I am unsure what to think. Some say propaganda, some say be scared. Any info is good info as long as you can see the truth, “Do Not Resist”: The Police Militarization Documentary Everyone Should See “Do Not Resist”: The Police Militarization Documentary Everyone Should See Up-coming screening- this film seems to be quietly shown. Today is the first I have heard of this. UPCOMING SCREENINGS - Do Not Resist
I don't think it is propaganda.... but a reality happening all around us.... Do you feel them squeezing you a little more each day? If you don't... just wait, you are next.
Sorry, Me thinkith its a load of H.S. Fear mongering and a sales pitch for us to go out and buy three of every thing because we are scared! I DON'T THINK SO. Think about this, The Gov cant get any thing done on any sort of large scale, and the bigger the "complication" you add in like multiple agencies, and foreign armed forces, the less effective they will be. IF any thing like this were to start, it would quickly devolve into confusion and get squashed right quick! IF only 3% of US took this head on, that % would likely still outnumber the tangos!!! I could be wrong, this could happen IF we allow it, but I don't think so!
I didn't say that I hadn't! I just hate the wabbit holes all over the place, and once you trip in one, they suck you up! Not sayin it's tin foil ether, cause I just don't really know any more! With every thing we face these days, all you have to do is pick your fear, and let it consume you! Fear of the Russians, Fear of ISIS, Fear of China, Fear, of the U.N, Fear of the Plague, Fear of Killery, Fear of the comet hitting, fear of the U.S. Gov, fear of the Poltizi..............................................Pick one!!! I am just a simple dude, cant fight any of this on my onesum, so I don't even try, I just try and live my life as best as I can!
All I have to ADD to this conversation is.... "If they want to fly all the way out here, to "GET ME"... Tell them to bring an Army, cause I ain't going Quietly, or Peaceably"..... No Fear, Just Fact....
My thought BT is that they would decide you and the rest of the remotes in Alaska weren't worth the effort or expense. Wise you are!! My Yodaism for the day...
Exactly... That is ONE Reason why I live out here... They don't even need to bring Body Bags, with them.... They will make Great Crab Bait.....
The points that I took away from this, not so much from the intro video as it was pretty much 'shock and awe' but the write-up, are the LEOs, as a whole across the country, are crossing the line which separates them from being a 'serve and protect' LEO to a government 'kill'em all and let God sort them out' warrior/enforcer. They now have the same weapons, or close to it, as our military and it appears training is much the same. One thing in the article really jumped out at me, "Atkinson notes, his father performed a total of 29 search warrant raids over his entire 13 years in SWAT — according to some estimates, SWAT teams now carry out between 50,000 to 80,000 raids across the country annually." So, yeah, I think there's probably is a valid reason for concern. Police are not soldiers, apples and oranges, yet in their defense there seem to be more and more war zones in our streets that they go into every day. Frankly, I don't know what is the solution but a police force that uses excessive force as a Standard Operating Procedure backed by the full force and resources of the government and law is a time bomb ready to explode in their face with a huge national fallout...and which leads to more of the same and increasing in scope. It will do more harm than good in the end. Yet, our LEOs need to protect themselves and need to believe that they will get home to their families at the end of their shift. It's a fine line they walk. But, I don't know where that line is anymore especially when a huge crowd of riotous BLM walk down the street screaming in unison for the lives of police officers, "What do we want? DEAD COPS!" But, 80,000 raids a year? And, 'civil asset forfeiture'? Are these the tools of an honest 'serve and protect' Police force?...No, it isn't and whoever gave them these tools is the place to start turning this around.
There it is right there. There is a reason why our police departments have been turning into nothing more than armed enforcers for government...because that is what their government masters want them to become. I'm not talking just their applicable city/county/state governing body either, I am talking Federal government. The feds own our local police departments...and yes sheriff's departments too. Heck they own the local and county governments. Uncle Sam has been using our money for decades, if not centuries, to pretty much make every other "subject" government entity totally dependent on them. With our money they have bought our governments...and our law enforcement and other public safety agencies. Only way to stop this bulltwinkle is to get back in control of your local AO by just saying NO to Uncle Sugar bearing our dough! (whoa, that line might be a keeper!)
I think we are losing Sheriff Joe this year as Judge Snow has been all over him for several years. It will be sad to have a different sheriff. The guy is a P.I.T.A. but when he says something he sticks to it. And I like that characteristic.
The video is about militarizing the police but then they talk about fighting ISIS. Is that the reasoning they are using? I do not know much about military vs. police training but I do not thing they are the same. I think the military has more training in when and how to use all this new equipment.
@chimo "The feds own our local police departments...and yes sheriff's departments too. Heck they own the local and county governments." You, sir, are correct in this and like everything else they do it by grants and allotments and rules and regulations and etc. I went to a Town Hall meeting recently and to make a long story short they were doing some data gathering to see what people felt they needed or wanted in the future (it's a real small town ) So, I thought this was a grand idea and I have tried to be involved since I returned but I left the place with a bad taste in my mouth and in a rotten mood. The money for the project wasn't a meager sum because they brought 5 people from some State government agency down in Boise, hours away, for an entire week. Now, having been around the government in some fashion most of my adult life I had a hunch but someone beat me to it and asked, "Where is the money coming from to field an entire team of you guys to come to a one-stop town like this?" The answer was the majority of it, to the tune of $40,000 plus all of the team's travel expenses, was being funded by the Federal government. So, even for a small 600 person town the federals are involved. And, I had to ask myself a question which I already knew the answer and put me into my foul mood, "Why do they have the money in the first place?" And, if we, the United States, are broke, to the tune of $18T, what the hell are they doing here? Yes, they own us even down to the smallest of towns.
These days the difference between the military and the domestic police agencies boil down to 2. 1) The military acts against a foreign threat...not the people they are supposed to protect. 2) The military has strict rules of engagement.
But somewhere in the mix we have the national guard. I always thought they were the in between. I would think the national guard would have been more militarized vs. the police. I am surprised the city police forces do not have these yet. Or maybe they do.
The national guard is military. Some states have both national guard and a home guard...the difference being that the national guard can be federalized by the federal government, while the home guards are strictly under state control.
Yes the reserves are fully federal but how many reservists do you think would turn against the communities they live and work in?
The same question is asked often about the regulars and Nat Guard. There is no answer until you manage to get inside the heads of those that took their oaths. Reserves and Guard units OFTEN train together, does that have an effect on outlook? Again, unknowable unless you sit in the same sessions, and even then it becomes fuzzy.