The thing that got me interested in survivalism was the peak oil situation and its ramifications. I stumbled upon Savinar's site by complete accident and I'm glad I did. I think peak oil is something everyone needs to be worried about. By its nature it effects almost everything (if not everything) in some way, and can make or break society depending on how this **** plays out in the next several years. I just turned 16 and I'm stuck in a rut unfortunately. Of course my parents and 99% of everyone around me is clueless and thinks everything is going to be fine and dandy for the rest of our lives. So there's no way I can plan for long-term survival. Many doomers predict an economic recession starting possibly this year and I'm only a sophmore in high school...I'm stuck until two and a half years from now.
Well, on the bright side, maybe everything will be fine and dandy, probably not but we can always hope, eh? Welcome to the Monkey! 16 is an early start for this kind of thinking, congratulations. I didn't start any kind of preparedness til about age 34.
We could all be wrong and everything will be fine and dandy. But if that wasn't the case, I'd regret what I didn't do than what I did do.
Welcome aboard. This isn't a site filled with gloom and doom people awaiting the end of the world, but rather a community of serious people that believe in sharing information and preparations in the even of an actual emergency; kind of a hope for the best but be prepared for less than that folks. It is never too early to begin learning the knowledge and skills required to survive a catastropic event and your family will be happy to know that at least one member has the necessary skills and information to help in a time of crisis. This isn't about escaping to the boonies to play Rambo, but about surviving and you can never be too young to learn to love life.
Welcome, good to know folks in your station of life are looking into this stuff. No harm in learning to provide, hike,camp, fish, hunt, shoot, hug a tree /plant a garden.. ... don't let "doomerisms" consume your life at 16, but outdoor activities have rewards beyond the obvious... IMHO A "Survivalist "mindset is about handling the most likely problems you'll run into: alway carrying knowledge, a small pocketknife/tool firestarter and flashlight. More canned soup and flash light batteries than an overflowing weapons locker... Don't get too overwhelmed in the predictions of "doom. "You may have a good noble mindset to help others by training for acareer as an EMT.." I'm dismayed to hear the story of the wtc folks in the elevator escaping by scratching their way through sheetrock with the metal squeegee frame.., not a single pocket knifeor tool among all the suits...( at least the window washer guy was thinking creatively)...anybody can be that much prepared...
Horsefeathers. Planning starts with figuring out how to get around the obstacles to getting prepared. You are at a very good point to start thinking. None of us leapt full blown into fully prepared for any possible, however improbable, contingency. Start small if that is all that can be done, but START.
Tango3 Don't do this Stratovarius! Please keep in mind that most of us are old (er than you) and come from a time when a small pocket knife was not grounds for expulsion from school. Preparedness is great knowledge to have and, just like anything, the younger you are when you start, the easier it is to pick up. I look forward to your perspective on things. Welcome to the Board!
Oh, wow.... I hadn't even thought of that either Tango/Tracy. I forget it's a different world now. Heck, the teachers in school used to borrow our pocketknives when they needed one. It wasn't against any rules to carry one.
Hey Strat...try starting a bug out bag. Something simple, an old school backpack with some simple and inexpencive items. 1. a good knife. [but don't have it if it will get into crap at school with the powers that be] 2. A good quality compass, and the know how to use it. 3. A way to create fire. Bic lighter to start, along with tinder and a way to store it [35 mm film containers work great for storing DRYER LINT!] 4. Some good quality rope or 550 cord....someone here is sure to explane this item 5. Some type of shelter material...poncho....large trash bag...a small bivy shelter. 6. A way to carry/store drinking water. THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE WAY'S TO GET STARTED! THE GOOD PEOPLE HERE WILL HELP YOU OUT WITH MORE!
Welcome to the board. Start small, a few canned goods, bottled water, extra batteries. It will quickly add up.
