All I can say is DARN RIGHT! Wait,... is this supposed to be sarcasm? As a carrier I am immune, so it is hard to tell.
If I have to label sarcasm or tongue in cheek, then I will assume the person scratching their head is a little too slow to get the point.
Natasha sez: "So is no longer Moose and Squirrel, is now Moose and Cat?" Best watch those scratching their butts too...which is where the head might be residing.
Day 7, My Liberal Diary I am still trying to figure out what I am doing wrong with this "Affordable Health Care"? I have been paying a lot of money for many years, to Blue Cross for Medical and Health insurance. I thought that with OBAMA-Care, it would get cheaper and the coverage would be better but my premiums have nearly tripled since the passage of Obama's Affordable Health Care Act. My deductable has doubled too, now I have pay twice as much while sick or injured before I can get the insurance to pay anything. My Co-Pay has gone from $10.00 per doctor's visit to $40.00. The real surprise was in the fine-print, My very expensive affordable Health Care now doesn't pay at all for many items that were formerly covered without question, such as my medications of arthritis and psoriasis. I thought affordable Health Care was supposed to help us out with the outrageous costs of health care, not dilute it and triple the costs? Will one of my new Liberal friends please explain to me why I have to pay three times as much for half as much insurance and call it "Affordable"?
And I had to pay a large premium because I didn't pay for health insurance that I didn't want and would not have used if I had paid for it. Now I'm penalized for not buying something.
I want to do they same thing with my automobile insurance, I haven't had an accident in 40 years, what do I need with it? Just wasted money.
Day 8, My Liberal Diary Ok, Democrats were traditionally Southern, as apposed to Lincoln and the Yankees, who were Republicans. We have been at odds with them damned Republicans ever since, so why are so many of my liberal brother's and sisters against my Stars and Bars leather motorcycle jacket? It does not represent slavery, who needs slavery when we got all these Mexicans? I have started to suspect that we have been infiltrated with Unions (just like in 1860). I am for this Affordable Health Care thing for everybody, but why do I have to pay for it because I make more money than someone that has never had a job? I think the rich folks should have to pay for it, I don't mean the millionaires, or even Billionaires, or the big Companies, I am talking about the Asshats that we (the United States) owes 19 Trillion dollars to. If they got enough money to loan us a trillion or two every time we turn around, why can't they pay to keep us all healthy so we can fight their bullshit wars for them and keep paying interest on that never ending debt?
Day 10, My Liberal Diary Dear Diary...(this seems like a liberal greeting) Is there a handbook or instructional video about how to respond to conservative's spouting facts? Or do we just over-turn a car and break a window or two? Some of us refer to conservatives as "Trump Apologists" but I haven't really heard anyone that supported him apologize for anything. In fact, they seem to relish in the simple fact that he was voted into office and has proceeded to do just exactly what he said he would do and all we seem to be doing is listening to the mass-media, coincidentally owned and operated by mostly Liberals, singing to the choir. I really don't think that the mis-informed Americans that voted for him, are listening or watching the MSM any more, actually believing that we are just painting one side of the picture and everyone that believes differently is : 1. Ignorant and racist 2. Brainwashed and racist 3. Facist, Nazi, Rednect racists, Misanthropic ner'do wells 4. Racist 5. Homophibic racists I know that we are supposed to ignore the little detail that we were out-numbered, out voted. The MSM is trying to spin but it only seems to be reaching us, the minority. Apparently, a large number of Americans just want to live in the twentieth century forever. We eleminated civics class from public school ciriculum, so that we can stir people up that have no clue about how our government is structured or why is was done that way. We control the MSM, hell, we own it. We have iconic movie stars, our real leaders, to stir the pot. We have PUSSY HATS! oh, we got Califorinia too. I love the idea of California succeeding from the Union. Several states tried that in the 1860s, but ran into some opposition and decided to remain in the United States, in-spite of not being able to own other human beings to do their menial tasks. And they couldn't possibly know that Mexico would step in and fill that void. California, on the other hand, could just walk right on out and set up our very own Socialist Republic, We could elect Wanda Sykes as the First Black Woman Comedian Gay President! If we have a Supreme Court, we can fill it with Baldwyns, Canadians will be given dual citizenship. Stay fast, brothers and sisters, these times, they are a changing. We can make movies showing what a Utopian Society is really like, Rosie McDonald can be the leading lady, special guest appearances by Hillary Clinton. We can supply the world with oranges, avacado, wine, and sylicone, don't we own silicone valley? Corner the market on breast implants. Do not forget that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If we shout loud enough, they' think they are out numbered and will back down...or shoot...We don't need to forget that the ones that voted Trump into office are the very same ones that own all those assault weapons. We need to tread carefully around those Gadston Flag Waving armed rednecks.
