Is it legal...

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by bagpiper, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Why are you attacking Ghrit? You said:
    Sounded to me like you were planning on making one. And my reminding you this is a public site was not old Soviet Union speech control but just a gentle reminder because you seemed concerned about the gov being in your business.
    Legion489 likes this.
  2. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    *** ETA ***
    This is not in response to any one post, it's in response to the thread in general.
    *** ETA ***
    The question stated int he OP was "Is it legal to do". The answer is, no. The build of a single shot or semi-automatic by yourself, for yourself is perfectly legal. NFA makes full auto illegal outside of some pretty specific guidelines. I have heard that you can technically get new full-auto (MP5, M16, etc) with the tax stamp but haven't looked into it myself. I've also heard that nothing manufactured after, I believe it was quoted as 1986, can be purchased by non mil/leo. Again, haven't looked into it too deeply.

    The question was not: Is it right if I can't or do you agree with the law? Anyone and everyone can choose to break the "law" (or code or statute or rule) but that wasn't the question as stated. It may have been the intent, but it wasn't what was asked.

    I think a lot of us are sick and tired of the encroachment. I think a lot of us would like to see shit like the NFA and GCA struck down completely and utterly. I think a lot of us believe whole-heartedly in abolishing the need to ASK PERMISSION to purchase a firearm or carry one concealed, in ANY of the 50 states or the District of Columbia. That was not the question and the fact remains that the NFA and GCA and myriad other laws, codes and statutes do in fact exist and you will be in a world of hurt if you go up against them in any meaningful way (or any way in some cases). They are the "law of the land" in the sense that they are the laws, codes and statutes that get it or not.

    You can obey or not. You can make racist, slur type comments about the house n***er all you want, that does NOT change the LAW as it stands. You want to change the law, get into politics and or buy yourself some political clout because at this point that is the ONLY way it's going to change, unless we finally start shooting and make them pay the ultimate price. The end result of the latter is not going to be pretty. Revolution isn't going to immediately put us back where we were in the late 1700s and as free as God intended us to be. It's going to be ugly for a generation or more.

    Pissing each other off with derogatory comments, on all sides (no, I'm really not calling anyone out specifically, promise) does nothing to further the cause of freedom. It doesn't change laws. It doesn't put political pressure on those who pass those laws. It doesn't do anything except turn us against each other, which is exactly what they are trying to do. Discord and disunity are their tools. If we, even in this echo chamber where we for the most part agree, can't get along and are willing to stoop to the equivalent of name calling, then we all should just give up, roll over and take it because we're doomed.

    I now return you to your backbiting and infighting, already in progress.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
  3. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    A special occupational tax payer can do what ever they want.
    They can make/buy all the full auto toys they want.
  4. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    A God can do what ever they want. Ditto a super natural being, a zombie, an immortal. So in your learned opinion and life experiences, enlighten me. WTF is a special occupational taxpayer. I have never seen a God or the other things I listed, and I doubt most of them actually exist. I am just trying to figure out if I have ever seen a SOTP. :rolleyes: ... [dunno]
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  5. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    And with that the OP is on a list.
    bagpiper, Motomom34 and tacmotusn like this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Motomom34 and VisuTrac like this.
  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
  8. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    oh my ...
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  9. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    Amen brother!

    The question is/was "is it legal to do?"

    Short answer: No. For us shepple? No.

    Long answer: Possibly legal, but don't bet on it. If you jump through the right hoops (good luck with that), fill out the right paper work (good luck with that), pay big bucks to the right gov't officials (these are NOT bribes, bribes come later), know the right people (good luck with that), and bribe the right people (good luck with that) to look the other way, maybe.

    Longer answer: Anything is legal as long as you can get away with it. The prez campaign clearly shows that murder, treason, etc. are perfectly legal as long as the powers that be refuse to investigate/charge you. Chances are good that is NOT you.
    BlueDuck and Motomom34 like this.
  10. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    While I agree with the sentiment, I can't agree with the assertion that just because you get away with it, it is legal. Breaking the law is not about getting caught, breaking the law is about breaking the law.

