The universal aspiration of money

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GhostX, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    It's central to the locals who would benefit from a medium of exchange, AND it's a bank to the extent of handling "deposits" and "withdrawals" of whatever passes for currency. Money, to say a medium of exchange, is exactly what ghostx postulates doing away with. Not gonna happen in this lifetime outside of fiction yet to be written.
    chelloveck likes this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I agree with you on the enduring existence of money as a medium of exchange...maybe going back to sea shells, cocoa beans, or bacon rashers tho.
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Ol' ghostx doesn't want money or anything that serves the purpose according to the dream he's having. (Hands UP!! Gimme that bacon!!)
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I don't have it....I deposited it in the bacon bank, and my account was frozen! :p
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2017
    Yard Dart and GhostX like this.
  5. GhostX

    GhostX Monkey

    You misunderstand, money is not entirely my issue, it's the way a man can use it to control people. There is a system of belief that goes along with money, similar to religion. It's the belief that a piece of paper holds value and is comparable to goods or services. This belief is encouraged and enforced when you meet someone who shares the belief in value of this piece of paper. The reality is its the same kind of paper you wipe your ass with. The fact that it came from a bank isn't really that special but it's part of the religion to believe it is. The belief that you have to follow another person's rules based on that religion. The aspect of control and domination that it injects into reality is what I have a problem with, because the reality of that is that it's a delusion, just like any other religion. It's simply the religion of those who acknowledge it's value but it is demanded that you maintain that belief. Money is the most dogmatic religion in the world because you are not allowed to not believe in it. Failure to believe can result in being sent to prison and having your family taken away from you. Your very existence on a piece of earth that was left to you by generations of ancestors is something that someone somewhere wants a piece of... so they tax you for it... just because they can. NOT because it has to be that way. Because these people want to climb on your back. Because by owning the land you live on, they own you. You are their slave, and by giving them that money, they can control others to do their bidding. Suddenly a mortal man has become your God and has the power to move a mountain by paying people to move it for him. He has the power in his little finger to destroy you and it's all because you gave him that power.

    ... that's the problem I have.
  6. Byte

    Byte Monkey+++

    Money isn't the root of evil. It's just another tool used by evil. The religion you're alluding to isn't of money; it's the religion of godvernment that you are speaking of. The Right of Kings in the past. The right of the elected in the present. There's no difference. It's by far the most powerful religion to have ever existed and probably ever will exist. It's one and only goal is control. Yes it is an illusion, but only fools are deluded by it. At least up until one of its disciples shoots you in the face. The enforcers as true believers are the true danger.

    Your focus on the medium of exchange is odd. What's your agenda? There must always be a way for two humans to measure an exchange of dissimilar items between themselves. It still always comes back to godvernment and the control aspect. The medium of exchange isn't the problem and never will be. It'll always be the belief in the right of godvernment by the foolish who will forever be taken advantage of by the psychopaths. What is there to change in the way naturally free human beings trade between themselves?
  7. GhostX

    GhostX Monkey

    Is it human nature to be evil though?

    I believe that we all are in an era of change and it scares the crap out of those who are trying to maintain their control on the rest of humanity. Before, their deceptive ways went unnoticed except by a few. Now the few have become many and every day more and more people are beginning to wake up to it. But they all are still slow to catch on to the fact that it is a delusion. They fail to realize the mechanism that runs the machine and digs the hole for the rest of to fall deeper and deeper under its control. Sometimes I wonder if anything can be done even if all of humanity becomes awake but I realize that at that point, all everyone would have to do is say "no" and the God will starve from lack of worship.

    So many people on leashes. So many afraid to brake their leash because of what will be taken from them according to the religion. Only when enough people are awake would we be able to break free from the control. Until that day I vow to remain an atheist.
    Byte likes this.
  8. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Having money or things, is not evil.
    It is the obsession and dependency on those things that men tend to think they don't need God .
    When Adam received knowledge from the tree of knowledge, he believed that he no longer needed God.
    Adam did not repent. And he could have, but he didn't ..
    When Job finished his test, God blessed Him doubling his previous assets, because he recognized God as his resource for life. .
    I have all I need and more, and though I am not wealthy with money, a great deal of what I have was given to me .
    God provides my need and oft times those in need God has used me to help .
    I regard what I have is His, and I am His warehouse manager .
    I have friends that salivate over the lottery, dreaming of a the noble things they might do with their winnings .really
    I refuse to get caught up in this .
    Satan often offers seemingly easy ways to get wealth but the price of distraction is a road to destruction .

    If I were to create a system of exchange it would be using the media of a portion.
    Think of a survivalist community as it were and each person must work ,and for that work that get a daily ration, = 3 portions.
    This in the form of a bill and exchanged for food initially, or if some one chooses to save a few rather than eat every meal exchanged for things others manufacture . In time denominations for the portion can be broken down fractionally .
    Portions are printed by the collective that base the value on resource reserves.
    Since most work is contracted by the collective and their direction comes from the vote of the people , they are in a position to assess the value of the work and determine the finished product .
    Private industry would be encouraged and even competition among manufacturers/builders .
    In time the community can grow and the people can decide whether out side exchanges can be made.
    City wealth is based on the strength of the community. and if the community begins to deteriorate so does the value of the exchange.
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