Report from the border

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Minuteman, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The offer is still there, just in case. How are you concealing your 1911? I really like that IWB, it is by far my favorite and you don't have to conceal near as much with it.

    I found this on Glocktalk, while I am not a fan of the micros, I really like the CDPs.

    1911 format. I guess I knew that; but, it just carried so well I needed to give it a shot.


  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I carry a full sized 1911 and and don't have my concealed carry permit yet. But, by being from out of state, I can legaly carry concealed in my vehicle in Texas. I love Texas's gun laws. So I have rigged up a in the pants holster and a place in the front pocket of my laptop computer case. I have my pistol, flashlight, and extra clips all on my front seat within easy reach. When I get out at the motel I just carry the laptop with the shoulder strap and my weapon is within easy reach and the laptop case doesn't draw any attention.
    When I am out in the countryside or on location I carry it in the center console in the truck and in the inside the pants holster when I am out of the truck. I make sure it is very unconcealed, and visible when I am out opening a gate or something.
    I'll keep the NAA revolver in a pocket holster.
  3. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I don't worry about having it in a holster, I just put it in my pocket. Since it is a true single action a negligent discharge would be difficult to accomplish.
  4. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    Hopefully its not a "True Single action" and its a New single action with a transbar safety.eek3
  5. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    No, it actually is a true single action, no tranfer bar (ala Ruger) instead the NAA utilizes a notch within on the cylinder that you release the hammer to fall in, this notch is between the bullets so that the hammer cannot fall upon or hit the bullet or it's rim. When the hammer is cocked it automatically moves the cylinder into the correct firing position.
  6. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    I think i understand what you are saying, is that it goes out of time to safe and then back into time for firing?
    The true single action Colt patent, would fire when bumped with the hammer down. thats why they rolled up money and kept it in the empty cylinder hole.
  7. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    That's it.
  8. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    cool thanks, never heard of it.
  9. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    <CENTER>[FONT=Times Roman, Times New Roman, Arial][SIZE=+3]FAQ - Mini-Revolver Safety Cylinder[/SIZE][/FONT]</CENTER><HR>
    <TABLE cellPadding=5 width=780 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>[​IMG] North American Arms Mini-Revolvers are equipped with a unique safety cylinder, giving you maximum protection against accidental discharge.

    The North American Arms Safety Cylinder feature allows the gun to be carried fully loaded. There are halfway notches located between the chambers. The hammer is lowered into one of these notches after the gun is loaded. When the hammer is pulled back to the firing position the cylinder rotates to the next chamber.
    NOTE: The traditional half-cock position is to be used for loading and unloading only. THE HAMMER SHOULD NEVER REST IN THE HALF-COCK POSITION OVER A LIVE CARTRIDGE, OR ON THE RIM OF A LIVE CARTRIDGE.
    If you have an older model NAA Mini-Revolver, or know someone who does, please check to see if it is equipped with the NAA Safety Cylinder - if not please call at 800-821-5783 to find out how to update the gun to the new cylinder.
    NAA Mini-Revolvers come with a Lifetime Warranty. If anything should ever go wrong with your Mini-Revolver, please call Customer Support to find out how to send the gun to us for repair.
    Note: The following instructions are from our FAQ - 22 Caliber Mini-Revolvers.

