Donald Strumpet will sell his political @ss to anyone.....

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by chelloveck, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I think I answered that. Air drop them back home. Parachutes for those who pay Thier own way.
    chelloveck likes this.
  2. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    That means round up millions of armed people and riots, correct?
    chelloveck likes this.
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    It does. But it means the same thing if you close off the tap. At least this way, when the smoke clears, there is an upside.
    3cyl and chelloveck like this.
  4. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    As the would leave all by themselves; cutting them off is cheaper.

    I have nothing against them except they are bankrupting this nation, they ignore our laws, they've "gifted" us with diseases America hasn't seen in decades. It is time, actually it is long overdue to cut off the free cheese.
    Hanzo and chelloveck like this.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Chello, so we understand what we are talking about, here is the First Amendment:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances​

    I was educated to be a journalist, but took a different path when I realized that the entire industry (at the time) was entirely under the control of a liberal agenda. Trump suing for libel does not undermine freedom of the press. It instead holds them accountable to report the truth as opposed to the blatant falsehoods and half truths designed to support their agenda.

    The hallmark of a liberal is the total inability to even attempt to understand an opposing view. One of the tenants of liberalism is that the end justifies the means, so truthfully the US press destroyed itself long before any of your irrational nightmares could play out, not that they will. Trump is putting them on notice that if they don't do their due diligence to make certain that their facts are correct and to report them without spin that there will be consequences.

    Now there are people working to undermine the First Amendment and they are public schools, many of which impose speech codes that prevent students from using prohibited words that are elsewhere commonplace. They also actively work to prevent student access to conservative speakers under the guise of "hate speech". After they get called out its always a regrettable mistake, but strangely it never happens to liberal speakers or prisoners famous for murdering cops. Also note the use of Free Speech Zones typically placed far away from other events so the speakers will never be heard. Yes, chello, the First Amendment is under attack in the US and this is where your outrage should lie if its at all sincere.

    Close, but its the other way around - The Second guarantees the First and all the others. Should the Second fall, the First will fall within moments. Should the the First fall before the Second, then the Second will be activated.

    Also, if you think Trump doesn't like criticism you should see Hillary "It Doesnt Matter" Clinton take criticism. Pretty much any of them reacts badly, though most in private while they discuss how to pay you back.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
  6. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    It is going to be Trump versus Clinton. Its over for the others. There could be a push to try and stop them or a third party like Bloomberg. The best thing now is figure out how to control who ever gets elected. Congress still has lots of power. What is way funny is that The Kochs bros (who the democrats hate) are attacking Trump . And when Trump gets the nom ? My guess is these two globalists back Hillary. Hillary is worse .
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    One can always count on you to promote interesting discussion. I thank you. :):)
    Furthermore, I will most definitely give you my vote for President if you keep your word about using illegals as organ donors.......that's so sick it's not even funny LOL!!!! :):):) But, talk about solution oriented ' out of the box' thinking! Wow! You're definitely the type of person we need in this dire hour of our country history! :)

    You're right. Donald doesn't like criticism and if you punch him he punches back, twice as hard. It's how he does business and he doesn't back down. And, as an American president, maybe that is good because in my book it is better to be feared than loved by our country's friends, neighbors and others...

    Like most on the forum, I am not crazy about Trump but his message is resonating with the masses because - and let's be truthful - we hate Congress. We hate those do-nothing, non-representing representatives. Plus, he at least has corporate knowledge (real business experience), he calls a spade a spade, and he is saying what most people think and want. We want and need a result oriented president not some wishy-washy politician.

    I will admit that I like Bernie's idea of Single-Payer health care because it is our ONLY way out of this healthcare mess...countries as smart as ours have beat this horse to death but we refuse to learn from them. And, no, I am not a Socialist nor am I a Communist, Conservative, Liberal, or Libertarian (I actually was the latter until recently when disagreed with part of their agenda). I guess I am a Free Thinker, an Independent...

