Most of those creepy clowns probably do not understand the seriousness of what they are doing. In the first place they are committing assault with a deadly weapon. That's even if they don't actually touch anyone. Add a little physical interaction, and battery goes on the list, too. In this country, citizens have the right to defend with deadly force when they are assaulted with a deadly weapon. Likewise, the wearing of a mask or hood or other artifice to conceal the features is considered a breach of the peace almost everywhere, with very narrow exceptions--like costume balls and Halloween parties. But when the party's over the masks have to come off or the wearer is subject to arrest. Creepy clowns are sometimes--read much too often--pedophiles in disguise. One creepy clown in Atlanta recently popped out of a closet and raped a child. Several have attacked or attempted to lure children. Then, too, those morons filming themselves assaulting people probably have no idea that when they do that they are responsible for their actions. If a victim falls down a stairwell while trying to flee and suffers a fatal injury, or runs out into traffic and gets hit by a car, the whole crown posse can be charged with premeditated homicide (Yummy!--that's the capital kind!)--exactly as if they were trying to rob a bank and shot somebody. Or a cop shot somebody for them. Ditto for giving an elderly person a heart attack. Under the law, they take their victims as they find them--so they can't claim that they didn't know the "old guy" was actually going to croak when they tried to scare him to death. There are also civil liabilities to consider. Assaulting with a deadly weapon, conspiracy to assault, etc., are also civil torts, and the perps can be sued into the poorhouse by their victims. So if Mommy&Daddy have deep pockets, they better put a leash on their teenage pranksters if they want to continue living in their plush McMansions with the Olympic-sized hot tubs. And if it's an adult, well, they probably really didn't need their future earnings, anyway. Pretty soon, now, some politician is going to curry favor with the populace by writing "creepy clowning" into the law as a felony crime. And that will take all the fun out of terrorizing people. Then, too, I bet none of the creepy clowns ever stopped to consider where they would rank on the sexual scale in prison. Cons don't like people that hurt kids. And getting busted for being a creepy clown would carry lot less respect than robbing a bank. They'd do their time on their knees, if they survived at all. And I can't imagine the kind of tats they'd would be wearing by the time they got out. If they got out. A lot of prison ink is assigned as punishment by an "owner"--which is something a lot of civilized people are not aware of.
Sorry man...just having a little fun. If you're ever in need of something to do, search for the infamous 'Gunkid.' His posts are definately worth a chuckle!
Some one added and article concerning ISIS encouraging knife attacks , I have to wonder if these are linked ?
That's a possibility but seeing how the majority of the people caught so far are just stupid white kids, I doubt it. How do you think this could be linked? I actually remember hearing a faint rumor on Facebook about a "purge" being planned. But that's all I know. It is possible that is what this could be... or its also possible that some dude decided to test out his Halloween costume early and scare people. Then gullible kids hear about it and figure it would make a great prank.
Already heard of one shot clown, in Indiana, I think it was? Sure as hell figured it would be down south, to be truthful! Play stupid clown games....that's how clowns get shot!!
Where's Drumbo? Hasn't weighed in here in a few years it seems. He'd know how to handle these painted up pretenders.