Believe it will? No way...I'm just trying to stay alive and keep trying at this point. I actually had a dream last night that neither candidate obtained an electoral majority and the election was thrown to the House. In a surprise move, the Liberty Caucus managed to coax Ron Paul out of retirement and he won. Like I said, it was a dream...and not enough to change my vote to a 3rd party. The stakes are too high for dreams.
Just go to the polls people. I am not fond of trump but will hold my nose and vote for him. Even if it does nothing but tell the sytem to F off. People talking about other things better check themselves. Let's all be rational adults here.
Well..even my dream was a no go. In a moment of lucidity, I quickly checked Electoral College FAQs and was reminded that, in the extremely unlikely event of a failure to obtain electoral vote majority, the House of Representatives is limited to choosing from the top 3 electoral vote winners. RP would not be an option.
Couch potatoes, arm chair quarterbacks whatever. If you took to the streets to "take back" your country, what would you lose? Revolution means willing to sacrifice all. Willing to leave your family, job, leave your way of life band together and declare all or none. I will either be free or dead. How many will really do this? All of you look around at where you sit and think. Think of packing a bag and walking out the door to join a revolution. That is what the people in France did. They had nothing to lose. Different times, different degrees to which the government has control over the people. That is my thinking. I do not think we are at the point that people really have lost all so they have nothing to lose.
Liked your post and then unliked it after thinking about the last sentence. Will think about it again after the election.
Your completely right. We are not at the point where we have nothing to lose. Everyone keeps running on their hamster wheels trying to get to their next goal. They are thinking about how much effort they have already put into their lives and they things they have earned and built according to the system. It makes it so they would want to protect that system because they think it's the only way to keep what they have earned. That's just the web we weave and before we know it, we're all tangled. At least I'm to that point where I have nothing to lose. It seems like a lonely road in my personal experience but I believe I'm prepared to walk it.
Nobody should have to martyr themselves for freedom. The part I never forget is the 3% adage pertaining to those who originally fought to resist the tyranny of the British and essentially forged the republic we eventually lost. People can argue until they are blue in the face over the logistics and tactical differences of a modern revolution, but when it comes right down to it, even if we nearly double the expectations, at 5% we are talking 16 million people, which is way more than they had for the entire War of Independence. At a measly 10%, the figures would be around 32 million. Could you even imagine? The globalists have rolled out everything in their play book to keep the American people preoccupied and complacent. They have a very valid reason to fear the spirit of liberty rising in a nation such as ours.
Oh, we're thoroughly screwed. But, this is the hand we're dealt. The liberty movement is growing, but the noose on the internet and freedom of information age is tightening, too. It's only after we lose everything, we can be free to risk anything.
Let's see, join a protest march, and lose gray man status? I think I'll pass. Better to be thought a fool than to confirm it. There will be better opportunities in the future, this sound like an opportunity for getting kettled.
Trump, the man, probably won't fix a darned thing. There is only one reason to vote Trump, and that it to prove - to ourselves and the political establishment - that we, the People can still come together to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! If we can take that one, small, step, there is still hope that we can begin turning things around within the system our forefathers founded. If we can't, then there is no hope and we're going to have some hard decisions to make going forward. THAT is the essence of this election...small hope, or no hope.
Now that the government has the capacity to spy on any one they please, it will be virtually impossible to organize any thing . Any individual that is out spoken, can be silenced one way or another , the depth of corruption in the government is too deep. They have an agenda that they are determined to fallow through with. Noble in ideals, but in reality, corruption only breeds corruption . If you thought the Taliban was bad you ain't seen nothin yet. Like socialism , it all sounds good initially, like equality and such , exempting those that rule with an iron fist . If those in government want's our respect, they need to earn it, with honesty and integrity . THEN, if there is a change that needs made, more can feel comfortable with change. But it is extremely unlikely to happen .And it will come down to force. So long as lawyers ( professional criminals) and lies run things, it will never happen.
I predict that it really doesn't matter which one of these two get elected. Our rights will STILL be chipped away at .. with a wood chipper. One may do it faster than the other but overall result will remain the same. We are pretty much screwed whomever the people elect to abuse them.