If the "trigger event" happens while your kids are in school...

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by Mac Bolan, Nov 6, 2016.

  1. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Know your kid's (or grand kid's) school...layout, personnel, policies and procedures...then plan your rescue mission accordingly.
    Ganado, Tully Mars and Motomom34 like this.
  2. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Mine is in college now, but when he was in our small town HS, I discussed his escape plan with him in detail. If something happened, he was to step out the nearest window and beat feet the 6 miles home cross country. We had a BOB secreted in the woods near the school with more essentials than would ever be needed.

    If he was where there were no windows, he was to break and run to the nearest one and escape, breaking the window if needed.

    If herded into the gym, he was to volunteer for crowd control and as a runner/message carrier and make his escape that way.

    Only a couple coaches, football players, and the resource officer had any chance of even slowing him down due to his MA training and fitness level. It would have been a walk in the park for him.

    Now, he's over 100 miles away in college and the walk would be much longer. He has a bob, rifle and more than enough food. All he has to do is move like recon thru the woods on a WxSW heading and he will make it. Time isn't an issue, but stealth is.

    hitchcock4, Tully Mars and BTPost like this.
  3. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    I doubt they would be willing to give their life to keep my child under "their" control in a true SHTF event. I, on the other hand would have no qualms taking theirs to ensure the safety of my daughters...

    This was in my plans if it were to ever be needed while my girls were in school. Thankfully they no longer are.
    3cyl, Motomom34 and BTPost like this.
  4. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    I think that very few things can happen that will set off an immediate lock down. Short of a Nuc strike, or very local event, there will be a run up, The biggest issue is spotting the thing coming and keeping the kids home, or picking them up early.
    Bug out bags should cover a local not foreseen event, but awareness and the ability to respond in advance is still the ideal'
    Sapper John and Motomom34 like this.
  5. Mac Bolan

    Mac Bolan Monkey

    When my grandson's school went on lockdown last week, it was immediate. The reason was that someone had written a bomb threat on the boys bathroom wall. It was discovered at 9:30 in the morning and the police were notified...no one was allowed to leave or enter. It was only after 12:00 that we received a call to come pick him up and have an ID. Had that been a real threat, the kids would have been taken away to a safe location and we would not have known where.

    That is the problem with wanting to bug out if your family is under the control of others. You certainly can't just go there and say "we're bugging out, where's my kid?" They would probably call the nearest cop on you.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  6. Meat

    Meat Monkey+++

    My kid is the captain of the wrestling team so he'd be difficult to hold in a pinch. He choked me out in fact recently. I was sooooo proud. [afro]
    Motomom34 likes this.
  7. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Your official guberment training for an active shooter is lock the door, hide and hope they don't find you.
    Modern day "duck and cover".

    The only time you want to lock the door and hide is during a well organized attack like they had in Mumbai in 2008.
    Since all but 3 mass shootings in the US I can think of had more than one shooter and both those times the shooters stuck together most of the time.

    If you hear shooting run away from it.

    The stooges in the public education system will promptly roundup all the children into one location.
    Motomom34 and Meat like this.
  8. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I call it cower in place. My kids have instruction to not be a hero and to get out if they hear shots. They are to run in zig zag. We have gone over this and we have two places to run to. One of my son's teachers was of this mind set. He refused to be a sitting target after Sandy Hook.
    Sapper John likes this.
  9. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    There has only been one school shooting where people were shot out side.
    That is because the shooters pulled the fire alarm and if I remember correctly both of them only managed to shoot 6 people.
    Once people get out side even if it's an ambush your odds of survival go way up.
    mysterymet likes this.
  10. fedorthedog

    fedorthedog Monkey+++

    I am in the business and have not found a law that lets them keep you from your kids. I know they say you cant have your child for whatever reason. But if I can find my child I am taking him and they can arrest me it they think they have a reason.