    Yeah...this Bloomberg thing is kinda scary and exactly what they would do to split the vote.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2016
    chelloveck likes this.
  8. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    The establishment fear him because he will end the globalist world order built by Bush and Clinton . Look folks every single chart on economic facts shows a slide that started in 1989 right about the same time we started down the road to Open borders, free trade with communists etc. 1988 we had a 19 billion PER YEAR dollar trade surplus. Today it is a deficit over half a trillion PER YEAR. The debt has grown 17 trillion since we took this direction. It is time to hit reset and return to moderate protectionism. Repeal all of the trade deals and regain national sovereignty and Independence from the Global system that we helped to create. Make sense??
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2016
  9. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Taku likes this.
  10. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    He is hiking out so far to starboard that he's apt to capsize the boat.
    chelloveck and Bandit99 like this.
  11. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    President Eisenhower's Operation Wetback:
    How Eisenhower Dealt With America’s First Illegal Crisis

    No wonder folks said "I like Ike"

    An interesting point:
    "Within one month 50,000 illegals had been captured and deported, while nearly half a million more fled the country to avoid arrest. By September 80,000 more illegals had been removed from the state of Texas alone, and between 500,000-700,000 more had fled the country."
  12. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Being truthful is not one name in any book that could seriously be applied to Alex Jones...or InfoWars.

    Alex J and InfoWars are no more a threat to "the left", (whatever that term may mean other than to yourself), than The Young Turks are to "the right". InfoWars and The Young Turks are pure entertainment, the only difference being, that The Young Turks don't take themselves as seriously as Alex J takes of himself.

    You are half correct.....Alex Jones is not particularly eloquent....but eloquence is not what his audience expects, requires or demands. As to being truthful....that is a very malleable weasel word to describe the political product that Alex Jones is shilling. What he is largely promoting is his opinion which does not require any supporting evidence whatsoever, to an audience which is not all that discerning about what is true or not true....He sells what his audience wants to hear. Be it true or some variable deviation from what is true, it matters long as his listeners continue to tune in and buy his product. Political and social issues are sources of entertainment that he formulates to satisfy and entertain a conservative demographic. He is the illusionist that creates the impression that his daggers penetrate anything other than in the imaginations of the gullible.

    I'm not so certain that "the left hates him", and I don't think that parodying him is quite the same as demonizing him. Alex Jones is no demon...he is a joke. Not a particularly funny joker, but a joke none the less.

    Yes....Indeed he is. He's laughing all the way to the bank, ably supported and enriched by folks such as yourself. It's a very financially rewarding gig for him.

    Bandit99 likes this.
  13. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Don't worry ghrit....there's a shopping cart full of doomsday submersible bunkers in his InfoWars store, just for concerned folks such as just a reasonable$$$$$$$$ ;)
  14. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I think ghrit may have been referring to this kind of maritime acrobatics.....

    Via: Onboard a 49er, Sydney Harbour. | sealaunay

    Lose the wind out of the sails and gravity does the rest......Alex Jones's saving grace thus far is that his capacity for wind production seems almost infinite. :ROFLMAO:
  15. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I listen to Alex Jones sometimes and like him but sometimes...he just goes out there too far and I think that hurts him, his credibility, and it also hurts those of us that are a bit more right of center than most. However, he did recently convince me to look again at the 9/11 building #7; I always thought something was fishing with its collapse. And, I came across an article in Washington Post that The Security Exchange Commission office was there who were about to go public on corporate fraud and a missing $2.6T - something so big it would have tanked Wall Street. Now, do a leap of faith that Flight 93 should have crashed into it but some brave people had a different idea so they had to blow it anyway and... well... I now have doubts. And, Alex Jones is responsible for this.

    Now, on this broadcast, I think he (Alex) is spot on. I do think the Republican Party is freaked because they got a candidate that they cannot control. I say good. I think Rubio looks like a choir boy in a nice suit and I think Ted connection to Wall Street via his wife cannot be ignored. I think there are many world leaders watching and they are freaked as well because Donald is known to them and he is a tough negotiator and a renown nationalist - so - if he gets in then it will not be business as usual.

    I am a bit shocked by Roger Stone's prediction of Mitt Romney however...frankly, I find that a bit much to swallow and I couldn't see the Republican party doing something so obviously and blatantly in-your-face-voters unless they were truly desperate because it could very well backfire and ruin the party for good.

    @Tikka reference the illegals here in the country. When people try to tell me that it is not possible to send them all back - well - I simply agree and tell them that is why they are going to leave on their own. I'm sorry but they got to go. We are a nation of laws or we are not. And, it really is quite simple to get them gone...and anyone who says different just plainly wants to keep them here. PLUS we need new immigration laws. I have made my points clear on that in many other threads. The days of "give us your tired and poor" are finished. We want "the best and brightest" steal a phrase. We don't need ditch diggers. We need doctor, engineers, etc. and when we fill those quotas then we can scroll down to ditch diggers.
    pearlselby and 3M-TA3 like this.
  16. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Everyone knows how long a highway project takes. I drove by one for a few years. At first they were using a shovel; in time they were driving heavy equipment.
    I see electricians and plumber's helpers with poor English. In a few years, they will be doing the job.

