Report from the border

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Minuteman, Mar 19, 2006.

  1. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Jeezuz its sounds out of control,
    You guys should throw it in reverse ( the back up light might help andthen back up afew feet before putting it park( listen for the thump) word will get around ..
    short shotguns, big handguns,"boot" knife and ahidden deepcover weapon or two"and a generic hancuff key (perhaps a razor knife blade hidden in a boot heel or the inside lining of a tall boot or thick belt.) becareful man. This is the USA?
  2. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Now you know that they are only here to do the jobs that Americans won't:rolleyes: [smsh]
  3. JGrelle

    JGrelle Monkey+++

    I'd like to see a mine field along the entire border. It just makes me mad as hell. We also need to have open season with no bag limit on Illegals. I fear it will take something like a nuclear terror attack here & then discover they came acrossed the southern border, before our politicans are forced to get off their asses & close it down.

  4. duanet

    duanet Monkey+++

    I think all of the above is true and probably only hitting the bottom of the real problem. Since NAFTA went in and we started the free trade thing with them all hell has broken loose in Mexico. A good portion of their small farmers have been forced from their land, some estimate 20 % of them, and any worker who tries to form a union or asks for higher wages is either fired or killed. Mexico is effectively in a stage of low grade civil war. The starving masses against the new $billonares. Some made the money on business, some on drugs, some inherited it, and some on crooked government, but most of the people in Mexico are worse off now than 10 years ago. I can't even keep track of the places where the "army" is in charge of the peacekeeping which to me is occupation. A couple or three states and several towns that I know about of offhand. Well they are in the middle of a SHTF, or at least the least educated ones are and the only hope of feeding their families or getting ahead is leaving. We talk of bugging out and survival in hostile territory and what to do after "it" happens. A lot of countries south of the border have already had "it" happen. Now the interesting part begins. They are going "socialist" in Venezuala, Nicaragra and I don't know where else. It seems to me that the poor are a little upset with the oil companies paying their countries 50 cents a barrel for oil that brings $60 on the world market and they really wonder if that deal signed by the oil companies 60 years ago when the US marines occupied the country is really valid. Only God knows where that will end and I don't see any quick improvements no matter who wins.

    Short and not so sweet, until conditions improve south of the border, they will be like my German ancestors and do damn near anything to leave Germany and get into the US. A hundred and fifty years ago my greatgrandfather and his brother got on a boat in France with money given to them to buy a ticket to replace someone who had been "drafted" into the Union army and could hire a replacement. They didn't know English, knew that they were going into a war as privates, and could well die of disease or wounds. Sounds to me that they must of been very unhappy with their lives and futures in Germany. Some were lucky enough to stay alive until the war ended and they could homestead land in Minnesota and make enough to bring over their wives and rest of the family. One of them was my greatgrandfather, but another one that didn't was his brother who is burried at Gettsyburg and who left no descendents. Like it or not, we for the most part are the children and decendents of the survivors of the earlier waves to come to the country. I expect most of them came because they had no hope in the old country and at least some hope in the USA.
  5. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    T3, I like the backing up idea. I am going to start implementing that. Like I said we have to constantly adapt our routines to counter each new incident. And it's against company policy to carry a firearm on company property. Yeah right.

    When we move the rig from one well site to another, I move my trailer one day and then they bring the rig in the next. So that night I am out there by myself. That's a little disquieting. It is like being in a war zone. You are constantly on guard.

    I have been in Saudi Arabia and watched armed bedouin tribesmen shooting their AK 47's, they were having some sort of celebration and were shooting tracers into the air, and wasn't concerned. I have driven, alone, unarmed, all over the Middle East and not had to be as on guard and cautious as I am here in South Texas. That's a sad state of affairs.
  6. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

  7. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Cool, can't believe they would deny you guys personal weapons (guess the company could get sued?)Isthere alot of cover (waist high grasses around? or is it just open with a ditch along both sides of the road?? [flag]They make "flameshooters for the tailpipes of streetrods, a sparkplug wirth somekind of pressurized fuel delivery. booby trapping like that is probably ilegal, though they look cool, push the button oncewhile you are parking; twice if you smell burnt hair...Do you guys have a ready response security team in case your trailer gets overrun on those solo nights..or are you supposed to call the local police or bp? Man you are exposed out there....
  8. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Soundsto me like one of those situations where the moto 'concealed means concealed' comes into play. Have the concealed carry permit and keep it on you always.
  9. duanet

    duanet Monkey+++

    Back in the 1960's worked for the phone company in El Paso Texas and was out all night working radio relay towers. There was a area the size of
    Rhode Island or larger with only 3 or 4 police on duty from 2 to 6 AM and they used to steal the copper wire off the poles and take it into Mexico for scrap. We all ignored the company policy of no firearms and did it legit. Don't know about the good old boys where the oil rigs are, but at that time we were nearly all deputy sheriffs. Didn't get paid, but were legal as hell and the local law loved the idea of having someone with a gun and a radio in the area at 3 AM that they knew as backup. Never shot anyone. but a couple of times convinced someone to stay where they were, once up on a pole, until the local law got there to take over. If the next person that is a permanent resident is 5 or 10 miles away and I am out on the border at 3 AM I sure as heck would want at least a concealed weapon permit, but would really prefer a legit deputy sheriff badge and a way to tie into the law enforcement comm system. Personally I would much rather use the system then try to fight it.
  10. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Our "security" is the local sherriffs office phone number and the border patrol. I am legal to carry in Texas but that doesn't matter. Still against Co. policy. Tho they do tend to turn a blind eye down here. Don't ask, don't tell.

