TOTM - November 2015 OPSEC

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by ghrit, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

  2. NVBeav

    NVBeav Monkey+++

    BTP - thanks for the reminder on the white paper; that is a paper we all need to look over periodically! It "caused" me to spend a bunch of time investigating RNGs... a rabbit trail that convinced me to not attempt my own.

    Actually what I'm looking for is something different. Unfortunately, I've learned that I don't communicate my ideas very well, and this is one of those times!

    What I'm trying to find is ideas to organize and prioritize "emergency levels" for family. To me, this is the entry stage to OPSEC, and just writing this is helping to formulate ideas and questions. Lists are important for me because they're thought out beforehand; in the face of disaster you may not be able to think clearly.

    It was interesting to hear my family's reaction while bringing this up at lunch time. Here is a short outline, of what I'm working on; it needs branching, organization, and food for thought...
    Emergency Level 1: [You hear on the news there's an earthquake in the vicinity.]
    • Use terse, unambiguous communication to see if everything is good with family (emergency code words used for brevity and to indicate complete seriousness intended and required in return).
    • Responses need to indicate a level of response: "Dad, it's L3 now!"
    • Can still use unsecured devices
    Emergency Level 2: [You hear yelling/fighting in the street near your house.]
    • Go to assigned observance location.
    • Etc.
    Emergency Level 3: [You hear gunfire nearby.]
    • Heightened security, concealment, cover
    • Assignments for observation
    • Assignments for communication
    Emergency Level 4: [Rioting nearby.]
    • Pre-designated locations and assignments
    • BOBs
    Emergency Level 5:
    • Should have bought that isolated land and moved there
    • Secured communication only, leave Dodge City

    Levels are more or less opinions based on needs. There are so many variables and that's what makes this a difficult project.

    Ganado and Dont like this.
  3. Some prepaid cards cost more than others. Other than that they are all the same.
  4. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Preps must include defensive postures. Why, well if you are well prepared those who aren't will want what your preps and it is just that simple. Defensive postures include interlocking fields of fire, NV, break wires, and real nasty "stuff" etc.
    The short form, it isn't a cookbook until one has all the ingredients. The problem is other guy has a brain the same as we do. His need for surprise must be negated. The way to negate is simply make it more than he wants to spend.
    Dont, 3M-TA3 and BTPost like this.
  5. medic4049

    medic4049 Monkey

    Or levels are really basic, and I don't really give levels. First is disaster means you let everyone know your ok and we all head home (and we have bug home bags just in case). Cell phones, email, text. .....if situation warrants, we go out in pairs to retrieve family members. Before leaving,we have a message box that is very indiscreet. A message such as "dad nd mom heading to schools. Should be back by ..... john, joe, and Mary are ok nd headed here" this is so we know who is ok, where people are, and who is checking on who.

    After a period of time if we need to leave a cryptic message, we each (the 2 other families that make up our larger family unit) have a library of 3 books. We have a book one code, book 2 code, book 3 code. This allows us to leave messages. Our codes are no good for people using different versions or editions or anything but the specific books. If we are using this it is very bad times.

    I only see 3 levels for my family to remember 1) is day to day
    2) disaster has hit and we are seeing what plays out. We are bugging in.
    3) things have deteriorated and we are looking at all plans and move as a group to new place.
    NVBeav likes this.
  6. I am not as dedicated to "prepping" as everyone should be. Started reading Mel Tappan in guns"n"ammo while Carter was in the White house, subscribed to several magazines. Best one was the original A.S.G. New one is mostly adverts for over-priced gear. I read "Alas Babylon" in high school, one thing stuck with me. If we were separated when tshf, I told my wife and daughter we would use "Alas Babylon" as a verbal alert to head for the farm.
    Tully Mars, Motomom34 and medic4049 like this.
  7. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    It is you will fight like you've trained, so train like you intend to fight. No one ever said you will fight as you've read, so read like you intend to fight. As Forest Gump said that is all I gotta say about that. ;)

    That being said, I love to read.
    Tully Mars, chimo and Yard Dart like this.
  8. Sapper John

    Sapper John Analog Monkey in a Digital World

    I hope you don't plan on stealing to survive and living off the work of others. How did you plan on getting the stolen goods out? A tactical wheelbarrow perhaps?
    chelloveck, Tully Mars, Bear and 3 others like this.
  9. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    The best post so far on OPSEC, even though I hate to say it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2016
    kellory, Ganado, Bear and 2 others like this.
  10. Mountainman

    Mountainman Großes Mitglied Site Supporter+++

    Know one other person like you (or the person your playing) and have to say that when SHTF people with that thinking, that are known, will be taken out first. Think about it because nerd spying goes both ways.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2015
    Tully Mars, Ganado, Bear and 2 others like this.
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I haven't posted in that thread for about a year. Last post I made was about putting away socks. Peterpiper is correct, it is a shopping list for the unsavory types. His post makes me uncomfortable but it is spot on correct, we give away more info then we know. Tighten it up monkeys.
    Ganado, Bear and kellory like this.
  12. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    Thanks @Motomom34 and @PeterPiper for the posts....

    This is a very timely reminder... we don't know what really goes on in the minds of members, friends, acquaintances or even family... depending on the circumstances and desperation ... it can be shocking indeed...

    And while disappointing to say the least... without the financial means to prepare for whatever reason... desire, need or interest... what would most people do to take care of loved ones... cold sick and hungry...