    When our people got off the "boat," they got a job because there wasn't "free stuff." We need people who want to be one of us, an American and not those who are here for a free ride.
    Bandit99, Taku, 3M-TA3 and 1 other person like this.
  17. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    Yes, @Tikka, that is how you deal with it. Just like IKE! Thank you for the link. It ha been awhile since I read it.
    Taku likes this.
  18. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Please don't get me started on the US Immigration system...Oh this is going to ruin my day... Where's the Scotch?

    Our immigration system - is a friggin lottery and you have about as much chance winning...

    Yes, you might be able to get a student visa because the it brings money to our education system. Yes, you might be able to get a worker's visa but only of you are sponsored. Should you happen to marry an American then yes you are granted a permanent resident visa (after 6 months worth of paperwork and a lot of money) unless they happen to find something on you which they won't because they do NOT check themselves leaving it to the local police...which in most the countries are not reliable and YOU pick up the docs from the police. Next, if you happen to be a 'direct blood relation' - meaning - you are a brother, sister, mother or father of someone that has a green card then you can bring them over - maybe. So, that leaves just our Muslim asylum seekers for which they basically throw the book away and open the gates, plus give them financial aid and la-tee-da.

    But, if you wish to immigrate then you stick your name in the lottery system. Yes, lottery system - how 'Land of Opportunity' buy a friggin lottery ticket!

    Many years ago, I looked at immigrating to Australia and to South Africa...they were offer deals to professionals. I started to go through both processes (then changed my mind) so I do not only know about ours (since got my wife a Green Card) but about how other countries handle visa. Out system is ridiculous and I understand completely why workers slip over the borders or people get a tourist visa then don't go back. The former has no option and the latter has not reason not to do so - besides most are young women and they marry then their overstay is ignored and they are processed for green card.

    "So, what is your problem, Rick?" My problem is because the devil is in the details, the system is broke or doesn't exist, it is ALL open to personal interpretation so that they can deny or pass anyone because they don't like the look of them and you cannot arbitrate the decision and to add insult to injury they change you $130 to simple tell you - "No." The legal paperwork is outrageous! Plus, one needs to spend quite a bit on hotels, medicals, plane tickets. It cost me $5000 plus plenty of brow sweat to get my wife's card. Ask anyone who has done it. It's a mess... And, as an American citizen don't try to bring a relation over for a simple visit stating and taking personal and financial responsibility for them but if you are a Muslim refugee - "Sure! Ma'shallah! No problem."

    I dislike the State Dept as much as I dislike the Congress - there, I said it. So, take that into consideration...but I am an expert on the subject. And, I have lots of reasons to dislike these SOBs. Most if not all of them ran when things got hot, they're pompous and pampered and consider themselves our betters which I will tell you plainly makes me very, very angry.

    In summary, our Immigration policy is at least as screwed up as out of date tax code...
    chelloveck likes this.
  19. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I enjoy history and have since I was a kid.

    Once they know "they" are coming and the free stuff is over, they are gone. It's not personal, same as everyone here there are material things I would love to have and cannot afford or choose not to spend my hard earned money on. Point is, we cannot afford them. Their presence here steals from our own needy, our Seniors and our Veterans. They steal from you, me and all of us. Every dollar wasted on them could rebuild America's infrastructure, send our young deserving children to college or a trade school. How about a Dream Act for Americans, 0bama?
    Taku, 3M-TA3, pearlselby and 2 others like this.
  20. pearlselby

    pearlselby Monkey++

    @Tikka, good post. I think it could happen just like you say. I remember all the rioting in Houston and they said all we want is money. I am glad to be in North Texas now. The ones here are hard working and came here legally. The get along with everyone. I am proud to be friends with those.
    Houston being a sanctuary city is going to bite them. Our governor is going to do something about those 3 cities, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio too. We do not even get close to those places anymore.
    There are items we too would like to buy, but, we pick and chose too. They are stealing from everyone and one day it will stop.

    Dream act for Americans. What a thought.
    Taku likes this.
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