The town that abuts our community is an old mill town that attracted a large population of island immigrants when the thread and textile mills supported the community. When the mills closed in the 1960's and 1970's, the people stayed on but there is little to no other work in the area. The result is a population that includes about 70% welfare recipients, a massive drug and prostitution presence. Crime is rampant. This is not a city but a a town with a population of about 17,000. This past Monday, my friend Barry had come into the shop around 5am and worked all day. He left about 7 at night and stopped at a very nice and well lit Cumberland Farms gas station in the abutting town. He went inside to grab a coffee and when he was approaching cashier, the guy in front of him who was wearing a ball cap with the brim pulled low and a hoodie over his head and had, spilled his own coffee all over the counter. Barry, being a helpful kind of guy, reached out and spread his arm across the counter to the coffee wouldn't drip into the candy rack beneath. While Barry and the cashier were trying to get the coffee mopped up, he put his keys on the counter for a minute. When he went outside to to get in his van, he discovered he didn't have his keys. However, they weren't inside the gas station. He got the manager to run the surveillance tape and low and behold, the guy who spilled his coffee had slipped Barry's keys into his pocket and left immediately. To make a very long story just a little shorter, the police were called and they explained that this is a common crime. The key thief waits nearby but out of sight and when the vehicle owner leaves either by calling for a ride or walking home, they simply steal the car or at the very least, the content. Since Barry's van was loaded with 3 laptop computers, thousands of dollars worth of Drones, and high tech video equipment that he uses with the drones, there was no way he was going to leave the vehicle. So he climbed in and stayed there all night waiting for the locksmith to open in the morning. In the end, it cost him $180 to get the new can keys. Talk about a long night! He did entertain us with stories of the characters that came and went into the station or through the parking lot during the night. They were all of the low-life variety. The cautionary tale is to beware of putting your keys anyplace but in your own pocket.
My friend in the local police dept told me the latest one here is sitting in a car and watching you leave, calling on a cell phone and checking to see if anyone is home, driving up and robbing the place while their buddy watches from a distance and calls if anyone returns. They like to use vans with the magnetic signs that say heating service etc.. Reached the point that here in rural NH we are very paranoid about any vehicles on our roads and if you stop to make a phone call, illegal to drive and use a phone here, we will call the cops. That is now, not after TSHTF.
We always watch our neighborhood. We have all neighbors in a phone list, and work together, to keep an eye on each other's properties.
Two very good posts. Anything not routine in your ordinary day can be a setup, the start of a scam or some other bad situation. Always beware the unusual. Today I went to a restaurant where I breakfast frequently, and overheard a bitter argument at the counter between the manager and a cook she had just fired (for cause: he apparently wouldn't do his job). I watched him like a hawk until he left, loudly promising to come back later and clock in as usual. After that, I watched the door like a hawk, in case he decided to arm up and clock in early. Would I have gotten involved? I was already involved. Just by being at his possible ground zero. So I changed position in the booth to be able to get out fast, and to more readily access defensive opportunities. Nothing bad happened. Breakfast was great, and I'm still living happily everafter.
Wow! Thanks @RightHand for sharing that. I would never have thought someone would do that, as it seems alot of work. I had a friend text me on how to avoid having you pin stolen. Apparently when you enter your pin in a store or bank you leave infrared finger prints for up to 20 minutes so a guy with a infra red camera app on his phone can just take a picture right behind you and get your pin. 80% success rate in getting 4 and 5 digit pins. SOLUTION when entering your pin, rest your other fingers on several other numbers.
Another pick up technique is graphite dust on the buttons. If your fingers come away with gray fingertips, wipe down the entire face plate. (The buttons you pushed will be cleaner than the rest.)
Big problem with cell phones is the lack of a phone book. While that makes your number "unlisted", if you wish someone to contact you, Craig's list, add in paper, etc, you not only give your number, but with that and your name, and the computer, they can find out who you are, how old you are, if you have anything worth stealing, how much your house is worth etc and if you apply for credit, a mortgage, a different job, insurance, etc they have a very good dossier on you. My mother in law had diabetes, and although she has been dead for several years, we are still getting adds to our mailbox and phone calls for services used by diabetic. Can't prove anything, but I think the drug companies sell the lists. My personal bias is that OPSEC is as important now as it will be after SHTF and that the most important is local. I fear my drug abusing neighbor many times more than any golden hoard in the future. If he knew about them, he would steal my firearms and trade them for drugs and no matter what he may say or think, he would do it in a heartbeat if he needed drugs. My big problem with security is at 78, I often can't even comprehend all the scams that are out there. Lost everything on my last computer to someone in Poland who encripted the data and said he would sell me the key needed to use it. I wouldn't pay, but no one I talked to could help recall it or had any interest in punishing the thief.
Where are your keys? I still use the keyring that snaps on your belt loop. When I pull them from the ignition, onto my belt loop they go. This accomplishes a couple things. I snap it on as I pull them from the ignition, hence I don't lock them in my vehicle. Secondly, I always know where they are. Make it a habit and pretty soon it becomes second nature.
@TailorMadeHell that is one strategy. And its great except for the one time you aren't automatic or get distracted or until you get pickpocketed. I can lift keys off of any one's belt.
I'll not say it couldn't happen, however anyone around me is under massive scrutiny at all times. I don't play the distracted part. I avoid crowds where that is easy. I maintain a personal bubble for my comfort and safety. Then my mind is always hyper vigilant, even in my sleep. The same things that distract most people don't even phase me. I'll give a 2% chance it could happen and that's being generous. The part about not being automatic is not going to happen. I suffer, or am blessed, by OCD. Even when I lock a door, I will lock it, check it, unlock it, relock it and check it again. To the tune of three. By the time I got out of my jeep, I've checked my belt three times to check the keys are there. Set time on a clock? Yep. Three times. Turn off a light, and you guessed it. The average person I can see this happening to, though I'm not average.
This is a great thread. I'm always open for a little bit of tradecraft. My motto is that it's always better to be sly than die. @Ganado Ah, Hah! Are you the one they were calling Lightfinger Lucille in the Hamptons back in 93/94? I was really quite jealous... (It's the wink, right?)
I always keep a spare key in the back pocket of my trousers. No one is going to lift it out of my pocket without me feeling it. there are benefits to having a big butt and tight pants
Keys, got to many. I have to shake myself down before I leave home and make sure I have the right keys for the vehicle I'm driving. I always put my keys in the left hand pocket if summer and the right hand coat pocket if winter.
I think that having a routine is the most important thing. I always put my keys in the exact same places all the time. That avoids overtaxing the old brain
If anyone is following me to check out which pocket I hold my keys in then more power to them. My hands are in and out of my pockets dozens of times a day. I'm a pocket person
If your car has a keyless remote: Hackers are blamed for a third of car thefts Thieves using a $17 device to break into cars with keyless systems