    Running a stop sign and not getting caught doesn't mean that what you did was legal, because it wasn't. It just means you didn't get caught.

    Legal means you followed the law, regardless of why or the circumstance. Illegal means you didn't follow the law, regardless of why or the circumstance.

    Again, I'm not passing judgement on the law itself here, that's for another time when I'm not having to correct every other word because I'm on my phone. :)

    I believe that what you are referring to is more the fact that is only illegal for us due to the double standard.
    BTPost likes this.
  11. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Having been offline for days (Tropical storm + satellite = offline), spending days cleaning up, and now getting back to 'normal', I come in and see 'this'.... just wow.

    It is amazing at what people can read into an innocent question.

    Yes, it is an 'infringement', but, it is OUR fault, all of us, because evil thrives when good people do nothing.
    We have done nothing since the original legislation that took away our ability to be the 'militia' that is the ultimate defender against all enemies foreign and domestic, and that, I think, is the ultimate argument we need to make. We vote, we don't raise hell, protest, or otherwise 'do what the lower class trash does'. Maybe, that's a mistake? Maybe, just maybe, its what The Elite WANT you to think? That you are what they are afraid of? Millions of white, black and other people marched, and shut down the Vietnam war. Maybe, it would be better, if a million people showed up in DC, armed, and simply said 'abolish the BATF', in rows and columns, instead of a mob. That, would make a statement, but we are like a herd of cats, and many voices full of fear of 'The Law', when there is no righteousness left in the law.

    The OP was an innocent yet trick question with a known answer, that, it was 'generally' illegal. However, I also know that there are good people here, experts, and if there was a 'loophole' for personal use, they would know it and proffer it... the consideration of OPSEC is a joke, to me, because I no longer care, I'm too old to care, my America is gone, there is much fear of Big Brother, and that saddens me, because we have become the enemy. We have become the Soviet Union, because we are so afraid of our own shadows, that we have to protect each other from 'free' speech... free speech, what a joke, who's laughing? How many of us predicted this when the so called 'Patriot act' was enacted? How many saw what was happening when CONUS became The Homeland? What fascist crap we'll accept because we don't remember history or accept that 'it' can happen here? Well it has already happened, by our very actions we have become the same Germans that allowed Hitler to rise. Only our Hitler isn't an individual, its a Club. (Think about it.)

    But no, we, like the Republicans, are so afraid of the Media and what they'll say, that we piss our pants and hide instead of standing up to the SOB's and make righteous logical argument, and then tell them, in no uncertain terms, that we will not give up our guns, because we stand as the last line of defense, and they need to get over it. The only way to protect people from bad people with guns is good people with guns, or else, why do we have police and armies? If Hillary gets elected, that is exactly what needs to happen on Inauguration day, but that's not what a herd of cats does... no, they scatter in fear. While the Collective Hive mind gets stronger.
    We keep depending on the same people who f*ked us, to fix us, thus the Last Trump now blows in the whirlwind sewed by the Elite. Whether he wins or loses, he has delivered a message from God; SLEEPERS AWAKEN. Maybe its for a reason even he doesn't know?

