I was thinking of trying a mylar hat but I was told it would ahve the opposite effect. Perhaps a handwarmer under my foil hat
Shame about the mylar not serving its purpose. Is that what those spaceblankets are made of? They are nice and somewhat soft and could maybe be sown into a sombrero and/or pointy partyhat to look more.. normal.. ish..
Photoblocker is a spray you can get for your license plate so the camera's cannot photograph it (A bright light defects off if it). It is invisible so I spray it on our license plates + (a few ball caps I wear while driving (and sometimes other places) This is a very difficult one to defeat without being uncomfortable. I cannot wear a hat that long
The more effort you go to ,to avoid being noticed ,might well draw more attention to you. Where as if you have a face like mine ,they accuse you of getting in line twice.
Mythbusters did some testing on that stuff and claimed it did not work. I don't believe all of their claims, but that one seemed plausible. ymmv
When you got a face like mine nobody accuses you of anything...they just call 911 and pray that you survive.
Wide brim hats should block most of your face from any camera positioned a few feet above where you're standing. Go crazy and hook up some IR LEDs if you want to bloom out the camera image from any angle.