    The Safety Cylinder is a critical part of the gun. We recommend that you practice the following steps to become proficient at using the Safety Cylinder before loading the gun.
    • First: Make sure the gun is unloaded.
    • Second: Make sure the gun is unloaded!
    • Third: Retract the hammer to the point that the cylinder spins freely (about half-way) and keep it retracted.
    • Fourth: Looking through the top/rear of the frame, locate any of the five milled safety slots (those notches on the cylinder between the chambers), and position any slot directly beneath the blade of the hammer (which is still retracted).
    • Fifth: While still retracting the hammer, depress the trigger (and keep it depressed)
      now allow the hammer to settle into the slot.
    You can (should) confirm engagement of the hammer in the slot by attempting to rotate the cylinder; if it does rotate, the hammer was not engaged in the slot (repeat the process). Visually confirm, also, by examining the alignment of any chamber with the bore; if a bullet could physically pass from the chamber through the bore, the gun is not 'safe'. In other words, if a chamber is located at 12 o'clock, the gun is not 'safe'; in the 'safe' condition, the upper two chambers are at one and eleven o'clock. 99.9% of the failures are because the trigger was not kept fully depressed while the hammer was being lowered (Step 5). Once you get the hang of it, however, you'll find the process becomes surprisingly easy, quick and natural.

    Our .22 Magnum Mini-Revolver is the ultimate in up front, personal, close-in protection. It's small, easy to conceal and safe to carry. Whether you carry it for hiking and camping, or for self-defense, this gun delivers when you need it most.

    [FONT=News Gothic, Times Roman, Times New Roman, Arial][SIZE=+1]As with every NAA Mini-Revolver, the hammer need not rest on an empty chamber. Using the original half-way notch cylinder, the hammer may rest safely and securely without chance of accidental discharge.
    Please see our Safety Cylinder page or the owners manual for more information.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    <TR><TD align=middle>

  10. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Picked mine up the other day before heading back to the borderlands. Cool little gun, I love it. Got that and some .22 mag hollow points to carry in my pocket in the parking lots. Any banditos try to grab me and they will have to say hello to my little friend.
    I had a few bucks left over from the sale of my house so I went ahead and bought the XD .45 with 4" barrel. Nice pistol. I got a Streamlight to go on it. Man that things bright! Now I can open gates with one hand free.
    The BP has been busy back in here around our location. They said it would pick up after the first of the year and they were right. They picked up 10 two days ago and were just a mile down the road today looking for some more. I have two gate guards, one on the main gate 8 miles down the road and another at a second gate 3 miles away. The guy at the first gate was awoken at 3 am yesterday with his bell going off. They have bell hoses (like at a gas station) that lets them know when a vehicle is at the gate. He didn't hear a vehicle and looked out and saw a guy stepping on the hose. He figured that there were others waiting for him to come out of the trailer. He cracked the door and poked out the barrel of his pistol and fired a round in the air. He didn't have anymore visitors the rest of the night.
  11. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I hate to tell you this MM, but I heard that Cabelas had the four inch XD models in tan with five magazines for $499.
  12. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    It never fails. Anytime I buy something I hear about a better deal a few days later. But, on the other hand I like supporting my local owned gun shop. I paid $538 for the pistol and $245 for the Surefire (not streamlight) Xm 2000 weapons light. It was an impulse buy. I have been wanting one for awhile but had planned on putting it on lay away. But I had the bucks in the bank and thought what the heck. Just gotta hide the checkbook from the wife till payday.

    BTW, the DEA just busted a drug runner less than 2 miles from the main gate here. Guy had over 2000 pounds of pot in his truck.
    He wasn't on his way here. I swear!
  13. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    You still got a good deal, it is always good to support your local guy, Cabelas doesn't need the money. It sounds like you are well set up, I need a light for my tupperware, as my 1911's do not have a rail. I like the XD's. Mags shot really well.
  14. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Haven't got to run any rounds through it yet. Literally picked it up on my way out of town. But with the new place I'll be doing some target practice when I get home.
  15. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I just heard today that two gate guards were found shot to death down around the McAllen area. They didn't work for my company but it was in the same area where we have some leases.

    It was a man and his wife, they found them behind their travel trailer both shot several times. I heard today that a BP said they were shot with a 9 milimeter. No clues or arrests.

    None knows if it was illegals or a robbery gone bad, or both I guess. Word is the people were an older retired couple so they don't believe drugs were involved.

