I agree with most of what is being said here. Like most I would like to live and let live and just be left alone. But my way of life is being threatened and has gone beyond ignoring it. UncleMorgan's message was spot on. Those causing most of the problems, protest, riot, destroy, then go home laughing. The instigators are most probably paid professional protesters followed by the weak minded and easily led. It would be easy to stop. You need to make it uncomfortable and not worth it to them. Pretty easy to find and pick out the leaders and the bold. Most of them are on camera. Lots of them are wearing a mask (sure give away). Break some heads, make arrests along with heavy penalties, and follow the money...
Bingo..... that is quite the statement. Now lets be empathetic and think of how Obama supporters felt every time he was bashed or Hillary. Hillary was trashed heavily on here so how so you suppose her supporters felt when they came here?
How has your way of life been alerted in anyway from these riots. Most on here live outside of areas so they are not daily worrying about a flash mob or looting. I bet even in outlying areas that race relations are better.
As a newly ordained Liberal, all I can say is that I am working towards finding a resolution to this garbage. I am nearly half a month in my liberal journey, formerly having been just right of Genghis Kahn in my politics and probably more conservative than Martha Stewart. I have been keeping a daily diary on this forum, where I am exploring ideas to save the Democratic party from total destruction by you right-wang gun-nuts. I think I may have discovered the silver bullet today. Republicans hate this guy, but the working Americans elected him to the highest office in the land in spite of tremendous opposition to everything Hillary represented.I am going to prepose that we appoint Donald Trump as Supreme Leader of the Democratic Party!
I think @BlueDuck was referring to the eventual consequences upon all our lifestyles. The protesters are useful idiots being used as pawns to bring us one step closer to tyranny (and yes there are useful idiots outside the left as well). It's not just the protests, it's the locked in mindset that all their needs are to be provided and anybody standing in their way is a hater/Nazi so it's not just OK, but their duty to initiate violence. These people will become majority voters at some point. It doesn't matter where you live it's coming for you and your offspring sooner or later. I'm unlucky to live on the fringe of one of the most violent radical metro areas in the US. I didn't move here - they moved here and have been shatting all over the place ever since. We have another Monkey who has also lived here since before the leftists came and he even more unfortunately lives pretty close to one of our ground zeros. In that part of town if you veer two blocks out of the safe zone you are taking your life into your own hands by people who have decided you are racist by the color of your skin. For me, personally, the riots mean I don't travel to the city center for fear of riots or the new racially controlled areas (I'll give you a hint - they are not controlled by the KKK or any other form of white supremacy), "peace" riots against all us Trump Nazi's where the police aren't allowed to keep the peace, and also the fact it's a nice juicy target for a terror event. It means my truck gun is now an AR with several mags. It means I go armed everywhere I'm still willing to go. I don't want this, but I'm not going to give this land away for free, either.
Thank you M3-TA3 for reading my mind. I live a long way from the crowds so there is not much chance for unruly riots around here. I was referring to the whole ball of wax. Every time a new law or EO is passed we are all effected. Taking away the second amendment doesn't mean much to someone who doesn't obay the law in the first place. If any law is passed it should be just and have consequences. It galls me to see law enforcement stand down and watch rioters loot and destroy right in front of them and on camera and do nothing to discourage it. Then, that being followed up by gutless politicians doubling down on more useless restrictions that they won't enforce if they think it might cost them a vote. This obstruction crap that is going on in congress to stop Trump from doing what he has said he would do all along should make clear (as if it wasn't clear for many years) the liberal agenda. The Democrats don't care a wit, if terrorists infiltrate our country as long as they can slime the Republicans. The pussy parade a couple of weeks ago is just one more example. A great way for liberals to get their (nasty) message out. I would think that should have been pretty disgusting to most people, but there might have been a vote in it. And it all trickles down.
Aw, Dang, SeaCowboys..... I have been characterized as "Just Left of Nazi".... and I thought we were "Birds of a Feather"...
I get to call bingo this time. The fact that Zero and Hitlery get bashed on this site is the reason I am still here. If this site started getting a bunch of their supporters I'd be gone, so good if people that like them don't feel welcome here.
I, for one, would not be upset if some libs settled in. They, too, might need to prepare for something, whether it's the same thing you and I anticipate is immaterial. Their views and discussions on prepping would be welcome. And, so far as I'm personally concerned they can enter the political debates with whoever will listen to their spewing and as long as the CoC is observed. As long as they don't politicize the selection of (say) water purification devices or dribble spam, where's the harm? The political threads do not insist that every one other than staff read them.
Uncle Morgan, I hated to read your comment above. I agree with them all and you did a masterful job of outlining the problems that we face, I just find them depressing. Well I never shoot the messenger so you are safe. I just don't have any hope of any rapid improvement in our situation given the present political system, educational system and mass media. While I agree with you in principle ghrit, some of the liberals seem to have the ability to rub the last two nerves I have raw. I know nothing worse on the left or the right than some individual that spouts a canned line about the politics, climate, or whatever, and refuses to even discuss the subject as it might endanger his purity of thought. I too enjoy chelloveck's rational discussions and classical education. You have to love any scholar who corrects your quotes and sets them into their original context. Please continue to spend some time with those of us who are more uncouth and attempt to at least expose us to the effects of a traditional classic education.
