bug out gun thoughts...

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by monkeyman, Dec 2, 2005.

  1. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    That's the one.
  2. Factfind

    Factfind Old Hand

    Kel Tec

    This rifle has much to recommend it in such situations. Light, easily concealed, (should that be necessary) and affordable. It would put meat on the table and do a fair job of protection. I do not have information about its ruggedness or use in harsh environments. I would be very interested in input from present owners.
  3. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Kel Tec makes some very nice little rifles, but the ones I played with at the gun shows just did'nt appear to be worth the deneiro. But, they are rather spiffy.
  4. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    Here are a few things you may want to think about.

    1) Iraq is about the size of the state of Cali. and with all of our millitary might we still haven't wrapped things up over there.

    2) It is a big differance between shooting a person from a forgine country and your neigbor/fellow country man/woman.

    3) I would think that in a SHTF/TEOTWAWKI event TPTB are going to have to gear up to handle the after math in cities. By the time they get geared up for that you should be long gone.

    4) When Katrina hit alot of the police left to take care of their own family's so they had to bring in outside LEO's to stablize the area. If it is a nation wide event there won't be the LEO's to bring in from anywhere because they will be needed where they are. If they bring national gaurd/millitary that will take time. Again you should be long gone. We don't have enough millitary/LEO'S to cover this whole country. Just like we can't cover all of Iraq. Again I think they would have to cover the big cities.

    5) I believe an invading force would have to cover the cities for the same reasons that our own forces would.

  5. Factfind

    Factfind Old Hand

    E&E scenario

    I was considering the Kel Tec specifically as a BO weapon for its concealability as was discussed here.
  6. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    The AR-7 is the same design as the one I had but I think mine was a knock off. It was a Christmas gift when I was in my teens.

    As far as the senarion for this thread it was basicly something like Katrina. It COULD be for any required movement while staying in the area but would be thinking most likely for getting out of the area and to a retreat someplace else which for a lot of folks might be something as basic as a campgrounds outside the effected area, a motel room, relatives or a state park someplace to ride out the problem or regroup and decide how to move on.

    So the basic idea on this one is that you are haveing to BO in a situation where the whole world has NOT collapsed but the local area has turned into a third world police state where you are likely to have to protect your self from looters and thugs and it may be useful to have a means to shoot hungry dogs or wild critters for protection and/or food on the way out BUT TPTB are out in full force and to be seen with firearms means to have them confiscated and/or be arrested or face a shoot out with LEOs and or military troops in large numbers.

    Personaly I figure if it was a national situation then it would be UN forces rather than out own LEOs or troops that we would be dealing with in far greateer numbers than our own military could muster and with no real compunction about violating any and all of our rights or shooting those armed after being ordered by mass announcement to disarm.
  7. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Absolutely, I agree. I really like the concealment aspect of it. I especially like the fact that you can carry plenty of ammo and not be weighed down. Makes survival much easier on the go.
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