Yeah, that will be a definitely be problem. Well, maybe...depends on their Leader and how much control he has. It would be funny if it turned out to be the gangs that citizens organize behind. Also, Cartels will most definitely take advantage of the situation against both sides. BTW I purchased the first in your series and will give it a go...
Blah, blah, blah. Losers are those that find excuses why something CAN'T be done. Winners figure out how it CAN be done and do it. I don't pay much attention to losers.
I have always thought the "Out of the Ashes" series of books by William Johnstone were prophetic. The US broken up to "nations within a nation". In a total SHTF world I would expect that. I also have always thought that the big MC's would play a huge role. More so I think that even the militias. A great many MC members are vets, many with combat experience. And they already have their territories well defined. And contrary to popular television and sensationalised media, MC's aren't a bunch of criminal thugs. I think they would be capable of maintaining order within thier AO's. There are many stories of an MC clubhouse moving into a high crime area and the crime rate plummeting. The local residents were glad to have them there.
What we should be aware of is places like Canada, Australia, and the U.K. are all quite the wusses when it comes to defending their own rights. Let remember these people just sat by bent over and handed over the ability to defend themselves it also means if anything happens here we are on our own. If we look at those countries they never even fired a shot in defense of their freedom. Gotta love the Irish however for not giving up without a fight. Those countries will not come to the aid of the American people as in her citizens. However just look at how many time our military came to the aid of a tyrannical government around the world sadly no one else will be there for us. Not trying to bash other countries here but lets be honest here most countries have to have their arms twisted to help out America now imagine in a SHTF they would turn a blind eye and perhaps even try and take advantage of the situation, pretty sure Russia, China and Korea would so when the dust settles there could be 1/2 what we have now as a nation and think many nations smell the blood in the water as we are pushed tighter and tighter forcing eventual civil unrest. Which would give POTUS, the ability to enact Marshall Law.
I don't think the Muslim King is ready to step down. But if he does, the election is already over and we'll have a new queen to oversee the death throes of a once great and free nation. When I think of the BLM activities, the number of jihadi's jerkoff's already in the country, the Aztlan asshats and the politicians that spend their careers fellating them and pissing on the Constitution, I get the feeling that I won't have to worry too much about what I'll do in my golden years. I do really like the concept of individual citizens taking action and then fading away like "Unintended Consequences".
I think about a lot of targets in my sights if that is the case... I think about how we will take back, what our founding fathers built.... I think about a restoration of the constitution... I think about a honest dollar earned for a fair hour of labor performed... I think about the leaches on society, be it those that fail to contribute or those that take advantage of the We the People, and an end to their road of using hard working folks. I think about a new America, that embraces what she once was, and what she can be again.
The concept of "Leaderless Resistance" espoused by Richard Butler. Basically the concept that small groups or even individuals completely on their own initiative attack targets of opportunity in their own AO. Without a formal command structure you eliminate the chance of infiltration and if caught are completely independent of, and ignorant of any other groups or leaders. Small fire teams of 3-5 members acting on their own, all over the country, would be a force hard to contend with.
There will be no revolt, there will be no revolt, there will be no revolt, there will be no revolt, there will be no revolt, there will be no revolt, there will be no revolt, there will be....OH SH#&, they are in the my weapon loaded...why are my hands shaking...WHAT !!! Is that bullets going by my head...OMG there are thousands of them like the grains of sand at the beach...I can run faster if I ditch this rifle and all this damned
I too have serious doubts about any serious uprising. I saw the die hard militia members in the late '90's fade away like a morning fog when the boot heel of government started to stomp on the faces of our leaders and members. When they started arresting people on trumped up charges the vast majority of them burned their uniforms and quietly disappeared. I have said this on here before, I heard Mark Koernke give a speech one time in which he said something I will always remember. "Don't ever kid yourselves. If they outlawed guns tomorrow, and you could go to prison for having one, then 9 out of 10 people would turn theirs over immediately, immediately. But also remember that there are an estimated 100 million gun owners in the United States. If 9 out of 10 surrendered their weapons that still leaves 10 million armed and dedicated fighters." The "Leaderless Resistance" doctrine evolved from that late 90's purge when the organized militias fell apart from government persecution. The aim today seems to be to stomp it out before it spreads. Aka the Bundy situation. They won't allow a dissenting force to form again. And remember it was under Bill Clinton's administration that the first persecution of patriots began. What would a Hillary one do?
