Motivational Poster Thread (warning content)

Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by Quigley_Sharps, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    How I hated Palmer Method drills ---.

    A few years ago, I had, for some reason, an excuse to hand a cursive note to a kid clerk, I think it was in a hardware store. He glanced at it and handed it back to me saying he could not read cursive. I suppose I must have translated it for him.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    It might make an interesting resource for your fellow monkeys to fully appreciate the night horrors that the Palmer Method may tend to evoke for you. ;)
    Motomom34 likes this.
  3. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Real Writing, beats the dog out of the TEXT Shorthand Gibberish!
    Tully Mars, Motomom34 and ghrit like this.
  4. hitchcock4

    hitchcock4 Monkey++

    You can't just "keep" the $1 as then you are pocketing $1 that you ACTUALLY owe to someone. So you pay Mom (or Dad) that dollar and now you owe $48 to one person and $49 to the other person.
  5. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Yep, it happened right there!
    Wrong bathroom dolt!
    fmhuff, Gator 45/70 and AD1 like this.
  6. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    PSA: The blue shaded areas of Michigan do not currently have road construction.
    Ganado and ghrit like this.
  7. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Don't submersibles need roads?
  8. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I watch the TeeVee for a while and listen to all the people predicting the end of the world if Donnie gets elected.

    I get out my bicycle and ride. The wind and fresh air, all good. Then I remember, when Ronnie Ray-gun was running - I heard the same crap. I survived Raygun, I've survived Old 'Bammy (just barely) and I'm sure I'll survive anything that Donnie can start.

    As long as I have my bicycle and a nice sunny day to ride.
  9. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    If the day is too rainy to ride my bicycle, well, a few good friends can brighten my day. I'm sure your best friend is good for a smile for you too, eh?
    Last edited: May 3, 2016
  10. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    better than a little baby....
    tbf8170, fmhuff, Tully Mars and 7 others like this.
  11. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    I'm not the only one happy that winter is over....
    Gator 45/70, 3M-TA3 and chelloveck like this.
  12. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    People do not like change even if the change has no real effect .
    Once while working in a shop , the guys would get rough housing and throw things around .
    Well the wall clock got broken so they threw it away, and I salvaged it, and repaired it, but I did something .
    I rigged it to run back words, and made a new face to match .
    It still kept time, but you had to read it and pay attention, and they hated it with a passion, so I took it down before they broke it again
    Small minds have difficulty adjusting.
  13. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

  14. Airtime

    Airtime Monkey+++

    I was going to just drop this and not reply to Ganado's comments and maybe we should move this to a new thread. However, it happened yet again just today.

    I purchased a couple sandwiches at Rally's (Checkers in some locales). The bill was $4.28. I handed the person at the window first a nickel and a quarter and said, "that is for the 28." then handed them a 10 spot and said, "that is for the 4." I get back $5.01. I told her is was incorrect and she was completely flummoxed. Had to get the manager. Sorry, Granado, it had nothing to do with me first handing a ten and then, Oh wait, let me give you 30 cents and them shifting gears and re-figuring my change. Nor did I suggest these people were "stupid," those were G's words. I said the people who can't figure out basic math problems (the shirt problem) are often also the ones who struggle to handle change at a fast food register. I have worked a cash register all day long and handled multiple tasks along with it, (like run a store simultaneously,keep my mechanics working, answering their and customer questions, cover the phones, etc,) . I have had people work for me handle a cash register. It ain't the technology and it isn't that hard, sorry G.

    One could ask if people in our society are just fundamentally of lower IQ than they were 40 years ago. I doubt it but even if so, not enough to explain the now too common inability to handle very simple math these days.

    One could suggest it is the education system. Yeah, that has unfortunately changed a lot over 4 decades. Probably a huge host of reasons many of which are factors well outside the control of the teachers (my wife teaches math so I am close to some of this.)

    But for HK's and many other's entertainment, please watch this video as it paints a very good representation of the state of math education in too many school systems. (my wife rejected these texts and uses her own such as Saxon. Interestingly the state standardize testing math scores for her students often tend to be statistically above the school system norm and she is not assigned the better students, for a good reason).

    After watching this you may have a better appreciation of potential reasons for the inability of some working a cash register to deal with change.

  15. zombierspndr

    zombierspndr Monkey

    Those "math" systems must have been designed and engineered by germans.... Nothing like a $100 solution to a ten cent problem, and no reason to use a single part when you can use fifteen to accomplish the same thing. [​IMG]

    ETA: my last name is german, and apparently the family brewery is still going strong somewhere over there.
  16. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    That's because it forgets where it hides 90% of it!
    Wild Trapper and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  17. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    Wow , I took schooling in the 60's & only know the first way she showed. The rest ?? No wonder why we have kids who NEED a Calc to figure half of 5.00 is 2.50 .. I have seen folks need one just to do simple mind math.

    AND that Woman in the video is using MIND MATH & the folks who use a calculator , couldn't figure half of what she said .
    Common Core math ? Is that what there teaching ? Seen this in Walmart USA & Government stores in Canada . Im not any wizard , but speed dial & always grabbing for the phone / calculator seems to make brain mush.
    I remember flash cards .
    Airtime and chelloveck like this.
  18. Wild Trapper

    Wild Trapper Pirate Biker

    Try using one of these at a Wal-Mart or anywhere there are young cashiers.
  19. Gray Wolf

    Gray Wolf Monkey+++

    The problem is that schools do not teach students how to think. If a student does not see a question presented word for word exactly as they have answered it before, they cannot think of the answer, even if they have been taught the information they need to answer the question.
  20. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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