to another, to and fro, depending on performance and policies over time.

    Ideology tends more to be a spectrum kind of thing, with a person holding different positions on that spectrum in relation to different issues.

    I too question being pigeonholed as one or another..."liberal" or "conservative" / "ALP" (Australian Labor Party) or "LNP" (Liberal National Party Coalition).....I'm more a centrist kind of guy, with a range of views, one of those swinging voters who the different parties have to convince me each election that they are worthy of my vote and support.

    Language, and the definitions that describe phenomena aren't set in concrete....The reality is that there are people, throughout the ages who have not satisfactorily fitted into either binary category: All that a culture does is to coin new expressions to describe that which already exists. If something exists for which there is no suitable word to describe it, almost inevitably some term will be invented to do that job...either by expanding the meaning of an existing word, or inventing an entirely new word (neologism) Neologism - Wikipedia
    Motomom34 likes this.
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