I want to replace a new unfired RAS 47 with an AK of better quality, but I'd like to stay below $1,000. if I can. I'm prepared to spend more if necessary, but I'd rather not. The RAS had great reviews, so when I decided to go to the AK platform, it was a no brainer between the price and reviews. Anyway the guys at the AK Operators Union had one pretty much have issues that now give me pause about the gun. This is my SHTF rifle and I need a good one. Apparently the RAS 47 is okay for the casual AK shooter, but not for if my life or the lives of others are at stake. I have a a bit of gun knowledge, but I'm pretty much an AK noob, so please explain your thinking. Thanks in advance for the help.
Guns, in many ways, are like people. You have to live with them for a while to find out how reliable they are. Take that unfired rifle out, feed it everything you can find, beg, borrow, or ___________, shoot the ever luvvin' out of it. See what it likes or doesn't like. It's apt to take tuning and break in. I'm unfamiliar with the operator's union, but I do know that some of that type of site tends to favor some things and throw rocks at others. Go shootin' and worry about replacement for NEED, not rumor. Firearm quality is not necessarily related to price. Prestige surely can be.
It seems the reviews are pretty bad from many sources. It's not about prestige, I want the reliability that AK's are known for. I've always been a M1, M1 Carbine, M1A, Ruger Mini-15, Mini 30 guy and I've really come to appreciate how dirt simple the AK is but there's an awful lot I don't know.
Reliability is proven, not sold. Shoot her. (Took 200 rounds or so to get mine smoothed out. Always goes bang now, a couple thou rounds ongoing.)
AK Operators have done at least a second review, if you have only watched the first. I have done a lot of study into the new Century American made stuff, and all of the Field Reviews that I have seen have come back almost entirely positive, barring specific gun malfunctions. At least, that is what comes to mind. I believe nutnfancy did a review on them. IF you ain't shot it, and put it through it's paces, you have no idea what you have there. You might have a dud, or you might have a gun that'll outlive you. Only one way to tell. If I had the cash, I'd ask how much you wanted for it, but the best I could do right now is swap you a rusty 1853 Enfield repro. Haha.
I am hoping to pick up a Century or Inter Ordnance in the next few week I will give a report if I do but still shopping for a good price myself.
Got to handle a C39V2 with all of the Magpul furniture on it...I'd rock it if I could spend it. Love the adjustable side folder they come out with.
Okay, I'm convinced, a bird in the hand and so on. Range time this week. I get this way once in a while.
Don't we all. hahaha. THe only thing worse is when you remember being good with a weapon, take it to the range, and embarrass yourself shooting like a 6 year old. Haha.
It isn't the most popular opinion, but the last AKs I bought were Saiga sportsterized models on which I have then replaced the furniture and the trigger groups. A nice bonus with the Saigas is that they are available in quite a few different calibers. I like the AK platform, but I am not that big a fan of 7.62 in general and 7.62x39 especially. The last 2 that I got were 5.56 NATO and .410G.
I have a yugo ak47 and 2 sks rifles never had a bad minute with any of them--and I will say fire that unfired 47 you have and fire it a lot get it dirty too a true ak 47 will fire flawlessly even dirty as hell
I am going to throw out as well as I know slightly opposed to some posts, being I am over 50 I find the 7.62x39 a very forgiving round at close and medium range. We have Ak-47's I should have mentioned but looking for the two I mentioned about, we even have a Ak-74 which I dislike even though its close its not a very good operator. I also see the SKS ( why off topic) one of the best low cost rifles out there strictly because reliability and the round they carry. I hate that I like commy guns, really do but the Ruskies knew what they were doing with the AK-47 design. its easy to disable, has large capacity accurate in medium range. Now there are AR-15 in 7.62x39 out there I personally did not find reviews promising. The 5.56 is a great round however I have never been a fan of the design of nearly 99% of rifles that shoot them, yes in my past I have however I find the AR platform as well as Rugers Carbines to be to short at he stock and do not fit my trigger hand well enough as I have big hands. I know many hate ruskie guns some with very good reason. I have shot allot of 7.62x39 and really see no problem with the round or the Ak-47 platform, although some cheaper model Ak-47's are harder to modify due to manufacturing and I think the I O have done well mastering the original design almost exact. I have several SkS's and find them at times more sturdy then the AK-47's but that just me. LOL
@GOG how handy are you? 1st of all I agree with the folks above that said to shoot it. Honestly, I don't consider a weapon broke in until 1k rounds, but that's me. Have you considered building one up from a kit? The AK family is one of the easier builds out there. The "store bought" AKs here are from the 80's the rest are builds. The best ones (IMO) use a milled receiver. Make sure your kit is for a milled receiver if you go that route. The stamped receivers and kits are cheaper, but work well if a little time and attention to detail are used. If you want to really build your rifle you can get the forming jigs and just order receiver flats which require you to form the receiver from a predrilled stamped steel flat.
Heres an addition anyone ever heard of a citadel in 7.62x39 Ak-47 I cant find anything on them local shop has one for sale.
Actually, yes. I sold the RAS 47 this morning. I just lost confidence in it and it's critical to me that this rifle be stout and dependable. Totally a gut decision and I trust my gut. I also ordered an Arsenal SAM 7R-61. It should be here this Friday or next Monday.
Good selection on the Sam-7R. I've read nothing but rave reviews on them. Never shot one, but did get to fondle one once. The RAS-47 has very nice curb appeal, but soft trunion from what I've read. I don't like to take what I read as gospel as I like to make up my own mind. That being said, Rob Ski seems pretty damn credible to me, as do a dozen other AK enthusiasts that have sounded the warning bell on those and IO. Hopefully I'll get a nice milled one day. DDI makes a very nice AK. They are set to release their new 100% US made AK later this month. If it's anything like the one I was lucky enough to shoot last week, I want one for my own use. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Definitive Arms DAKM 4150 (Polish parts kit build). A couple thousand rounds down range and running strong. No bolt carrier tail mushrooming or anything.