    Now not mention any names, but there are those here who don't have a clue what a blacksmith can do nowadays, because why? We worship at the altar of Progress, and blacksmiths are supposed to be backwards and retro, the idea of integration of old and new is foreign to them. I happen to have a anvil and forge, but I also have an arc welder, and a drill press, and a belt grinder and many other power tools... but the best tool in my quiver is the knowledge of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, which gives me the ability to make my own tools. There are guys here who understand that we can become so smart, and overspecialized, we become idiots, there are other guys who understand the mission of Survival Monkey, that sometimes in order to go forward, we have to take a step backwards... if the power grid ever dies, most metal workers and CNC operators and machinists, will be lost. I will simply take a step back, and pick up a hand tool. To state categorically, that a blacksmith cannot forge, anneal, hand fabricate, harden, and temper any component in a semi, or fully automatic weapon, is just a foolish demonstration of the concept of over specialization in the 'religion' of Progress. I spent the last month, making 1 gear, with nothing but a hand file. Why would I 'waste my time' doing that? Because this thing cannot be bought, it only ever existed in my head as I'm adapting an old electric chain saw motor to a new purpose, and, I did it by hand to prove to myself that I could do it, by hand.

    My buddy is 'probably' gonna make this grease gun looking thing, put a silencer on it, test it, play with it, and then disassemble it and store the parts away in separate boxes, for 'such a time' as 'law' is no more. Is that time coming? Will there come a day, when all of us, only wished we had one? My guess is yes. But I also told him I don't know if a .22 round has enough oomph to even cycle that mechanism, but he's determined, so I'll help, I might have to fabricate the sear for it out of an old allen wrench, or make and set some springs out of piano wire, he asked, I said ok... because he doesn't know the inner secrets of metal, and how to set 'springyness'(not a word). (How to test carbon content, work it hot, then anneal, work it cold, harden and temper. )

    But it is standard fare for a true black smith.

    I'm sorry I even asked the question.

    PS: To you ATF bastards, if you decide to pay us a visit, do me a favor? Don't send any married men with young children, ok? We are both old vietnam vets, and we are sneaky bastards... if you come in at 3:00 AM, which is your SOP, then beware the booby monster, at the very least you'll all end up on disability, so that's good... at the worst, the dogs will freak out, and I'll come out spraying buckshot... my system is not designed for you and is quite illegal in this state, but, you see, I have a gang living up the street... most of what toys we have are for them, not for you, and you, will never get here fast enough.

    (Yes, I think you are a bastard organization, illegal, unconstitutional, and simply a tool of the yankee tyrants in NY/DC. Your last ruling about outlawing nitrocellulose as an illegal explosive, kinda blew up in your face, didn't it? The Military Industrial Complex jumped all over your asses, didn't they? Well, maybe, but what you did was telegraph your mindset, and future intentions of 'regulating' ammo at the base chemical level. In that case, you'll want to take out guys like me, that know how to make black powder from scratch. Hmm, maybe you need to get control over the internet?, and that's one reason why your Black Caesar is giving it to the UN? Now they're demanding the US pay reparations to blacks? It never stops, you marxist assholes never give up, and that's why the rest of us need adequate firepower, for the final battle that's coming. )

    PPS: There are also a lot of wonderful responses and people here, that's why I stick around :)
    BlueDuck, magicfingers and Yard Dart like this.
  12. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    We're monkey's dammit! The backbiting is really just flea and tick removal and the fighting is how we play! :D
    Ganado likes this.
  13. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Me and you are going to get along just fine...and if you can teach me to play the freakin bagpipes I might just have to adopt your old ass!
  14. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Ach, laaddie, it takes 21 years ta make a 'piper... that's why we starts 'em out as wee younglings...
    Yard Dart likes this.
  15. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I know that...but then the little jarhead voice in my head kicks in and says "excuses are for wussies!" ;)
    bagpiper likes this.
  16. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    If ya can get a chanter to do anything but squeek, squawk, and groan, in less than 3 months, you're 'da Man!
    But then, ya have to add 3 drones, and there's where we'll see what you're made of... running four strong reeds, is quite the physical workout...
    (a 'piper has to learn to use his entire upper body in two different modes... one is controlling bag pressure, which requires constant tension on the arm muscle groups... then, the hands have to be completely relaxed in order to play something that actually sounds like music...
    Good luck my man! )
  17. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    tis the thing I want to do before I die...even if it's the thing that kills me. Thanks for the advice!
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