Earthbag House for $5,000?

Discussion in 'Off Grid Living' started by Motomom34, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    I wish it was that simple.
  2. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Me too. Unfortunately, that is one of the reasons I no longer reside in my homeland (US). I have almost NO government regulation to concern myself with, here in Cambodia. The Khmer government doesn't care what I do, as long as I am in country legally and don't get involved with Khmers (physical confrontations). That's easy to avoid. They are, for the most part, a very laid back people.
  3. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I know that this has been discussed before but no one had a definite answer. I have heard that tires contain toxins in them. I was discouraged from planing in them though some say it is fine. So if one was to build a house from tires, especially in winter when things are heated, could the tires be harmful to your health?
  4. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Using recycled means using the unknown. So yes until there is a way to run the specs on each tire then you are working with an unknown source. Yet another reason to have concrete surface on the walls.
  5. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    What you are really saying is that a code less society is best.
    Having seen a lot of the world and the poor construction I want none of that.
    But as you have said, if you want quality you purchase US Made.
    Which is it?
  6. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    I said no such thing. For the most part, I believe I make my points fairly clearly stated. However, I guess it wasn't as clearly stated as I would like it to have been in my previous post.

    What I meant was, I don't like a lot of government interference in my life. I feel as though, if I, you, or anyone else here owns a piece of land, they should not be dictated to by the local, state, or federal government as to what they can do with that land, what they can, or cannot build on it, etc.

    I believe that most people, certainly those who are intelligent enough to read and / or join forums such as this one, certainly are capable of doing the appropriate research and asking the right questions, to perform - or to pay someone else to perform the tasks they have at hand. I'm sure most everyone here would prefer to have something done right the first time, rather than to do it half-a55ed, later to be doing it again.

    As my dear ol' departed pappy used to say, "I am three times seven. I know what is best for me. I don't need the government, or anyone else telling me what is." I just like smaller government and one that works for the people of the nation. Not one that dictates to the people of said nation.

    Having lived abroad for the better part of the last two decades, I have been able to appreciate that, and doing so cheaper than I could have back home.

    Yes, I do appreciate quality products made by Americans, and citizens from other westernized countries. That has no bearing on what I was referring to, regarding some inspector coming on my property and telling me I have to dig up, remove and replace an entire septic system, because it does not meet local "code". Years prior to leaving the US to live abroad, I dealt with inspectors and other local government folks, many who had chips on their shoulders the size of Manhattan. They, often, would just not approve things solely because they were jerks, had sh*tty lives and wanted others to be as miserable as they were.

    I choose to live a happy, low stress, retired life.

    In these countries, the government stays out of its citizens lives, for the most part. So, while some things may be seriously lacking here, others make countries like this almost - "Heaven on Earth".
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  7. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

  8. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    @HK_User, If you do not give me the courtesy to quote specific sections and reply to them, rather than replying within my own quote tags, I see no reason in returning the courtesy. (On some forums that is against the rules, as it makes it appear as though the quoted person stated everything within the quote tags.)

    I will just say this and then I am done with this topic, because we are getting too far off topic here - as far as I am concerned anyway.

    I was merely a child during the time of Khmer Rouge. (I retired fairly young as well, at 34 years of age.) I couldn't tell you what was going on here during the '70's. Hell, I barely remember anything about Nixon or Ford.

    The little I know about the Khmer Rouge is, the senior siblings in my g/f's family were murdered during those years, along with probably 2 million citizens of this country. Only she and two elder siblings remain, aside from her parents, who are now quite elderly. I cannot post my personal and honest thoughts on the topic, though. (Posting negative comments against the Royal Family can get you in deep doo-doo in these countries.)

    Regarding codes & regulations: That's fine. You live with them. Personally, I don't have to. You continue letting the government, whether they be local, state, or federal, to dictate to you. I, however, refuse to live that way.

    The limit of control the US government has on me is only by way of the State Department. And, if you know anything about traveling outside the US, then you know they don't give two sh*ts about US Citizens, unless you are active military (READ: US government property).

    For the record, most of the properties here, well, where I live anyway, are at least several hectares (~2.5 Ac = 1 Ha). What others do with, or on their own properties does not involve, nor does it concern me. Most are merely poor rice farmers just trying to eke out a living anyway. I am neighborly here and try to help others when and where I can, though. That is all I need. I'm as happy as a tick on a dog's a$$.

    Have a good day, sir.
    Yard Dart and Cruisin Sloth like this.
  9. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Fine with me, even if you failed to notice the software did not work according to what I expected.

    It seems that you take most things straight to the personal level then seek a quick way out.

    But you are under that Government where you live and seem to want to ignore that fact. But you do admit this. "(Posting negative comments against the Royal Family can get you in deep doo-doo in these countries.)" so you are not as free as you want us to believe.

    I fail to see why you believe you are so free. Free, sure from any controls from any other country you may have lived in US or Other.
    Now you admit that you are deathly afraid of the Government where you now live.

    That's not what I call free.

    Carry on.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
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