Yes, a lot of people live in areas far away from lib-tardisms, but unfortunately I live in lib-tardville and see it all the time, up close and personal, so I speak from personal experience with them. Including highways blocked by these scum. [QUOTE="UncleMorgan, "They're in it for the wine & cheese,[/QUOTE] You misspelled that, it is "whine and (free gov't) cheese" WARNING! The following might be "alt-news"! Since the alt-stupid refuse to tell me what "alt-news" is, you are taking your own alt-chances of being exposed to the truth if you read it! Civil War Is Coming to the U.S.: “Left WILL Resort To Large Scale Violence… " I believe there will be a large scale terrorist attack within the next three months, beyond the mob actions of the Left already in progress.
At the risk of thread derailment....we have at least 3 years and some 10.5 months of vexation ahead of us....Trump deserves to be held to account for his actions in office, as much as his predecessor did.....these protests reflect some of the constitutionally protected freedoms that citizens are afforded in America, as vexing as it might be to some who don't share their beliefs or political affiliations or ideological orientations: However, whether protestors are of the left, or right, nothing justifies unlawful behavior: not even justifiable protest. Its easier to write off the protests and protesters in terms of one's own stereotypic world view and value judgements....snow flake, libtard, moonbat, "liberal", commie, and socialist, etc so easily roll off the tongues of the uncritical, unthinking right, just as easily as wingnut, rethuglican, teabagger, moron, fascist, and loon roll off the tongues of the unthinking, and uncritical left. Each side feels justified that their cause is just and righteous, and that their opponents' cause is unjustified and evil. Little of the name calling achieves much. other than to bolster one's own biases, and doubling down on attacking the other side's ideological stances that one doesn't agree with, or approve of. What are the most common American political insults? | OxfordWords blog To me, protest is a healthy sign of a free country, with a citizenry that doesn't fear its government. It is a useful way of communicating the citizenry's feelings to the government, by direct action, that governments (executive and legislative), ignore at their own peril; at times other than when candidates for legislative, executive and (in some jurisdictions) judiciary public offices are up for election / re-election. It's not so much the consequences of a "classical education", than an inquisitive mind, and a penchant for fact checking. In the case of the jolly roger and slitting throats quote, I just wanted to discover the context of the quote to see its relevance to what was being posted. At face value, the quote seems to advocate for some cathartic, but brutal action by folk who have put up with more zhit than is reasonably expected to be borne by a reasonable person; but the quote is actually a barb flung by Menken at Pound in some literary zhitfight, so I discovered. Unfortunately, (and I am not suggesting it of GOG) quotes are sometimes taken out of the context within which they were written, to be used in ways that the author(s) never intended, to mislead those who are prepared to just accept them at face value. My formal education finished before completing high school...I was a very poor student. I have rarely completed any of the post secondary courses that I have started, (except for University units in creative photography, sociology, research statistics, and community theatre....I would have done interpretive dancing, but I had extreme difficulty in marching and doing close order drill in the .mil, so I was pretty much cured of any inclinations in that direction...my drillys were very effective at aversion therapy)
I have to pick apart your last Legion, The left will NOT be fighting, they will be paying for the mercenaries to fight FOR THEM as was seen with Levoy! Make no mistake, Merc's are here and operating under the promise of a share in the spoils. Any large scale Violence or civil war will come from that quarter.
THis comment is worth repeating "Actually if you turn off the TV and do not surf the web, one would never really know that all the protesting is going on." Many of those 'protestors' are being paid to go places and start riots. A lot of $$ is being spent to make it look like it is worse than it is. Dont be fooled by the media and its sensationalism SIDE NOTE: @Seacowboys you are now an 'ordained' liberal
I agree with you as far as the above goes. Getting into their political views or Libtard way of thinking would get on my nerves and might make me use the "Ignore" feature that I have never used on here and hope I will never have to use. Remember monalisaoverdrive, yeah, that went well.
@chelloveck - Your post above to me is worded like you are a US citizen (YOUR NOT) and I don't understand why you think you need to talk shit about our politics and Trump. People on here don't tell you what is wrong with your Australian government until you start talking about our gun laws compared to yours. Don't remember you talking that much shit about Zero and Hitlery...Or maybe I forgot???
How come you can be "ordained" a liberal but Trump has to be appointed? In your short time as a liberal you already show advanced stages of hypocrisy and elitism. I fear that in a few weeks you may even grow...CANKLES!
That would be me. I don't obey laws that infringe upon my unalienable human rights. They can take away the second amendment all they want...won't impact my god-given right to bear arms one bit...though it might give me new targets to consider.