    BTW, I just moved back to the Laredo area. I can see the lights of Nuevo Laredo across the river just a few miles away. I was talking with a guy last night and telling him the kidnapping story. He said that he had heard of two others instances in recent weeks. One was a woman who was grabbed in the parking lot of the local wal-Mart. They took her to Mexico and while they went through border control on the Mexican side, she managed to get away. She ran up to the Mexican BP and told them, and they just shrugged their shoulders and refused to help her. She ran across the bridge screaming for help and the USBP got to her and helped her.
  11. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    Come on NorthAmerican Union!!....Cops that don't give acrap..and fireman who wouldn't whizz on you
    if you were on fire!![LMAO][flag]
  12. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I think that something concealed in deep cover would be a good corrective action "after the fact". Something along the lines of a mini-revolver, or a Kel-tec .32 or .380. You can conceal these pistols really well. I doubt that some wets looking to kidnap you would do a really thorough job of frisking you. Maybe in an ankle holster, or even front pocket you might have the opportunity to take action when their guard was down and they assumed that you were unarmed. I have one of the NAA mini-revolvers in .22 mag. and I really like it. It is so small you could put it just about anywhere.

    I don't know if you have a weapon mounted light, but that is another idea that you might want to think about.

    A nice shotgun with a light attachment by the pickup door, you could rack it when you opened the door to let them know you are armed and mean business. That distinctive noise seems to be known by all. They might just skip you and wait for easier prey.
    22vs45_2.sized (Medium)3.JPG
  13. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I like the NAA revolvers. Been wanting to get one. I am buying a Springfield XD .45 soon. With the 4" barrel. I will have a light on it, and a Lasermax laser too. Will make a good carry gun down here.
    The shotgun is out of the question. it has to be easily concealable. For the company security. The one now is cool but that could change.
    I started to bring my AR-15 down but didn't for that reason.
  14. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Good plan.

    I would still bring it. Even if you have to leave it in your truck on the site. I would feel naked that far away from home without a rifle or shotgun, especially on the border.
  15. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer

    wear it , or have a pocket sewn down thefront of your pants ... men are reluctant to search another guys' crotch area too thoroughly...Just don't go shooting your package off...(with your pistol.(?)

    Maybe a removable bootheel
    ,course you probably wear steeltoe workboots, not cowboy boots
    Naa should be relatively easy to hide in the pants
    a real man can hide an L frame.[LMAO][LMAO]
  16. Incoming

    Incoming Monkey+++

    New guy here. I carry a NAA .22 in a knife holster on my belt and have for years. I'm a 30 year retired military guy and been on hundreds of bases and forts and never been a question about it. Of course I've never been searched but it does make a great little back-up to my 1911 in .45.

    Like Minuteman, I've spent considerable time on the border with MMCDC and TXMM in 2005 & 2006 in Fabins and Fort Hancock, TX and Columbus, NM. Gotta say, it's a hell of a mess down their but lots of fun runnin em on ATV. Looking forward to April 07 back on the border.
  17. wildernessgal

    wildernessgal Backwoods is a callin'

    Texas back in the 70's...

    Back in the 70's when I was livin' in s.w. Texas it was pretty bad. The wetbacks were many, and would frequently pass through the ranch I was livin' on. To make a loooooong story short, my parents had a radio at their house 'cause some of the Mexicans would knock on your door & ask for food, water, coffee, a place to rest & etc and if ya didn't give 'em what they wanted, sometimes they'd shoot & kill ya for it. Some of the folk on the neighboring ranches where we lived were shot & killed. I can just imagine what it's like down there NOW???? I haven't lived in TX. since '82. My old stompin' grounds were in Lajita's TX. (<--speaking of GOATS... THE MAJOR OF THE TOWN IS A GOAT! LOL) Candelaria (there use to be 2 old gals/sisters who ran a country store there in that little town) & I loved Big Bend Park, GORGEOUS COUNTRY!!!!
    Now I am a converted Ozarkian HILLBILLY! YEE HAW!!! LOL

    Best of luck & THANKS for your efforts!

  18. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I was at my fave gun store today. They didn't have one in stock so I ordered a NAA .22 mag. Will be in before I leave to head back South. Also put the XD .45 I have been drooling over on lay away. This dealer is a good guy. Has a 90 day same as cash deal for lay aways. Probably won't have that before I leave, but will be packin it the time after that.
  19. E.L.

    E.L. Moderator of Lead Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Good deal. I think you will like the NAA. I think the little gun is built like a Swiss watch. If it doesn't come in in time for you to take it, stop by my place on the way through and you can carry mine until yours comes in. That little .22 mag is not a .50 BFG, but it is better than the gun you couldn't carry and left at home.
  20. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Thanks for the offer E.L. but it will be in before I leave. Also I have been carrying my SA 1911 with me. Co. policy be damned. But the XD has the light rail and will be much easier to open gates with it than the 1911 and a flashlight.
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