    I have a very good friend who lives on the mainland (thank goodness) who holds instructor degrees in a number of martial arts and has served as an arms and hand to hand instructor for our armed services... he is a God fearing man, with a Wife and children... the nicest man you can meet...

    The subject of preparations came up in a discussion over lunch when he visited... Money is tight and all their funds go to supporting his family and his interests...

    His plan... use what he owns and knows ... HKs and skills... to take what he needs for his family... quote "if it comes down to my wife and children and another family... that's an easy choice".... predator preparedness indeed.... and he has friends... call it a wolf pack... conversation ended there

    I was shocked and thankful he is on the mainland ....

    So yes @Motomom34 and @PeterPiper .... careful what you post... folks are watching and taking notes... don't kid yourself....

    Plan and prepare indeed... but also plan and prepare to have everything taken away ... and be thankful if you get to walk away with your health and life... then it comes down to what's between your ears ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving all!

    Take Care and God Bless,

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2015
    Tully Mars, Hanzo, Ganado and 6 others like this.
  13. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Unpleasant subject indeed.
    If you're tossed out of your BOL and lose your sources of food, water and shelter, you've not only lost all that you've worked and saved for, you're basically as good as dead. That makes it worth defending at just about all costs.
    chelloveck, Brokor and Mountainman like this.
  14. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    @kellory is good at scavenging. He scraps material all the time. He is big into recycling and not letting things go to waste.

    Anyways- back on topic.
    Thanks for the reminder. It is a sign of the world that people, evil people do stalk and prey on people. Not just in everyday life but also on-line. They say goodness will triumphant over evil. I sure hope so.
  15. ditch witch

    ditch witch I do stupid crap, so you don't have to

    If we ever do meet, I'll let you try my super secret Habanero and Castor Bean Bacon. I made a few packs for special occasions, like when unexpected company drops by. :)
  16. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    And most of those "people" wear badges or work for .GOV enterprise. The lone wolf concept isn't practical, although it can happen.
    I'm not so certain. I like to believe that in the end, but every day passing by gives us another glimpse of the future, and it's rather dark. With as many helpless and ignorant on the loose, how can "evil", as you call it, not win? I look at all of this as a necessary transition period, no matter how disturbing it is to call it so. The fact remains, most folks won't learn or listen to us -they ignore the warning signs and continue living their disposable yuppie dream. It will only take extreme change to bring about understanding. Maybe, before it is all over, we will have the strength in numbers to pull through. Although I am not a believer in the concepts of "good" and "evil" as others would, I do see these two forces at work in the universe, attempting to make order out of chaos as only nature can respectfully do.

  17. T. Riley

    T. Riley Monkey+++

    I do not think the "predator prepper" will last long. He will have to constantly fight to survive and sooner or later he will choose the wrong house, farm, etc. There will be those just as modivated and skilled willing to defend what they have and the group they protect. And, he will surprise no one. We will all be waiting for him.
    Tully Mars, Yard Dart, Ganado and 2 others like this.
  18. Bear

    Bear Monkey+++ Founding Member Iron Monkey

    Aloha Gang,

    Nice comments @Altoidfishfins @Motomom34 and @Brokor @T. Riley

    The fact that this may be getting under people's skin and bothering them is a sign in itself.

    Everyone has their "demons" ... this is an interest post that educates at a whole different level...

    Everyone deals with their "demons"... some learn fast... some slow... some hide... some anger... some cry... some die...

    I believe those "demons" that Peter is calling up in some folks, may just cause them to pause and might save them someday from the "predator peppers"... sadly like my friend I posted about that is thankfully far across the Pacific Ocean and his intentions... and friends...

    They (Demons and Predators) will be, come as and present themselves as God fearing folks, good people with families... who we will want to trust and come to like and call friends... maybe even include in our plans and tribe... until it comes down to their well being or yours... then they will transform... "Beware, Be Wary... Watch, Guard and Trust no one"...

    Be all of these things ... or risk the worse... being "Betrayed"....

    The "Last Plan" is the one where you are "Betrayed"... lose everything and are only left with regret, shame and despair.... it's the plan that keeps you alive when everyone else who was "Betrayed" is dead or dying... sadly along with their families and loved ones...

    So I say it's good to read a discomforting post like this... let people deal with their demons... gaze into the breach... scare the crap out of people... let them squirm, get angry and bothered... many may need it...

    Hopefully it makes us ponder all the things we hope to "Be"... and those we don't... like "Betrayed"... and just maybe ... start to think about that "Last Plan"... Brrrrrrrr.....

    I know it made me re-think, think and think again ;)

    Whatever the reason, intention or motive... Thanks @PeterPiper


    Have a wonderful week all!

    Take Care and God Bless,

    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
    NVBeav, Tully Mars, Yard Dart and 6 others like this.
  19. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I agree Bear. It's a part of survival that no one likes to think or talk about, but it can result in one's demise just as a lack of food, water, disease, accident or exposure to the elements would. Owing to the fact that desperate people have a brain and can be very unpredictable, this situation has the potential to be far more insidious - and violent.

    Maybe we need to think and talk about it a little more frequently. This is not to suggest that we should ever become comfortable with what may need to be done, but to learn to face the fact that it may need to be done.
  20. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Yes ma'am, I do scrap to fund my hunting, fishing, and lunches. And as Seacowboys could tell you, it can be very hard work. Salvage (as he does) is scrapping on a grand scale, but on water instead of land. It is a bit like panning for gold. A lot of labor for a tiny amount of color, but with the occasional nugget to reward your efforts.
    Bear and HK_User like this.
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