I love this idea. @CATO and I were talking about this method and he mentioned a cross-ways method also. I think this is one of the better ideas for a cooking then heating campfire. Definitely would need drier wood.
If you don't have a chainsaw to saw the cuts into a log, you can just tie logs together. Or even just pound them into the ground with space for tinder and kindling material. Will work as well. Just gotta be more careful with the stability if you are going to cook on top. Another great reason to carry some wire with you!
I really like the idea that you can carry one or more pre-split logs with you and pretty much set up anywhere, start it quickly, and have it last. Should work well with a piece of mesquite which burns hot, low flame, little smoke, and for hours. Great idea.
On of the best of fires, especially in snow or on swampy ground. The thinner the diameter of the sticks the faster and higher the fire will burn. Pack thin sticks tightly together and tie them, and you can get a pretty good imitation of a split log. If you think about it, a Swedish Fire is a linear Rocket Stove. You can start with rainsoaked sticks and quarter/split/shave them to expose the dry wood inside. Just a few will start the fire, then the fire will very efficiently dry the remaining wood. Vertical sharp edges catch quick and burn hot.
I liked that aspect as well, the other thing I liked was that if you are finished for the night just break the log apart and let coals die, use the same logs again on another occasion. It is a primitave rocket stove. I was thinking about what to use to cook on it. If I had a really tall grill made then wouldnt have to bend over so far for cooking.
Could probably use, and there's a name for them which escapes me at the moment, one of those tripods with the chain that dangles in the center from which a pot or Dutch oven could be suspended above the flame.
That is a great idea! IF you find one will you post a link? I will do some searching, and I guess it would mean I would have to take an exact log size with me. To get the height correct. Just thinking out loud