Can't believe I get to be the first to break this story on SM! You are welcome. Fwd: Dinner - WikiLeaks spirit cooking - Google Search and psst...Spirit BBQ over at my place this weekend. I can assure you all bodily fluids will go through a smoker!
It seems like ideal Inferno or TFH forum material....hard choice. Notoriety and controversy are good value in attracting free publicity (it worked marvelously for Donaldo the Greatest)....I'm sure that Marina's art marketing is benefiting from all the hits that WikiLeaks is generating. I shouldn't be surprised if Marina leaked the email herself.
Chello, yeah, that is very possible, I know it got my attention but it sure is disgusting: blood, sperm and breastmilk... Glad I read this before breakfast. YECH!
The reactions are mostly psychological. All three protein based fluids, apart from the risk of being vectors for transmission of infectious diseases, have, in some ways or another, nourished humanity ever since Eve gave Adam his first BJ, and Eve suckled Cain and Abel. Transfused, human blood has been a means of sustaining life for more than a century or so. But yes, a blood, sperm and breastmilk smoothie would be as appealing as drinking a vegemite, durian, and peanut butter thick shake....very nutritious, but an appalling taste combination.
There are some that would like to "Cook" her Spirit... on a BBQ.... Along with a few dozen supporters....
I took it as some sort of "Druidy Witchity" sort of thing. However, if one is only moderately religious then this sort of thing is going to land squarely on the side of darkness Marina Abramović. Spirit Cooking. 1996 | MoMA
Criticism or disgust at occult woo woo, from practitioners of more societally acceptable religious woo woo, seems just a little weird to me. Some might find the cannibalistically ritual consumption of the deity one worships, conceptually, no less strange and disturbing.
One must wonder if Podesta accepted the invitation --- To my mind, that whole thing is a warped minded "artist" looking for attention. There's nothing occult about it, just "art" gone off the wall, or the "artist" going off her meds. (And that assistant might be unstable as well.)
Chello, LOL!!!!! You win! But, we got to get you checked out buddy as you're starting to sound like Mr. Spock!!!! LOL!!!! Thanks so much as I really needed that Friday night belly laugh!!!! LOL! Boy-oh-boy! Hope all is well there and you have a great weekend! But, well, so funny...Thanks! Wit is always appreciated, sir! And, I bow to a master! Thanks again!
Snopes yesterday put out blurb saying it was false. FALSE: Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta Involved in Satanic 'Spirit Cooking' I feel like evil is touching me when I read about things like this. It is beyond my comfort zone. @chelloveck may say it is good protein but I just cannot. I have been programed that somethings are taboo, I think that is the correct word. I think it is civilized vs. satanic.
People should be very careful who they scoff at, especially when occult practices are the topic. Any lack of understanding on "your" part, does not constitute a trivial matter on its own part. Then again, not everything is to be taken literally --nor is it always "Devil worship". This is pretty close, but he's not explaining it in full detail (David Icke):
Never tried Mountain Oysters, though some rave about them. Don't do worms, crickets, grasshoppers, or any bugs or grubs I know of. Blood, Sperm, and Urine smoothie ..... somehow holds no taste intrigue for me any more than eating shit would. Cat, Dog, Horse, Camel, Alligator, Nutria, Snake, ..... sure if need be. Don't eat human flesh either. Might nibble or lick for taste if the gender is that which interests me, but that has nothing to do with acceptable nutrition. . I think I am done with this thread, which in my opinion has no value what so ever to this forum!
LOL Recommended reading: (you know...if you really want to know.)
Am happy to happy to reciprocate some of the fine work of some very genuinely funny people here. Even Spock has his wry moments.
Taboos often have a practical element to them; though it has to be said, that one culture's taboos are another culture's acceptable customs or practices. The proteins themselves are mostly quite beneficial, the occasional baneful microbial payload is what may be harmful. I guess I'll have to start calling this, satanic blood sausage, if the appropriate demonic woo woo ritual is performed over it. Agree utterly....this thread is better off in a Ripley's "believe it or not", forum; for which the politics forum seems to be SM's nearest analogue
I am not a big fan of blood sausage but have tried it a time or three. I would hope @chelloveck that you don't hit the trifecta of ingredients when you make yours. Also game and domestic livestock blood if not tainted is fine in stews, soups, and such imo as long as it is simmered at a slow boil for 20 plus minutes.