    Its funny what CPS and school think the LEO will do up until we tell them that aint legal.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Yes, That is exactly my feelings on the subject, AND the Law.... Dog is exactly right.... The School District can pass ALL the Policies they want... Make all the Plans they think they need.... But when I show up, at school, to get my Child, in person, and am KNOWN, Personaly, by the Principal, I will take MY Child, into MY Custody, and leave, with them, and if ANYONE gets in my way, or interferes, they will pay dearly for their mistake.... That is my RIGHT, and Duty, to my Family, PERIOD... FAMILY comes First, Period....
    3cyl, Tully Mars and mysterymet like this.
  12. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    You could citizen arrest them (SCHOOL) for kidnapping .call the cops on them.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Citizens Arrest is a very tricky Legal Issue and is completely determined by your STATE Statutes.... Before one uses this approach, One should look VERY Carefully at your State Statute that covers this, and determine if this is the BEST Course of Action... Also you can NOT Arrest a Entity, (School) only a Person, like the Principal... and if you do this, then YOU become responsible for that individuals Safety, Security. It still doesn't get your Kid in your Possession, and your STUCK at the scene, until you transport the Arrested Individual, to the nearest LAW Enforcement Officer, or Establishment, and turn the Arrested Individual, over to them. In all likelihood, depending on the State Statute, you would be held at that point, as well, and REQUIRED to Justify your actions, to said LE, under the State Statute, or local Majistrate. All of which still doesn't, further your Objective, but put you farther away from it.....
  14. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    However, get a lawyer NOW, on retainer, for if this ever happens. Have them pre-prepare anything they would need to bring with them should it happen. Have them take the DA and or a judge or two to the strip club ahead of time so that when they call, they do what they've agreed to do. Have them DROP EVERYTHING when you call and meet you at the school. Present the school and any LEOs there with paperwork threatening absolutely EVERYTHING that could POSSIBLY happen to them should they not release your child IMMEDIATELY. And if they still don't, hey, now you own an entire school district! :D

    BTW, my kids school district has this same policy. I think it's BS.

    I also went to go get my son out of school during a tense time (Charlotte NC) and they asked why. I chose to tell them a fib about him not feeling well, simply to grease the wheels and give them an out. They asked me to text my son to have him go to the nurse because she wasn't supposed to call the classroom during instruction time. I did. He texted me back that his teacher wouldn't let him go. I was polite to the office lady but I was...very firm and my temper was quite obviously on a VERY tight leash. I told her that I had a very serious problem with a teacher refusing to excuse my son after he had expressed that he wasn't feeling well.

    In about half a heartbeat she asked me to hold on one second while she called the classroom. I overheard her say "Send <son's name> to the office, his father is here to pick him up." No please, she didn't ask, she told the teacher "do it, now". About 90 seconds later he was walking through the office door.

    So, it is all in how you handle it. Firm but polite. No nonsense. Not taking no for an answer from someone who isn't allowed to say yes.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2016
    BTPost likes this.
  15. Mac Bolan

    Mac Bolan Monkey

    I agree with this but can easily imagine an over reaction by school personnel, especially if a parent were to show up with a weapon. Rather than seeing a dad coming for his kid, they will automatically think "gun" and "shooter" and call the cops telling them that there is a man with a gun at the school.

    Imagine when the cops show up...

    Forget about explaining that you're only there to get you kid, they will shoot first ask questions later.
  16. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @Mac Bolan ... I wouldn't resort to a Carried Weapon, until after refusal, to give me my KID... and in ANY Senerio, where there was a SHTF or Natural Disaster Event, the LEOs are NOT going to have time to deal with a School Incident as a LOT more Pressing things will be going on. Firstly... and Secondly in my State we have Constitutional Carry, and if I have not unHolstered my HandGun, or UnSlung my Rifle, there is NO Reason for them to be UPSET with Me, A KNOWN Parent, to both the Teacher, and the Principal. (Read Post #9) If the LEOs do come, there isn't going to be a confrontation, as they KNOW the State Statutes as well as I DO... and They have NO Legal Right, to deprive me, of Custody of my Child, PERIOD...
  17. hitchcock4

    hitchcock4 Monkey++

    The kid is in a private school with quite different rules. I would think that depending on whether the school is public/private and what state the school is located would change things.
    At our school the parent could come and get the kid for any reason. Also, if given notice in advance, the kid could "check themselves out" (over age 12) by signing out at the office and walk to the front of the school (unsupervised) out to the car and get in with the parent. BTW, the school is relatively small such that I and my spouse are pretty much known to all the teachers in 8th grade.

    Don't let me disturb the conversation --- certainly worth thinking out. Just pointing out that each school might have different rules so it's good to know what "rules" apply.

    Mac Bolan likes this.
  18. Imasham

    Imasham Monkey

    Forgive the potential newbie question but I can't figure it out myself from from the context presented here. What is a "plate and carrier".

  19. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

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