Group move to Alaska....

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by rjburk, May 26, 2016.

  1. rjburk

    rjburk Monkey

    With current world and U.S. issues getting worse and not much of a good end in sight I was wondering if anyone has contemplated getting a small group 3-6 people together, buy 8-10 acres in Alaska, gathering everything necessary and making the move ? Land is cheap in Alaska and plenty for sale on land contracts. I realize it would take 1-2 years after buying land to get plan and everything ready to go and be on land by early spring so you would have time to get setup prior to winter. Figuring out who would bring what and doing enough research to take all the proper gear and equipment to last that first year. I think within that year everyone would have gained enough knowledge to be online with what was necessary. I know there is a lot of variables and it would not be without it's issues, but I think a small, smart, experienced dedicated group could make a go of it ?
    Seepalaces, GOG and Motomom34 like this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Expect incoming comments about flatlanders and crab

    I'm sure our resident Alaskan may have a suggestion or three....;)
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Please stop poking the bear, @chelloveck it's distracting.
    RJB, it's an interesting idea, and there have been some attempts in that direction. Perhaps well intended, perhaps for no good reason. Still, even with the commercial distortions, there have been some "reality" shows covering some of the attempts. Dredging up a few of those might do as starting sources for things to consider.
    Seepalaces and chelloveck like this.
  4. John Grit

    John Grit Monkey

    There are people on this forum who live in Alaska. I'm sure they will respond. In my opinion your idea is for young healthy people who understand what they are getting into. Alaska is a brutal place to live.

    From what I've seen Alaska land can be inexpensive and it can be very expensive, depending on location. That's not different from any other state, but it's the locations that are surprising. Sometimes the more remote areas where you can only get there by small plane cost more than land near a town. It could be I was looking at land prices from afar and not getting a real picture, but that's what I saw many, many years ago when I was thinking about moving there and contacting real estate agents. In the 1960s a lot of college grads were moving up there to get free land and "drop out of society and the rat race". Some married native Alaskans to get a lot more free land and have much more lax hunting and fishing laws to deal with.
    Seepalaces and chelloveck like this.
  5. rjburk

    rjburk Monkey

    At some point everyone migrated to Alaska.....There are Millions of good people who moved to Alaska, stayed and are making it....If any of those people have an issue with more coming ? then they need to look in the mirror.....I would have no issue with someone from Alaska moving to my neck of the woods...If your willing to work hard and have a variety of knowledge and skills it would not be a big issue....research and planning is the hardest part if you want to be off grid....The current lies of Reality TV is zero motivation to do with what I would like to do......I don't want to marry a native for handouts or free stuff even though some might.....those are probably the ones that most people dislike....
    Seepalaces likes this.
  6. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Moving anywhere where the climatic conditions are extreme can be a challenging experience, but in many cases they also have rewards for those who can hack it. The art of it is to recognise reality from romance, and make decisions based on factual considerations rather than wishful thinking. Wintering in Alaska in a place that won't get you killed might settle a few questions.
    Seepalaces and 3M-TA3 like this.
  7. MountainMariner

    MountainMariner Clearly Ambiguous

    Only about 740,000 people live here. And half of that number live in Anchorage. I say go for it. Your biggest problem will be getting a group of people to invest money and sweat equity. Without drama.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    If the millions did it is true, a HUGE share of them didn't stay. Your number is suspect, but the end results is not. Either the weather or the grizz, or the rigors of the area got 'em, and they left.
    John Grit likes this.
  9. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Indeed...who would want to be holed up in a cabin in several months of winter with folks whom would make better ingredients for a meal than good company. :eek: ohno
  10. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++


    I have always wondered if having a greenhouse is an option in Alaska. Probably depending on where you live (snow fall) but you would also need to set up lighting for those dark winter days. I think you can grow kale semi -easy. I say all this because being removed from continental USA that means that shipments will stop and AK will not be first in line to receive when things start up again.
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    The problem as I see it is power. How can you generate power in the wilderness so that one can have a decent life and generate it economically? When I was returning to the states about a year ago I gave Alaska a hard look. The wife was dead set against it. But, really what changed my mind was I couldn't find any good chunk of land, 20+ acres, that had the remote privacy I wanted, road access and was on or close to the grid so I could hook in. The lots were small, real small...

