There is a radiation network one can visit, that supports many different people all over the continent. Their geiger counters are wired in and show changes in radiation as it happens . They also show geiger counters that are available . Those of you in denial won't bother to do the research ,but the rest are welcome to seek out the testimonies of people on several sites that are getting significant reactions . Because fish swim the distance and ocean currents cary debris here regularly it is no surprise that radiation is killing off the marine life through out the pacific . The great barrier reef is dyeing and they are choosing to blame the rise in ocean temperatures, but the fact is radiation causing a burning action pretty much the same thing. Animals that live on the coast line and depend on marine life are being effected as well . About a third or more of man's food comes from the sea ,and radio actively contaminated water is not purified by distillation alone. So rain carries it across the globe . Lakes a streams and other open bodies of water are being contaminated as well . Radiation has various rates of decay but the fact of the matter is, if you keep feeding it , it won't die. The Fukushima event is still live and continues to drain radioactive waste into the sea. Whether there is an attack with nuclear bombs or the ongoing contamination in the ocean It is prudent to own and use a Geiger counter. Invest what your life is worth to you.
My goodness you even read my posts??? Building another straw man, chimo?....I was not arguing that the USA hadn't conducted nuclear civil defence training and exercises in the dim dark past: I had been arguing in previous posts that there has presently been little interest by the American citizenry and their government in participating in such training on a national scale comparable to Russia's recent exercises. Getting people to participate in mass civil defence exercises is just a little easier in an environment where the civil population's fear factor is palpable. The Images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were recently in the public memory at the time in the 1950's....when atomic warfare was a novel experience and when the US and other NATO nations were actively engaged in a cold war with Russia: both sides actively using allied proxies against each other.....that is all historical national psychodrama, readily available world wide and in print and digitally for some decades. The problem for America in replicating the recent Russia's civil defence efforts is that American's have lived so long with the prospect of Nuclear warfare, without one bomb/missile being dropped / fired in anger for some 70 or so years, that the fear factor has subsided to virtually nil. A 70 year peace dividend has resulted in a substantial indifference to the threat of thermonuclear war in the West. It is difficult enough to persuade Americans to keep 72hrs of food and water in preparation for natural disasters, let alone prepare for an inter continental thermo-nuclear war. The Russian civil defence exercises, I suspect, have probably less to do with the survival of the Russian State than shaping the civil populace's psyche into believing that the USA is the Russian people's implacable enemy, rather than Putin and his government. The best way to deflect domestic criticism of Putin is to redirect it outwards to perceived external threats....if there is no external threat....then fabricate one. McCarthy created a national moral panic with communism, Hitler created a national moral panic with international Jewry, and it would seem that Putin is presently creating a moral panic with perceived US aggression in global politics....and so it goes. Trump seems presently to be directing his efforts at reinforcing American moral panics at Muslims, and Mexicans, more so than at his good buddie and bro', Putin....but that may change if he actually becomes "Commander-in-chief" and gains possession of "The Football". If Trump is elected, the smart money would be wisely invested in nuclear fallout shelter futures!
Not gonna say we will never have to deal with fallout, but I don't believe it would come from Russia. I will not endeavor to capitulate nor wax poetic with altruistic dreams of what is and what should be as my good friend Chelloveck, just use plain American English to say that none of the financial players like U.S., China, or Russia is going to launch a nuke at the other. Add all the idealistic rhetoric you want but at the end of the day it is always, and always has been, about the money and the economies. The US and Russia won't fight each other but rather spank each other on mutually foreign soil, like Afghanistan and now Syria.
I tend to agree with you Tempstar. The greater nuclear threat is probably from lower tier nations sorting out a stoush with each other, than attacking the USA, China or Russia....of course non state actors may cobble together a dirty nuclear device or devices as a campaign of terrorism. It doesn't matter who detonates it, or where the target is, the fallout risk will be far and wide of ground zero wherever that may be...which still invites sensible precautions by the prudent.