A guy just gave me a book called 'How to stay alive in the woods' by Bradford Angier. I'm looking through it as a guide as well. I guess you could say that it is my first book in my library of useful knowledge. Some of the stuff is good to know though I already know there are better books out there. I will get one on edible/medicinal plants and if it's light enough, I'll carry it with me to help. I'm going to get a first-aid book and maybe something dealing with things that I may need to know. I have to read the book list to see what I might want. Knowing how to supplement your meal of critters with a nice salad is not a bad thing. Everyone has to have some green roughage in their diets. It's healthy for ya. I already know of grubs and worms. Though I am not in a major hurry to test that one out again. Haha.
Funny, I ask for barnes and noble gift cards almost exclusively every xmas I'm usual good for at least $75.00/year. bought three books this year Bradford Aangiers "How to stay alive in the woods", country wisdom and know-how,(everything you need to know to live off the land),and the $50 knife shop... "life after Doomsday" is a particularly good (practical) nuclear survival book... Tom brown's( the "tracker").books are pretty good once you get past the indian mystic B.S.and give some allowance for bs claims, like him crawling through a low stream to a drinking dear and touching it.. or being able to read tracks and tell whether the animal had just eaten or was thirsty or not. In this world of big mac's and supersize fries, I don't think i'd be able to round up enough greens and bugs to ever be statisfied, alive and moving but probably alwas hungry and burning reserves....
Speaking of Bradford's HTSAITW book, have you read it through and what is your take on it's total usefulness? I have skipped through it. Haven't had the time to do a thorough job of it, so I don't know if it would be dead weight or an okay guide. I know what you mean about the eating thing. No ice cream from the fridge in that situation. We'll just make sure we get a nice fat deer for the filling part of the meal. Deer steak, nice green salad and bug dessert. Haha.
As far as "htsaitw".. It is large,heavy,It goes over alot of basics in detail; It's written focusing on the northamerican forest. Being as I convenienty live in north america its got some good info, kind of a primer, You should read it but I 'm not sure it worth carrying, there are smaller handbooks. the plant drawings are in color, which helps in identifiying them . IMHO The SAS survival manual is better and covers far different environments.. Always room on the outdoors shelf for these but read 'em take what you learn out side and give it a go...Had an interesting hike today I'll open another thread.
Sounds good. I'll look into the SAS thing. I know they are pretty knowledgeable about survival. Yes, wouldn't want to have to tote this thing though if I have to, I'd do it. Thinking maybe scan and print some sections of it might be handy.
I used to carry my paperback of "outdoor survival skills "Larry Dean OLsen (?) It was a stoneage survival living book pretty good( he took groups on desert treks with nothing but a knife,a small sack of flour(food) and the clothes on their backs..That was easy enough to tuck in the buttpack..The sas manual is a rather large square softcover that wouldn't pack real well either..You may have to look around for another title if you want a packing on, I saw a deck of survival cards once, U.s. cavalry I think..one of the military equipment /"surplus" catalogs...http://health-fitness.marc8.com/boo...ills/toc_id/3-0-20-17-0/review/i_cant_believe http://health-fitness.marc8.com/boo...lls/toc_id/3-0-20-17-2/review/survival_skills
Good to know. Thanks for the links. Portability is key. Doesn't do me much good if I have to leave behind valuable gear in favor of a big book.
Definitely will have a manifying glass with me. Got a three pack the other day. Haha. Wonder if you can possibly use a flashlight to shine through the microfiche to act as a projector? Anyone got microfiche and want to try that out? Could use a white t-shirt as the display. Where do I get these crazy ideas? Haha.
I guess I shouldn't leave myself open like that. Haha. Well at least I found out that it would be possible to look at info when it's real small. Good info to know. Now when I have to go scavenging, I'm hittin' the libraries. Not too many people out here use them anyways. Haha.
As far as a book for 'how to' survive of the land with nothing, the best advice I could give would be to get a copy of 'Naked into the Wilderness;primitive wilderness & survival skills' by John and Geri McPhearson. Its an absolute NO BS guide that teaches you how to litteraly go out into the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on you back (or even naked) and make/gather/build everything you need to survive from stone tools to traps to clothes and mocisins to cooking pots to shelter and so on. I have read this book and the sequil andpracticed most of the things and know first hand the stuff all works. Also for another endorsement, the US military sends instructors from SERE schools to take classes from the author a few times a year so they can teach the survival stuff they learn there to our special forces, he has also been hired by some indian tribes to go to the reservations and teach them how to do the things their ancestors did. They are easy to follow and apply the things in the books and there is a copy in each of my BOBs for refrence on traps and some of the other stuff.
Sounds like a must have. I'll have to add that one. If it's absolutely no BS then I can do well with it. I don't want my survival chances tossed to some guy with a bunch of hokey stuff thrown in. Good info to know. If he teaches SF then it's got to be good stuff.
Here you go you ca. kinda guy... Amazon.com: Common Edible and Useful Plants of the West (Outdoor and Nature) (9780879610463): Muriel Sweet: Books@@AMEPARAM@@http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51VJZ69JX2L.@@AMEPARAM@@51VJZ69JX2L
Haha. Thanks Tango. On the shopping list it goes. I'd hate to grab up a plant thinking it's good eatin' and die on the spot. That would make for a boring EOTW. I gotta be here to harass the bad guys. Haha.
Or you could just get explosive diarrhea, miss the lightshow at the EOTW and die with your pants around your ankles in the outhouse...
His books dont cover much of anything at all on edible plants or first aid but as far as covering meat, shelter, tools, fire, tanning skins and so on IMO his stuff cant be beat. You can check out his books and vidios at www.prairiewolf.net and if we can get enouph intrest in them can do a group buy for about 50% off the prices listed but would have to order a minimum of 10-15 items at one time shipped to one person then sent out from there. I have done it before a couple of times but last time I tried it didnt have the intrest to make it happen, if we do now I could do it for about $3 over 1/2 price to cover shipping from here and such.
We'd have to check again if anyone is interested. Someone would have to do the math for me to know what it would come to. Interesting idea though.