    I would have gone in a snap if there was a unit I could purchase that would give me unlimited power for an unlimited time (magic black box), but not sure solar there is a complete option and generator(s) seem to be the only real option. I had this dream (only dreaming mind you) about thermal power like Finland has developed.

    Anyway, if Hillary wins we will be looking at Alaska again. I have been back now for ~17 months and know a lot more about what is available, viable and costs.
    chelloveck likes this.
  12. John Grit

    John Grit Monkey

    Some in Alaska certainly do stretch the short growing season with greenhouses and other methods. Alaska is so remote everything costs more. Add to that several thousand bucks to have something flown in to your remote cabin and just about everything is very expensive. You are much more on your own there and if society collapsed you would be more on your own than in the lower 48. That can be good and very, very bad.
  13. MountainMariner

    MountainMariner Clearly Ambiguous

    I plan on doing one high tunnel next year. I'll let you know how it goes. Will only plan on using it from May-June till Sept though. No need for lights. Today the sunrise is 0435 and sunset at 2320.

  14. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I watch those Alaska shows. Electric is minor IMO whereas water is an issue. Buying Alaska has a lot of places that have to have water trucked in. I would think they would have all sorts of water but nope. Could be a rock issue.
    Ganado likes this.
  15. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I would think you would have to keep that plastic real tight because you get snow. You certainly are building a paradise up there @MountainMariner
    MountainMariner likes this.
  16. MountainMariner

    MountainMariner Clearly Ambiguous

    How much electricity do you think you really need? The human race did without it for many many years. A solar system with backup generator is a viable option. You will learn to conserve it. And conserve water. And food. And diesel. And gasoline. And everything else...

    There are certain reinforcement modifications needed for snow. Or you could roll up or remove the plastic after the grow season.

    I have under 100 gallons in my cisterns, but fill up my water containers and store it in the summer. Winter ALL my water comes from melted snow.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2016
    Tully Mars, Bandit99, 3M-TA3 and 2 others like this.
  17. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I think the growing season is much shorter in AK than much of the USA, with the growing season being shorter the closer to the Arctic Circle one is. Greenhouses, cold frames, cloches and other cold climate growing techniques will be necessary to get crops in the short growing season I suspect.

    Useful information may be gained from University agriculture extension services from Alaska; and the Canadian provinces.

    Welcome to Alaska Greenhouse

    Report on Exploratory Investigations of Agricultural Problems of Alaska

    Monthly Garden Calendar for Alaska

    Alaska Interactive USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map

    Plant Hardiness Zone Map of Alaska - Garden Helper, Gardening Questions and Answers

    Other useful sources of information would be cold climate permaculture web sites.

    Alaska Cold Climate Permaculture Institute

    Ducks in Backyard Permaculture (Alaska)

    Alaska Permaculture

    There are also YouTube resources on Cold Climate gardening to explore

  18. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I would think the length of the days would help to offset the short growing season and a green house would be a big boost as well. I remember on my single trip to Anchorage, though, just how freaking expensive fruit was. That and how halibut will never again be as satisfying now that know what it is really like.
    Taku and chelloveck like this.
  19. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Excellent resources @chelloveck. This one Monthly Garden Calendar for Alaska is full of great growing tips. I like how she puts plastic around her plants. She is very knowledgeable.

    This set up is a dream- perfect fencing.
    Bandit99 and chelloveck like this.
  20. MountainMariner

    MountainMariner Clearly Ambiguous

    This may sound extreme but sell everything you have before moving to Alaska. Bring one bag of warm, quality clothing. Wool. You'll buy everything else here. Starting with: Bata bunny boots, snowshoes that will fit those big boots, gaiters and snow machine bib pants. You'll need a heavy coat (parka) and a big warm jacket to layer underneath when the parka is too much. Several pairs of gloves (one needs to be heavy cold weather leather) and one pair of heavy cold weather mittens. Hiking boots. Then the list goes on and on...
    chelloveck and Ganado like this.
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