We can learn a great deal from the struggle in Northern Ireland, with the IRA supporters fighting against the British. The main problem they had was the MI5 operatives conducted false flag operations and would often infiltrate local gangs, which spurned resentment and contempt from the very people the IRA were trying to defend. Nothing else quite says "you failed" more than a few children being gunned down or an explosion ripping through a civilian center. With the use of modern day terrorism™, the intelligence arm of the secret government can, and will employ similar tactics to cut off any potential for progress from dissenters. And, we do not even need to speculate since these are the very tactics which have already been implemented in our own country recently (Sandy Hook for example) for use in the war to disarm Americans. The event doesn't even need to be real since the corporate media can spin any story and essentially create an attack without it actually taking place or having the disastrous effect we may all witness in high definition on television. The technology and tactics used today can effectively create a vivid and realistic war, and none of it even has to be real. Just like numerous events in the past, all they require is an FBI informant and a patsy (or another FBI goon) to take the fall. Like I have said many times before, the only thorn in the side of the globalists right now is independent media with the free use of the internet. Once the establishment has a reign of control over the web, the plan to push forward full steam will commence. "But I will know if it's fake. All I have to do is find the facts, use the evidence!" -- How, exactly? If you're using government sponsored "evidence" and government provided "facts", you are definitely not going to receive real facts and real evidence. An excellent example of this would be to compare independent research of the 9-11-01 event to the official investigation. The two are on such opposite ends, one story must certainly be a lie, yet the supporters of 'sanity' who defend government will claim the "experts" have all concluded very nicely that a steel superstructure can invariably collapse from a fuel fire into tiny fragmented bits and all the independent research is just "quackery", never mind the fact that building 7 was never even mentioned in the official report. We live in the age of illusion, and a very dark shroud has been drawn over the eyes of the world. Don't think for a second that all we must do is take up arms and shoot to regain liberty. Every individual citizen will have to decide if they wish to continue living a lie, or resist tyranny and despotic rule. No progress can be made until this choice has been made. The people will then need to communicate securely and organize. They will have to take precaution against subversion and trickery. They will have to find a method to maintain order and combat effectiveness while being assaulted by a corporate controlled media and militarized police state. Around every corner, another potential freedom fighter may be standing --or it may also be an agent of chaos. Never forget, we made this all possible. We have no one to blame but ourselves.
^^^ This. Larger organized groups WILL be infiltrated, if they are not already. Guerrilla warfare 101: when the boot heel of government starts a stompin', melt away and live to fight another per above.
Just a few years ago boing demonstrated a drone capable of performing EMP at several specific locations, I believe this is going to be used to disrupt all civilian communications.
What's really going to be interesting is the situation in Virginia! Wonder what the state government will do when met with resistance.
2020 United States elections - Wikipedia "Most states will hold state legislative elections in 2020. Alabama, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia will not hold state legislative elections"
The problem with armed revolt is, and has always been commitment. Right now, people indeed have it too good to risk their comfortable life with prison or death. When such time as the gains will outweigh that comfort, and prison or death is of little consequence, it will be too late. Your government knows this, because they told me. A secondary issue is violence of action. If a substantial armed force were to descend on the capital steps of Virginia and immediately act in a decisive manner with clear objectives, that armed force would win. There can be no demands or negotiations, just violence of action. Sadly many of the potential players lack the training and discipline to carry this out. There is no doubt the weaponry and desire exist, and a respectable showing would be had, but in the end it would result in prison and death. Lastly, should a force successfully gain the capital and imprison the Governor, what next? It has now become an attack on a state government, and the federal government would intervene with federal troops (military). All of the attacking force would then be declared terrorists as defined by the Anti-terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, and subject to prison or death. In summary, if armed revolt were carried out and if the action were successful, it would take the commitment of the victors to supply a force equal to that of the US Military to hold the objective. That day may come, but I doubt it will be in Virginia.
Even the Founding Fathers and Patriots put up with a lot of shit for a lot of years before they rebelled. You don't overthrow the Government (State or Federal) simply because you don't like the President (Obama or Trump) or the Governor, or because the Legislature or Congress pass stupid laws. No, you trust in the system of Courts and the election cycle...and be adult enough to realize that you aren't going to always get what you desire. You fight when your rights are being denied, not when they are merely being threatened. A lot of bad things have to happen before we get to revolt. You fight for rights....not over policy!