That Seahawk guy started the ball rolling soon they will be banning the National Anthem from the game because someone is offended. Then the GLBT whatever will start rocking and rolling because there are no transgenders on the field. Black Lives Matter will take over half time..... soon football will no longer be the National Anthem, play ball and hot dogs, it will be a platform for any social injustice these over paid players can think of. Except for Christians because we all see how Tim Tebow was treated.
Kaepernic is a San Fran player and Tebow was a lousy quarterback...Seahawks QB Russell Wilson is as openly and obviously Christian as a person can be and is the widely touted upcoming star. Later edit, (since otherwise the posts would be combined anyway): As one who does pay attention on a daily basis to the NFL...Kaepernic has over the past 2 weeks become the player most disliked by fans pretty much all over...NFL fans in general being the most flag waving of groups. It is only a matter of time before the NFL (like most other employers) prohibits any kind of demonstration on the football field. As far as the Christian issue, the NFL is about the only place one will see prayer circles of players from both teams on the field at most games. The TV folks won't point them out generally, but they are commonplace. I have often though that Russell Wilson's (especially) press conferences would make a good drinking game...taking a drink every time he uses the word "blessed" would leave participants blasted in about 5 minutes.
"It is only a matter of time before the NFL (like most other employers) prohibits any kind of demonstration on the football field." This should have happened years ago! A person does not pay money for tickets to see these players demonstrate. They pay to see the players play - football, soccer, baseball, you name it. I don't watch any professional sports and haven't for years mainly because I was out of the states for most of my adult life but even though I am back now I don't watch them. Why? Because it's mostly about money and the bigger money teams get the bigger money players. I don't even know how many NFL teams there are now. There were 14 when I was a kid. Also, it annoys me that they pick up and move to a different town if they don't like the stadium or etc. Screw'em. I watch College or even High School if I want to watch something (which I don't) and sure as hell wouldn't pay the price of a ticket to watch any of the professional games, way too expensive. Professional sports is all about the money pure and simple and has very little to do with the love of the game.
Using a podium to speak and act out PUBLICLY should automatically make you and the party you represent Liable for every thing you do! If it's an anti american rant, or other unsavory act, because its IN PUBLIC, You loose the protection of the 1st amend. And are now liable for every thing!!!
Interesting point of view. Calls for a change to the BOR, obviously, and that (we hope) ain't gonna happen. Now, if you are standing on the podium and slander someone while exercising your 1A rights, you are NOT protected. Hollerin' "fire" falsely in a theater is a similar situation.
Nope... The First Amendment Free Speech Clause protects you as an Individual even of you go to a Public Park, Stand own a Soap Box, and declare what ever idiotic thing, that Just Pops into your Head.... You are allowed this Constitutional Freedom... Doesn't matter, WHO you are, if you are a Citizen, you have that Right... Don't matter WHERE you are, as long as it is on PUBLIC Property, your OWN Private Property. or have Permission to be on others Private Property..... One of the FEW Prohibitions to the First Amendment Speech Rights as articulated in a SCOTUS Precedent is, "You can't Yell "Fire" in CROWDED THEATER, Unless there is Actually a Fire....." Your Free Speech can NOT Directly Endanger other Citizens....
Just as a side note to the bigger questions posed here...... The Seahawks today showed a sign of respectful unity during the national anthem.... and then the beat their opponent in the last minute of the game... VICTORY!!!
Seahawks lock arms, express racial unity during national anthem I would like to know where there has been racial inequality in the NFL. These guys are idiots. I dislike calling names but inequality in the NFL? These players make millions. Black, white does not matter, these guys get paid huge to play.
Tim Tebow takes a knee in prayer and is excoriated and run out of Pro ball. These asshats try to resurrect the whole Black Power meme and the press falls all over themselves to praise them for the 'courage' to protest. Screw 'em - the lot. Let them get their ad revenue numbers from someone else.
First I thought I would boycott watching games - but that's probably worthless. HOWEVER- LET'S BOYCOTT THE ADVERTISERS ON NFL NETWORK . That was all-caps because I am fed up with P.C. Goodell, the coaches, and the NFL in general. The only thing the NFL understands is $$$$. The Anti American protestors could be turning their back, kneeling and raising both their middle fingers to the American Flag, and the NFL would do Nothing ! But if Dallas wants to put a decal on their helmets supporting the Police - - No Can Do ! What a bunch of Crap The Hermit
You are quite right, BT....but it is more than that. It protects the individual's right to freely express themselves without government interference or coercion... However, the First Amendment doesn't protect an individual from criticism or from ridicule by others (exercising their 1st Amendment rights) for what has freely been expressed.
I've given this a bit more thought - just a bit. Kaepernick's fiancée is Nessa Diab is a successful MTV host and deejay on Hot '97 and she is a spokesman for self-destructive Black Lives Matter. So, before he starts "Dating" this Diab, he is agnostic to 'racial inequality' - or at least silent. Now this new to his life... before now Styl'n Fro my Brother. Right out of the 1960's. My take? The man is p-whipped. I have to wonder what comes next, the current squeeze is just one in a very long line of women in his life - if the next galpal is Amish - will he lose his whip and start driving a buggy to practice? I suppose this crap plays well in San Fransicko, but in flyover country, not so much. /rant
LET ME GET THIS STRAGHT The entire Seahawks roster...........REFUSED to salute the flag and.......... interlocked arms during the playing of the national anthem prior to the Seahawks’ game against the Miami Dolphins to raise awareness as one of many demonstrations across the NFL for racial inequality, police brutality and other social issues. I think any player should be permitted to get a better job where they would not suffer racial inequality, police brutality and other social issues. Maybe they should change the name NFL to NPL THE RULES ARE EASY TO UNDERSTAND SEC. 595. MILITARY SALUTE FOR THE FLAG DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM BY MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES NOT IN UNIFORM AND BY VETERANS. Section 301(b)(1) of title 36, United States Code, is amended by striking subparagraphs (A) through (C) and inserting the following new subparagraphs: ``(A) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; ``(B) members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute in the manner provided for individuals in uniform; and ``(C) all other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with their right hand over the heart, and men not in uniform, if applicable, should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; Note: Part (C) applies to those not in the military and non-veterans. The phrase "men not in uniform" refers to civil service uniforms like police, fire fighters, and letter carriers - non-veteran civil servants who might normally render a salute while in uniform.
It would be a dark day indeed, if not saluting the flag, not reciting the pledge of allegiance, or not standing for the national anthem became subject to governmental legal sanctions. No one should be compelled to do these things, simply because the rest of the herd feel that conformity to these civic rituals are important somehow. Would that more people had declined to make the following oath of allegiance.... As to Tim Tebow....Maybe he should familiarize himself with Mathew 6:5-8 Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 6:5-15 - New International Version TT's main athletic talent, (dropping a knee) has stood him in good stead as a draw card for the martyred Christians speaking circuit.
Ol' Remus offers his opinions as-is, always good for a cry The streets of Paris, September 2016 Woodpile Report New Observer - The streets of Paris, September 2016. The reality of the African invasion suppressed by the controlled media. Video, 3m 07s