When I was a child a friend of mine had a bunch of large brass bullet casings ( I have no idea what caliber but they were probably an inch and a half in diameter, maybe larger) He drilled a small hole right at the lip and tied fishing string to them and a bobber. He did not bait them in anyway , just placed them in a stream bed near rocks. We would go back an hour or so later and pulled the strings and most of them would have crawdads in the shells.
crawfish gumbo yum!! I love okra in it but I cant seem to make it where it isn't slimy from the okra..... any good southern tips for using okra and not letting it go slimy?
hmmmm 1.5 inch, that sounds like 40mm or 37mm. I have thrown a ton of the 40mm ones in brass and steel away in 22 years Navy service. Mudbug traps you say. Might be able to find a source for some.
the A-10 close support tank buster aircraft uses this 30mm. It might well work as is or you could cut them off behind the shoulder. any aircrew folks out there who could help a bother out with some spent cases? That is a 30-06 round next to it
found this warthog "inert" NOT, dummy 30mm round on a stopped sale on ebay. the pic in the previous post was a dummy round and blue indicates inert. Item:4220654 30 mm. GAU / 8 Dummy Round - A 10 Warthog For Sale at GunAuction.com . still looking for source
I don't know what they were, but they spanned my hand in length, and had no shoulder. If I recall @40-45 years back, he had about 20 of them. The craw dad's seemed to like them as a place to hide.
Brass casings obviously work. Copper tube, capped off at one end would probably work, too. But that's expensive metal, these days. Why not just whip up a dozen or so with 1-1/2" or 2" PVC pipe, say a foot long (@$0.66 ea, at Home Depot), plus an end cap made from any old food can or plastic jar lid that fits. PVC caps are moderately expensive, so recycle something that isn't. Mudbugs like it deep & dark, so paint the inside of each tube black, & maybe screw on a fishing weight to make them sit solid. By the time you set out 24 and went back to the first one to start hauling them in, you'd probably have a pretty good mess of mudbugs caught, just a-waitin' for the cookpot.
Mud bugs. I see you're not a GRITS or Girls Raised In the South. Try breading okra. A search for breaded okra will show a lot of hits. From there it is find the one the family likes the most.
i love fried okra, but in gumbo I can't get rid of the slime. I have had it without the slime but I haven't figured out how to cook it
Saute(fry) it in cornmeal or almond meal. Hi heat to sear/brown it If you are doing gumbo, then dont worry about it as it will help thicken the mix
found this warthog "inert" NOT, dummy 30mm round on a stopped sale on ebay. the pic in the previous post was a dummy round and blue indicates inert. Item:4220654 30 mm. GAU / 8 Dummy Round - A 10 Warthog For Sale at GunAuction.com Unless my eyesight is failing me it is a dummy round based on the hex nut holding the round together... Blue is TP (Target Practice ) or inert depending on whether or not the case has a primer instead of a hex nut... I used to do a lot of work with the system when I was in the AF...