The first place to start is knowledge. Learn what the most likely emergency scenarios in your life/in your area are and then begin doing what preps you can to deal with them. What is a concern in your area, flood, earthquake? Are you in an urban area that you'll want to get out of if tshtf? If so, find likely alternate routes out of it and to suitable destinations. See if there is something to enroll in so you can learn to use a firearm safely and effectively. I think the bug out bag (BOB) is a great place to start. When the parents are freakin out in an emergency and wanting to get out of dodge, you'll have it to grab and save the day. Basic Medical Supplies Water and maybe some purification tablets Extra Clothes Those foldup emergency blankets Flashlight/extra batts Foods like energy bars, jerky Compass and map of the area Lighter, Matches Keep hangin out here, you'll get lots more ideas.
If you get caught with a knife at school...big trouble (expulsion, probation etc.). Every year things get stricter and kids get dumber. By long-term survival, what I meant was, sustainable living. I can't exactly buy a plot of land etc. I have "Storey's Basic Country Skills" by John and Martha Storey, "Modern Survival Retreat" by Ragnar Benson, "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu which I thought was interesting . I'll get SAS Survival Guide later and maybe check out more of Benson.
Great catch tracy....EEK guilty as charged!Guess I was just trying to get across any little bit could make a significant difference...
Pocket knife? Hell at my HS senior athletics banquet various awards were presented along with a special "coaches award" presented by the head coach to a guy named "John Rusher" a hard working ranch kid, who worked extra hard to make practice and play football center while keeping up his ranch responsibilities: The award: a New in the box Ruger.22/.22mag single six convertible single action revolver.!!! From head coach Gordon thornton (also a local rancher)
You are wise for your years. While your mind is open and the sun is shining, here's a few more tips for you OT: (This is the advice of melbo only after looking back at his 30something yrs of life and the mistake that were made. YMMV) Do not ever get a credit card. (If you must for some reason, use debit or pre-paid) Do not ever spend money you don't already have in your hand Do not share more personal info than you absolutley have to and even then, if it's not the .gov asking, make something up. Try to start a savings program that includes a little Gold or Silver. A few bucks in silver coins a week dropped into a box will make you a happy man some day. Welcome to the site and I sincerely hope you stick around. I wish my 16 yr old daughter had the same leanings.
Thanks. Where can I obtain gold and silver? I hear those have real value instead of Monopoly money aka USD.
Start by looking in the yellow pages under coins or coin dealers. Find a good dealer and start collecting pre-1965 "junk silver" coins.
As far as long term survival, you are by all means old enouph to aquire the most important thing for it, the KNOWLEDGE. VERY few people can ever have enouph stores set aside to carry them through for several years of everything they need, so all the stored up stuff realy dose is provide some time before you have to grow/make/hunt/gather the stuff for your self. The MOST likely stuff that any of us face is the mundane. IOW, a family member falls and breaks something or gets a serious cut, the car breaks down, theres a house fire, you happen on an auto accident and people need help, etc. So first aid knowledge should definatly be at the top of the list along with setting up a first aid kit, this also is important in a SHTF or TEOTWAWKI situation. From there learn what you can about shelter makeing and food gathering and so on. One of the best sources for info on surviving with nothing that I know of is 'Naked into the Wilderness' I and II by John and Geri McPhearson who teach how to trap for food, build primitive shelters, make fire, make tools and so on all with what is available in nature and starting with nothing. They teach classes to the instructors from the militaries special forces survival schools. You can find their books at The next area, or in the same time, that I would sugest a lot of study would be homestead or small scale type farming and animal husbandry. If you know what to do and how to do it then getting the stuff needed to be able to grow your own food isnt all that hard. I dont know what your living situation is (big farm, small farm, house in the burbs with big yard, inner city with small yard appartment, etc.) but if you have a yard at all then there is a lot that can be done with edible landscapeing pretty cheap that looks nice and such that your folks might let you do. Also if they will let you then even in an appartment (if caged pets are allowed) you can set raise meat rabbits. You could have 2 does and a buck in an area the size of the top of the average dresser that would produce up to 12-18 babies every 6 weeks or so and the young are big enouph for eating after about 3 months. There is probably a LOT more that you can do than you realize but the most important thing is simply to arm yourself with knowledge and do what you can in the way of trying it out before you need it to be sure it works and you can do it.