    I don't think the $100 a day they get paid is enough, at least for this area. I am on a well lighted location with usually a couple dozen people around. The gate guards are by themselves, sometimes miles from the rig.

    The BP chopper has been hovering all around our location this afternoon. Must have some illegals spotted. They have caught about 20 in here the last two weeks. All of them between the rig and the front gate 8 miles away.
  16. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Stay safe my friend, keep those firearms close by at all times.
  17. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I saw a segment on Fox news this morning about a new documentary about life on the border. It looked really good. But I missed the when and where it was going to air. I am watching to see if I see it again. Had some really eye opening previews.

    It has been fairly exciting around here this last week. We had a shoot out just a few miles down the road from our main gate. There is some run down houses and trailers and I guess somebody was having a party and too much tequila. The details are second hand and sketchy but two guys got killed.

    Then the next day the police were chasing an ET that had stolen a car and they came right down our main road. The guy was doing 80 MPH when he lost it. The car left the road and went airborne. The gate guard at the front gate saw the whole thing. Said the car flipped end for end several times and finally came crashing down into the mesquite bushes. The guy inside crawled out and took off running. They still haven't found him.

    And of course the BP has been rounding them up all around us. They got a gruop of 10 the other day between my rig and the first gate guard which is only three miles down the road. At least they are avoiding our location. It is kind of hard to miss us with this 127' derrick sticking up out of the mesquite trees.

    On the preview of the documentary they were telling about the drug runners battling with the coyotes and trying to take over the people smuggling trade. I have heard a lot of horror stories of that in this area. They say just North of here they find bodies all the time. Some of them chopped up with machetes or gunned down. It is a major drug running corridor. Where I am at is supposed to be more of an ET running corridor. But if the drug runners are muscling in on the coyotes it might get a little more exciting around these parts.

    Might not have to wait till I get home to try out that new XD .45
  18. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Oh joy. Heres hopeing things stay boreing for you. lol
  19. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Boring is nice.
  20. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I had lunch with a guy yesterday who was born and raised in this area. He is one of the few gringos I have met down here. I was telling him how I was shocked by the way things are down here. The carjackings, ambushes, kidnappings etc. and how you never hear about that on the news. He said "I'll tell you something you'll never hear Fox news talk about" He asked if I had ever been through the town of Roma. I said "yeah, several times" He said "Did you ever notice the new High School there?"

    Roma is a small border town on 83 highway between McAllen and Laredo. Just south of Zapata. Just off the highway is a very nice, very big, brand new High School. I told him that , yeah, I had noticed it when I passed through there. He told me that it looked like the Texas A&M campus it was so big. He said they even had their own 9 hole golf course for the high school golf team. He asked me if I had ever wondered why such a small town would have so large and nice a high school. I had to admit I never really thought about it.

    He said that schools get money from the government based on there enrollment and the income level of the students. So a school with a lot of low income students would get more money than one with fewer, more well off ones. I said that I knew how it worked. He said "Well here on the border they have a different way of doing it"

    He told me that every morning buses from the Roma High School crossed the bridge into Mexico and picked up bus loads of students and brought them back to go to school. My mouth fell open. I said "You've got to be kidding me" He said "Nope, it happens every day. You can sit down by the crossing and watch them. They go pick them up in the mornings and take them back in the afternoons."

    I couldn't hardly believe it. So I asked a couple of the guys that work for me, who live in the area about it and they said "Oh, jeah. zay bus zee keeds evry day." They were Texicans so I didn't pursue it any further but you could tell by there expressions that it was common knowledge and they didn't see anything wrong with it. One guy told me that a lot of the schools around here do it.

    So if that's true. And I have no reason to belive it isn't. Our tax dollars are being spent to bus, feed, and educate, another countries children.

    There's politicos pushing for a North American Union, one big country with no borders. Folks it's already here.

    So just remember that when you are making out that check to Uncle Sam in a few days. You can feel good about paying those taxes, because thousands of foreigners children are depending on you.
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