Spring steel is not for knives only, and has me thinking of where I may get some scrape from in my area..
Have a couple around the shed right now, however am thinking it may be something to have on hand in some quantity..
I have a couple leaf's from an old spring I found out in the woods.. It is much narrower than those off a pickup.. Have pondered just what type of knife I could make from that spring.. Has a hole in the middle that presents a natural half point.. Call me crude, but I have long favored a knife made from old files for a general utility belt knife.. A knife for me is a tool and needs to be crafted to be used every day... Have one now that had glued on wood handles that have fallen off.. Edit= It is my intention to correct this failure of the knife by annealing two spots and drilling them out so that I can secure the handles on, as they should have been in the first place..
when I make a knife from a saw blade all I use is a zip cutter -grinding wheel -belt sander drill press and different grades of sandpaper for my palm sander from 60 grit to 2000 grit and when I’m done you can shave with it and it keeps a fine edge for a long time
Old saw blades are great material... and yup... a little determination and patience... with a plan... and anyone can make a knife or tool that will serve them well... even without power tools or electricity.... Good stuff @marlas1too