I have just put up my first dried foods (beans, rice, peas) using Mylar bags and was looking at purchasing 40 lbs. of instant potatoes when I realized that one needs either Olive Oil, Butter or Margarine or probably even a bit of cooking oil to make them. But, oils will go rancid with time so... So, what do people use as replacement for oils or how does one store oil long-term? Maybe best to forget the dried potatoes?
Pressure can your real potatoes. And I'm not aware of any replacement for oils. Oils and lard, even butter will keep longer than you'd think. In moderate to cold temperatures. I believe we all would go back to using lard if the supply of cooking oil ran out or got low. Lard is easy to make. Don't know how I'd go about making cooking oil...
@MountainMariner "Pressure can your real potatoes" Good idea! I never thought to do it and will speak to the wife about it now. She is trying an experiment this year growing potatoes in sacks! And, they are doing very well but I don't think we will have enough this year to can, maybe, there are a hell'va lot of sacks around the garden. LOL!! I have been meaning to buy a pressure cooker/canner and this would be the final straw/reason for me to do so. I don't think she knows how to pressure can as where she came from - well - they didn't do it probably due to cost and I certainly don't know how but we need to know. Thanks for taking the time. Lard...need to look into lard. What is it? I haven't even seen any since I was a kid...
The one problem with making butter is you need to milk something. (And then copious amount of work and a churn) Like around here there are no cows. And I'm sure not going to try and milk a bear or moose to make butter. It would be cool to have some goats here, could make butter and cheese.
The forest critters may find those goats tasty.. Ball Blue book is a very handy reference for canning.. Also, pressure canners come with a book on the canning process.. I would encourage you to get a pressure canner.. It is the only safe way to put up low acid foods..
I have had both vegetable and olive oil stored for about 5 years in a spare refrigerator. I take a gallon out and replace it and so far so good. If it goes rancid you can still use it for lamp oil. I have dehydrated shortening and butter which I use as well and it's OK for cooking but not frying. However, that said, I think coconut oil stores best.
WHAT? I will look into this! I never heard of it! @T. Riley "I have had both vegetable and olive oil stored for about 5 years in a spare refrigerator...If it goes rancid you can still use it for lamp oil. I have dehydrated shortening and butter which I use as well and it's OK for cooking but not frying. However, that said, I think coconut oil stores best." Please elaborate. Lamp oil, details? Who ever thought in the 21st century... "it's OK for cooking but not frying." Please explain, are they not the same? "...vegetable and olive oil stored for about 5 years in a spare refrigerator..." I have two fridges and can make room...but I just didn't know. "Knowledge is power." This site and its people are a wealth, a gold mine of knowledge! Thank you......coconut oil...where in the hell do I find coconut oil....... I will look into this tomorrow. I really need one. And, I will google Ball Blue Book and see what I can find. Thanks!
If you go through the link to amazon here https://www.amazon.com/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&tag=survivalmonke-20, the monkey benefits.. When shopping for a pressure canner get a good one.. It will be money well spent..
coconut oil is becoming more and more mainstream. available online as well in many local stores now days ask for it. not cheap, but good for you. I also buy extra virgin olive oil in bulk 1/2 gallon mostly and store in my most consistent moderate temp location, my super insulated well house and genny shack.
@Bandit99 Cooking oil will burn. Stick a wick in it, think Aladdin's lamp style, and light it up. Powdered shortening is water soluble so it's fat, but not oil and is ok as an ingredient in baking but useless for frying. coconut oil can be purchased in buckets online.
Oil lamps are almost a requirement for the savvy prepper. Work when the batteries give out, and burn nearly anything. Uv cuss you need a fuel source --
I never heard or knew about 'powdered shortening either! Thanks @T. Riley ! How does this coconut oil taste? It comes in jars that look like it's more for smearing on you than eating. You sure you guys are putting one over on me? LOL!!! I think COSTCO has this stuff...
i would not use coconut oil for everything, shortening makes better bread incredients unless you want that coconut smell. But overall coconut oil is great for most things. It has a high temperature tolerance so it decent for frying.