Day 9, My Liberal Diary I skipped day nine to contemplate something that concerns me greatly about my new-found liberalism. I am all for sitting around singing kumbaya, smoking some weed, maybe having a sit-in somewhere to get our point across but this burning down buildings, beating people for speaking their opinion, even if their opinion greatly differs from mine, name calling, and proceeding under the assumption that anyone that disagrees with my politics is a total dumb-ass racist nazi, is where I have my reservations. It's not that I mind so much, as that I am very aware that we might just piss them off enough to get some folks seriously hurt or killed. Remember who beat all our efforts at sensible gun control and confiscation? Remember how the NRA pushed Obama around? Not very many of them have even restricted magazines to 10 rounds, per our demands and we have been calling their semi-automatic rifles "Assault" Rifles for so long now that they they just might say ok and assault us with them. I realize we were not the brightest bulb on the tree when we let that Clinton woman run for President instead of a someone that was actually qualified to voice our position, but if we plan to take this great socialist experiment to the next level, getting shot like common criminals is not the smartest way to begin. Do you know how many of these dangerous weapons were sold in the United State every time Obama tried to curtail them? He has been touted as the Firearms Industry "Salesman of the Century". and this is my point, just who do we suppose bought all these guns and ammunition? I am pretty sure it wasn't us liberals...just sayin
Hell, Man!! Get off your ass and burn and break something!! Preferably something you own or at least in your own neighborhood!
Day 11, My Liberal Diary I almost decided to join my fellow liberals in a protest against Alabama Senator, Jeff Sessions being approved by Senate for the position of Attorney General of the United States. One or two Facebook friends tried to rally support for this important Protest March, but were overwhelmed by right-wangers asking pointed questions about why we were protesting him and refusing to accept Rhetoric as an answer! So I set out to gather some of these answers for our cause. The most outspoken group appeared to be a few dozen large women with bad hair-cuts, many of them wearing Pussy Hats and some, dressed in vagina costumes, so I asked a few of them, Why we were protesting? Answers ranged from hostile sexual innuendo to simple vulgar expletives, but a majority concensus was because Trump had appointed him. Another group of colorfully dressed folks, obviously the LGBT community, said they were protesting because thy were Gay and in your Face and Trump appointed him. The NAACP representatives were a little more forth-coming in their "we gotta take this Cracker down!" approach, citing racially insensitive remarks that Session had made about Black people should take more responsibility for their actions. I couldn't understand what the Mexicans were saying, none of them were speaking English. The Obama-Care crowd, having all paid their $350.00 annual fine for not buying health-care insurance, were angry because they no longer have to pay their annual fine to not have insurance. The gun control crowd were there just to show their support against the NRA. The BLM folks were just plain hostile, saying they were there for social justice and many of them smelled like gasoline, but they all had nice jewelry and new shoes. This whole event was beginning to look like a bad South Park episode, people milling around in little isolated groups, apparently determined by either their clothing or their signs, shouting angry slogans and chants about Black power, Gay Power, Women Power, kill policemen power...Then the NORML folks showed up to protest Session's aversion to legalized marijuana and people started getting a bit more mellow, the air got a little hazy and eventually, we decided to loot a Dunkin Doughnuts.
Seacowboys, do you mind if I share these on my Facebook page? I got some liberals that I really want to piss off! TIA. Kajun
I'm hoping that when this old pirate gets around to writing his book of adventures, he includes his diary in the Epilogue
Day 12, My Liberal Diary I believe I have figured out what the problem is! We have no real leadership or agenda. The Gays are screaming for Gay stuff, the Blacks are screaming for more free stuff, the Mexicans are screaming something in Spanish, Women are screaming for politicians to keep their hands off their vagina (is this really a problem?), the gun-control people and the Obama-care people are making up BS statistics that won't fly with any scrutiny at all, the Main Stream Media is calling a few hundred Liberal Protestors "Thousands", Sorros and the Unions are spending fortunes busing loads of protestors around the country, Celebrities that nobody's heard from in decades are speaking out to get whatever attention they can, but most the rest of us are just calling more than half the population of our nation, stupid, ignorant, facist, nazi, redneck, racists. We need Cohesion: an agenda! We need to standardize the names we call them. They don't seem to mind racist so why don't we pick one that nobody likes? They all hate the Clintons, so what was that fat little girl's name that Bill boinked with his cigar? Monica Lewinsky! Let's call the Monicas! And we need a leader, a spokes person of some public stature. I was thinking maybe Madonna but even if only 1 percent of the 65, 844, 000 votes Clinton got, were non-gay males, and she blows four an hour through-out an eight hour day, seven days a week, she'll be busy for the next 56 years full-filling her campaign promises. I thought about maybe Whoopi Goldberg, she's gay, black, and I think she's a woman? Maybe she could run with Rosie McDonald as VP? I think she would have to take her wife's name though, Goldberg sounds too jewish and someone might mistake her for a Hasidic Rabbi. I like Wanda Sykes better, she is black, gay, funny, and has a normal sounding name. Ellen Degeneris could be her National Security Advisor.